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Institute of scientific information on social sciences (INION) of RAS





+ Government of the Russian Federation

For January 29, 2017 the Institute of scientific information on social sciences (INION) of RAS is among the organizations subordinated to the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations.

It is created in 1969 on the basis of the Main Library of Social Sciences (MLSS) of Academy of Sciences of the USSR.


2019: The Cabinet of Ministers will select 6.8 billion rubles for recovery of the building of INION

The Government of the Russian Federation will select nearly 6.8 billion rubles in 2019-2021 for recovery of the building of Institute of scientific information on social sciences (INION) of RAS, the victim of the fire in 2015. The corresponding government decree is published on the official portal of legal information.

"Perform in 2019-2021 investments at the expense of the federal budget into recovery of the building of federal state budgetary institution of science of Institute of scientific information on social sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FGBUN the INION of RAS) to the address Moscow, Nakhimovsky Avenue, 51/21. The power which is subject to input - 38 thousand 530 sq.m, the term of commissioning - 2021", the document says. According to the resolution, in the forthcoming three years it is going to select 6 billion 754.1 million rubles.

In December, 2017 Olga Vasilyeva holding then a post of the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation expressed the need to recover a full-fledged work of Institute of scientific information on social sciences (INION) of RAS.

On January 30, 2015 in RAS INION library there was a fire. 5.7 million units of storage then suffered from fire and water. At the same time 35% from this fund are available as duplicates in branches of institute. Real losses are 15% of the general library stock INION.

2017: FAS made a complaint

On January 27, 2017 it became known of confrontation from FAS of RAS INION library on a point of order of purchase of the IT equipment. The customer, contrary to the instruction of the regulator, reviewed requests of participants of the ended auction and refused to all, including the winner, from participation in this procedure. FAS points to illegality of similar actions from the procurement participant.

The 350-million tender for delivery of a hardware-software complex from the point of view of the customer was left without winner. The institute of scientific information on social sciences (INION) posted on the website of state procurements the protocol of failure from signing of the contract. Repeated analysis of so-called first parts of applications for participation in the auction which already took place in the middle of December, 2016 is given in the document. According to the results of this analysis all three participants, including already selected winner, "are debarred from determination of the supplier"[1].

Possibly believe in INION that the contents of this protocol exempt the organization from need to perform the instruction of FAS issued on December 26, 2016 according to which INION is obliged to return till January 30, 2017 Infoskript companies the status of the winner and to send the contract to its address. FAS did not agree with such position of INION.

The contract managing associate director of the INION Vladimir Kachan by the time of an exit of material could not provide any additional comments of CNews. Its business phone did not answer, he ignored all letters of edition sent to its e-mail address from January 19, 2017 to January 27, 2017.

From the protocol of a refusal of signature of the contract of media concluded that INION expected from participants of the tender of presence at them of exclusive copyright of the software offered by them as a part of delivery. But at reconsideration of the first parts of requests the institute found out that a full range of such rights two applicants from three have no.

CompuTel of Systems Management and IBS Examination companies suggested the INION to use the "Electronic and library Biblio Stor-M system" belonging to Alee Software LLC company. The institute considered that these applicants provided unreliable information that imposes on INION as customer a duty to discharge them of purchase — according to point 9 of Article 31 and point 6.1 of Article 66 of law 44-FZ.

As for the winner unrecognized at the moment — "Infoskript", its INION accused of the indication of purpose of different software ("software of providing the server of the portal", "software of providing the file system for storage of content", "backup software" and so forth), but did not provide official names of specific products by which it was possible to set their owners, having verified with the Register of the Russian software at the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications.

"Information on software which is contained in the request is not enough for signing of the contract" — representatives of INION in the protocol noted. The institute gave to information in the request "Infoskripta" the status false and on this basis refused signing of the contract.

After the publication of information of INION on discharge of all participants of an auction, the position of supervising department on the matter did not change - the press service of Management of FAS across Moscow reported that the decision of the customer on discharge of all procurement participants from an auction issued by the above-mentioned protocol of failure from the conclusion of the government contract "illegally and is not execution of the instruction issued based on consideration of the complaint".

FAS noted that law 44-FZ does not provide the right of the customer to refuse signing of the contract with procurement participants on the bases specified in the protocol.

Complicated story of a question

At the beginning of October, 2016 strongly injured INION in the fire decided to fill the lost IT resources, having announced the tender for supply of "iron" and assignment of rights for software for creation of the scientific digital library. This institute historically publishes the system of scientific information publications, to the devoted scientific research in different areas of social and humanitarian knowledge.

At the beginning of November in media messages that a part of collective of the INION publicly expressed a protest concerning purchase appeared. On assurance of protesters, the equipment is supposed to be placed at other institute of RAS that, from their point of view, means merge of two institutes. Also they considered that the equipment does not correspond to requirements of institute because it was selected by the people unfamiliar with its specifics.

Prior to the beginning of December nine complaints FULL FACE — from S.P. Kartuzov, I.P. Serikov in total were filed to Nostromo LLC about organizers of the tender, (twice), by Remstroy LLC (twice), IP A.I. Borovinsky, Creditlab LLC and Ekspertprofkonsalt LLC. Only two of them were recognized proved, and only partially (the essence of violations in the context of this material is insignificant).

As a result the auction is held on December 12, 2016, its results are summed up on December 15 — "Infoskript" was officially recognized the winner with the offer in one million p350.8 against starting p358 of one million. CompuTel of Systems Management and IBS Examination companies acted as two other participants.

According to the website of state procurements, on December 19, 2016 on organizers of the tender one more complaint — from Stroyinvest LLC arrived. December 21, 2016. INION repealed all the protocols concerning an auction including determinations of the winner. Follows from materials of the consideration of the above-mentioned complaint which took place on December 26 that during trials INION supported the complainant and insisted that the request "Infoskripta" whom it allowed on the tender earlier does not conform to requirements of tender documentation — in it there are no specific type and the software brand and also justification of impossibility of observance of prohibition on the admission of foreign software is not specified.

Having listened to arguments of the parties, including representatives of Infoskript, FAS decided to leave the complaint of Stroyinvest without consideration. At the same time it was offered to INION to cancel notifications on canceling of all protocols and to direct Infoskripta the contract which is due to it.

After that the contract managing director of the INION Vladimir Kachan reported in a conversation with CNews that the institute intends to consider repeatedly in the middle of January, 2017 so-called first parts of requests which will be able to give the companies which were only earlier participating in the procedure.
