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Баннер в шапке 2

Gromov Flight Research Institute



+ Vnesheconombank - Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Activity
+ Government of the Russian Federation

LII named after Gromov - specializes in conducting advanced flight research, including the creation and testing of new aircraft, safety systems. LII has the largest test pilot school in Russia. In 2016, at the time of confirmation of the status of LII as a national research center, the organization had a large team of scientists, the number of candidates of technical sciences - 69, doctors - 11 people.

In LII named after Gromov carried out a large-scale reconstruction of the runway, equipping the airfield with modern equipment. The company tests modern aviation equipment in the interests of both domestic and foreign customers. Today, flying laboratories are testing new domestic PD-14 and TV7-117 engines for the new MS-21 medium-haul liner and the IL-112 transport aircraft.