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INEUM named after I.S. Brook


Revenue and Net Profit Ths. rub


+ Government of the Russian Federation

PJSC "INEUM named after I.S. Brook" sees its mission as research, development, implementation and subsequent commercialization of domestic microprocessors, computing units, reliable high-performance computing systems and control complexes, information and computer networks and process control tools.

Performance indicators

2020: Revenue growth by 10.39%, to 914.8 million rubles, profit - 19.94 million rubles

Revenue of the Institute of Electronic Control Machines named after I.S. Brook (INEUM) at the end of 2020 reached 914.8 million rubles, which is 10.39% more than a year earlier. The dynamics slowed down significantly compared to 2019, when it was measured at + 77.8%, according to the organization's reports published in July 2021.

It says that the manufacturer of computers and servers based on Elbrus processors received the main revenue through the performance of work performed in the interests of the production and supply of civilian products, the volume of which in the reporting year amounted to 617.7 million rubles.

Elbrus, a manufacturer of computers based on Russian processors, raised revenue by 10% in 2020

INEUM's net profit in 2020 amounted to 19.94 million rubles against 1.66 million rubles a year earlier. The value of net assets during this time decreased from 1.58 billion to 1.46 billion rubles. By the end of 2020, INEUM's net debt amounted to -202.8 million rubles against -75.3 million rubles in 2019, and accounts payable increased from 381.9 million to 440.5 million rubles.

As of December 31, 202, there were 267 people on the staff of the I. S. Brook Institute of Electronic Control Machines.

The reporting also reports that in 2020, INEUM carried out measures to bring to the market the following types of computer equipment:

  • Scalable server system based on the Elbrus8SV microprocessor for creating data centers and super computers of petaflop performance. The contract for the supply of interoperable super computers to FSUE "TSIAM named after P.I. Baranova" was fulfilled;
  • Computing complexes (servers) on the basis of domestic multi-core microprocessors "Elbrus" with means of protecting information from unauthorized access (SrZI NSD) for complexes of automation means 3 that meet the requirements.

The organization also noted the development of a device for continuous blood pressure measurement by a non-invasive method.


Organizer and first director of the Institute of Electronic Control Machines "INEUM" Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences I.S. Brook (1902-1974).

2023: The battle over the subsidy. The Ministry of Industry and Trade was again defeated in a lawsuit with a server manufacturer at Elbrus

Since the first consideration in court of the proceedings between the Institute of Electronic Control Machines named after I. S. Brook (INEUM, part of Rostec) and the Ministry of Industry and Trade due to the subsidies issued in 2016 lasted more than a year. During this time, the case was considered in several more instances: in the appeal on the appeal of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the cassation and again in the first instance, where the case was sent for consideration by the cassation instance - the Arbitration Court of the Moscow District.

In September 2023, a decision of the City Arbitration Court was published in the file of arbitration cases Moscow based on the results of a new consideration of the case, according to which Ministry of Industry and Trade the dispute[1] case was again lost[2]

The Ministry of Industry and Trade is suing the manufacturer of computing platforms based on Elbrus processors to return the subsidy

The Ministry of Industry and Trade demanded from INEUM, which produces servers under the Elbrus brand, a full refund of the subsidy issued by the department of this organization at the end of 2016 for the development of a scalable server system based on the Elbrus-8S microprocessor for creating data centers and super computers of petaflop performance.

The agency referred to the fact that during the implementation of the project, the deadlines were violated and the values ​ ​ of indicators (indicators) of the effectiveness of the implementation of the integrated project were not achieved. We are talking, among other things, about the volume of production and sale of products.

The total amount demanded by the Ministry of Industry and Trade amounted to about 418 million rubles. It includes a subsidy of about 325 million rubles and a fine.

After losing in the first instance, the Ministry of Industry and Trade won the court in the appeal - the subsidy was ordered to be returned. But the cassation instance overturned this decision and sent the case for a new trial.

From the published decision of the Arbitration Court of the Moscow District, it follows that the epidemiological situation due to covid prevented INEUM from meeting the deadlines.

With regard to production and sales volumes, when developing the financial model of the integrated project for which the subsidy was received, the data specified in the plan were used to calculate the projected sales volume. guaranteed purchases of Russian civil microelectronic products for medium-term perspective, approved by the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation in 2016, according to which in 2017-2018. INEUM planned to purchase a certain number of servers based on Elbrus microprocessors.

Main consumers of products according to the idea, the power structures were to become, the largest of which was the Ministry of Internal Affairs by purchase. During the implementation of the comprehensive project, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia requested a commercial proposal from INEUM to supply 34 thousand servers based on the Elbrus-8S microprocessor from 01.12.2017 to 01.12.2020. For this, additional funding was required, but the Ministry of Finance refused it to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In addition, in 2018, the plan of guaranteed purchases of Russian civil microelectronic products for the medium-term perspective was changed, and the point for the purchase of servers based on the Elbrus-8S microprocessor by the Ministry of Internal Affairs was already absent there, which excludes the presence of INEUM guilt in the execution of the contract.

