Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Morton Telecom


Telecommunication and communication
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
142784, BC Komsiti, Kiyevskoye Highway, 6, building 4, Rumyantsevo of the item. Moscow

Top managers:
Orlov Alexander Valentinovich



+ Government of the Russian Federation



As of February, 2016 NetByNet intended to purchase on 100% in two Moscow region Internet service providers - Morton Telecom and "Noginsk Telecommunication Company". These companies are included into Moreton development group.

The Board of Directors of Rostelecom company in March, 2016 will consider a question of the conclusion of the transactions connected with acquisition by Bashinformsvyaz (it is controlled by Rostelecom) 100% of shares in authorized capitals of Morton Telecom LLC, Morton Telecom West LLC and NTK LLC, the Kommersant newspaper writes. According to open sources Internet service providers are affiliated with Moreton construction company.

According to a source of Kommersant, in Rostelecom purchased three companies for 633 million rubles (about 1.5 revenues or 4.4 EBITDA). And the operator intends to issue as soon as possible the transaction as to providers other potential buyer showed interest. Including therefore purchase is going to be issued for Bashinformsvyaz as thus the operator will bypass the conditions set in the government directive which should be executed if purchase was made by Interdaltelekom.

The transaction took place within strategy implementation Moreton on concentration of efforts on construction of housing the house-keeper - and comfort class in the capital region and gradual release from non-core assets.