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BRKOD Buryat Republican Clinical Oncological Dispensary




+ Government of the Russian Federation


2021: Hospital construction, project completion

On December 13, 2021, it became known about the completion of the construction of an oncological dispensary, in which about 3.4 billion rubles were invested, including 1.4 billion rubles in medical equipment costs.

According to TASS with reference to the head of the capital construction department of the government of Buryatia Anatoly Urbanov, by mid-December 2021, construction and installation work on the hospital of the oncological dispensary in Ulan-Ude was carried out, and by the end of the year documents will be received allowing the commissioning of the facility.

Completed 10-year construction of an oncological dispensary in Ulan-Ude for a milliar


The total area of ​ ​ the oncology dispensary is about 19 thousand m2. The four-story building includes five intensive care units, a surgery unit and a 150-bed hospital.

The opening of the hospital is scheduled for 2022. By mid-December 2021, the doctors who will work there are being trained.

The construction and equipment of the oncological dispensary in Buryatia is being carried out under the federal project "Fight against oncological diseases" of the national project "Healthcare." The main goal of the national project is to reduce mortality and increase the life expectancy of Russians to 78 years or more.


The construction of an oncological dispensary in the capital of Buryatia began in 2011. In 2013, the first stage was put into operation - the building of radiation therapy. Work on the launch of the second stage, which includes the clinic, was suspended in 2016 due to lack of funding.

In February 2018, the government of Buryatia and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation signed an agreement on the allocation of 2.7 billion rubles from the federal budget, the work was continued. In the summer of 2019, a polyclinic was put into operation, designed for 250 visits per day. But in 2020, there were problems with the supply of equipment, then the timing of the opening of the hospital (the last stage of a large project) was postponed to 2021.[1]