As explained by TAdviser in the legal services provider J&K Lawyers ("J & Kay Loers"), which from the very beginning accompanies the case in the interests of INEUM, neither the Ministry of Internal Affairs, nor the Ministry of Defense, nor the Ministry of Finance participated in the first round of consideration. Then no one considered them the parties whose rights and obligations may be affected, and the Arbitration Court of the Moscow District attracted them all.

2022: The creators of Elbrus defeated the Ministry of Industry and Trade, demanding that the developers return the subsidy of 325 million rubles

Institute of Electronic Control Machines named after I. S. Brook (INEUM, part of Rostec) On June 1, 2022, he won a lawsuit from the Ministry of Industry and Trade, in which the department demanded about 417.8 million rubles from the developer . TAdviser was informed about this by the legal services provider J&K Lawyers (Jay & Kay Loers), whose CEO, Aleksei Zhukov, represented the interests of INEUM in court. The Moscow Arbitration Court decided to refuse to satisfy the claims of the ministry.

In December 2021, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, through a court, demanded that INEUM return the previously issued subsidy of more than 325 million rubles issued for the project for the development of a scalable server system based on the Elbrus-8S processor to create data centers and super computers of petaflop performance[3]In addition, the lawsuit included a fine of 92.3 million rubles. Thus, the total amount of the department's claims was over 417 million rubles.

The ministry supported this project at the end of 2016 following the results of the thematic competition and, according to the original plans, it was supposed to be completed on May 31, 2020. The project was implemented. The supercomputer platform of the petaflops performance level based on Elbrus is offered to customers, including on the website of the Avtomatika supercomputer of [4], which is part [5] Rostec]. But, as previously explained in the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the lawsuit was filed in connection with INEUM's failure to fulfill its obligations under the concluded agreements on the provision of subsidies in terms of compliance with the deadlines for reaching the reporting indicators[6].

ИНЭУМ разработал серверную систему на базе процессора «Эльбрус-8С» для создания DPCs petaflop performance supercomputers (photo -

As part of the INEUM protection line, J&K Lawyers indicated that the subsidy was used for its intended purpose, and regarding the fine for not achieving the indicators, the company consistently indicated that a bankruptcy moratorium was applied to its client, since the company was included in the list of backbone enterprises.

In addition, in the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 17.02.2016 No. 109 on the rules for granting subsidies from the federal budget to Russian organizations to reimburse part of the costs, the creation of a scientific and technical reserve for the development of basic technologies for the production of priority electronic components and radioelectronic equipment did not establish a revision applicable to the formula for calculating the fine.

A reference to coronavirus was also made when implementing one of the stages, - told TAdviser in J&K Lawyers about the arguments used in court.

What arguments were directly accepted by the court can be judged when the decision is made in full, the company added.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade, when asked by TAdviser whether the department plans to continue trying to recover these funds from INEUM, said that they would "act in a legal manner, taking into account the recommendations for maintaining scientific and production potential."

2021: Assignment of the status of "technopark"

At the end of September 2021, two new technology parks appeared in Moscow. The corresponding status of the mayor of the capital, Sergei Sobyanin, was assigned to the Research Institute of Rubber and Polymer Products and the Institute of Electronic Control Machines named after Brook, which are part of Rostec.

The status of the technopark allows you to receive benefits on income tax, land tax and property tax, as well as reduce the rate of rent for land. The use of these benefits allows technology parks to reduce the tax burden on regional taxes to 25%. By September 28, 2021, 45 technology parks were created in Moscow.

Two new technoparks have appeared in Moscow - the Research Institute of Rubber and Polymer Products and the Brook Institute of Electronic Control Machines.

From 2016 to 2021. the volume of investments in the development of Moscow technology parks amounted to almost 54 billion rubles. So, one ruble of tax benefits accounts for more than eight rubles of private investment, according to the official website of the mayor of Moscow.

The Research Institute of Rubber and Polymer Products is located in the east of Moscow. This technopark rents the area of ​ ​ 18 residents, including JSC Scientific Center "Malotonnazhnaya Khimiya," JSC "EKOS-1," LLC "Scientific and Production Company" Polistom. "

The Brook Institute of Electronic Control Machines is located in the south-west of Moscow. The company conducts research, as well as develops, implements and commercializes Russian microprocessors, computing units, systems and control complexes, information and computer networks and process control tools. Here, by the end of September 2021, two residents of MCST JSC and LLC Engineering Center Complex-M will rent space. The plans for the development of the technopark include the modernization of the line for experimental and small-scale production of computer equipment, as well as the creation of a Competence Center for the development of computer equipment. Investments for these purposes will amount to 320 million rubles.[7]


Revenue growth of 77.8%

Revenue INEUM im. I.S. Brook, developer of server systems and computing systems based on the Elbrus processor, in 2019 increased by 77.8%, to 828.7 million rubles. The organization's net profit amounted to 37.1 million rubles. This was reported in the company's annual report, published on September 11, 2020.

INEUM named after I.S. Brook explains that the main volume of revenue was received through the production and supply of products within the framework of the state defense order, the volume of which in the reporting year amounted to 438.6 million rubles. In the annual report, among the largest projects in 2019, the supply of computer equipment to the Ministry of Defense with a total value of 400 million rubles is indicated. Technical details and other details of this contract were not disclosed.

The largest for INEUM named after I.S. Brook in 2019 was the supply of computer equipment to the Ministry of Defense "(photo -"

Other major projects of INEUM named after I.S. Brook calls "Pristlad-Stand-GWP" - delivery supercomputer on a multi-core microprocessor with Elbrus architecture worth 126 million rubles, supply of radiation monitoring equipment Kalinin NPP in the amount of 64.5 million rubles. Also in 2019, the organization entered into a state contract for the supply of computer equipment MINISTRY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS in the amount of about 137 million rubles.

And the most significant R&D INEUM named after I.S. Brook performed under contracts with the Ministry of Industry and Trade as part of the implementation of the government decree on subsidies to Russian organizations for the creation of a scientific and technical reserve for the development of basic technologies for the production of priority electronic components and electronic equipment.

In its report, the organization notes that on the basis of the Elbrus platform, serial production of servers, workstations and other computer equipment has been organized for use in government agencies and business structures that have increased requirements for information security, as well as for use in the field of high-performance computing, signal processing, telecommunications.

In terms of volumes, the maximum result for the production and supply of finished products in one batch for 2019 is 1 thousand products. And the estimated output capacity, taking into account the involvement of enterprises of the Avtomatika concern, is up to 10 thousand products per year.

It is possible to increase serial capacity to large scales, change the business model to a model for the supply of intellectual property and production support from other domestic and foreign manufacturers, the annual report says in the section on development prospects.

INEUM named after I.S. Brook also believes that the development of software-defined networks and data warehouses allows them to enter these new markets with domestic technology and the use of the Russian electronic component base, primarily Elbrus processors. Work is underway to create a high-performance cluster equipped with a distributed storage system .

Receipt of 520 million rubles from Novikombank in the form of loans and bank guarantees

On November 11, 2019, it became known that the reference bank of the state corporation Rostec"" Novikombank provided credit guarantee products to the developer of domestic on computers the basis of the Russian processors "," Elbrus the Institute of Electronic Control Machines named after I. S. Brook (INEUM, part of Rostec).

As part of the innovation support program, the bank provided financing for the institute in the amount of 520 million rubles. As the bank said, CNews the above amount is made up of both financial credits guarantee bank obligations. At the same time, as the representative of INEUM clarified, we are not talking about any one agreement between the institute and the bank, but about many - concluded for about four years.

The organization indicates that financial support was provided to ensure the production of equipment that INUEM supplies to state customers.

Among the public existing contracts of the institute, reflected in the database "Kontur. Focus," the largest in recent years was the agreement signed in July 2019 with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation on the supply of computer equipment for 137.4 million rubles[8]

2018: Plans to create an alliance of software developers for Elbrus processors

Structures Rostec - National Center for Informatization and (I.S. Bruk Institute of Control Machines INEUM) - June 6, 2018 announced plans to create an alliance of developers for ON domestic processors. " Elbrus It is planned that by the end of 2018 at least 20 development companies will join the alliance, and it will be possible to download applications for Elbrus from a marketplace created by analogy with or. Google play App Store More. here


From May to December 1948, three scientific centers opened in Moscow that created the first Soviet computers: the Institute of Precision Mechanics and Computer Engineering of the USSR Academy of Sciences (ITMiVT Academy of Sciences of the USSR), a special design bureau (SKB) 245 and the laboratory of academician I.S. Brook, where the first computer was assembled in Moscow. It was they who formed the vanguard of Soviet computer technology, becoming its main strongholds, and then, if not dictated for many years, then, at least, set the pace and rhythm of its development throughout the country.

The beginning of the research work of I. S. Brook on the problem of digital computers dates back to 1948. He was the first in the USSR (together with B.I. Rameev) to develop a digital computer project with hard software control.

1939: Brook's Electromechanical Integrator

Main article: Brook's Electromechanical Integrator

Even before the advent of the first electronic computers, there was already a need to solve the most complex mathematical problems with huge amounts of calculations, which the whole workshop of calculators with arithmometers would not cope with. For these purposes, bulky analog computers were built - integrators and differential analyzers.

In 1939, an electromechanical integrator was built in the USSR under the guidance of engineer Brook. Before that, computers of such complexity in our country have not yet been. This was not the first integrator in the world, but one of the most difficult and the first in the USSR.

Infinite field of gear wheels covered with numbers. This is the input panel of the Brook electromechanical integrator.
