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NNSU - National Research Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N.I. Lobachevsky




+ Government of the Russian Federation

"Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N. I. Lobachevsky" was created on January 7, 1916. It includes 19 faculties, 132 departments, 6 research institutes.


2024: Opening of the first Russian Department of Cyberpsychology

In Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N.I. Lobachevsky (NNSU) opened the first department of cyberpsychology in Russia. This was announced by the head of the laboratory of cybersychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, NNSU Valeria Demareva on June 4, 2024.

The new department will become a training center for specialists with competencies in the field of psychology, neuroscience and information technology. Students will participate in research, the development of innovative IT solutions and the development of their own projects already at the undergraduate level.

The Department of Cyberpsychology was opened in the first in Russia at the University of Nizhny Novgorod

According to Valeria Demareva, cyberpsychology is rapidly turning into an independent scientific direction, and NNSU is a pioneer in this area. Cyberpsychologists of NNSU are already working on the creation of devices for diagnosing the state of e-sportsmen, stress detectors for representatives of various professions and smart clothes with data on the state of employees during the work shift. Graduates of the master's program in cybersychology are successfully employed by usability specialists in leading Russian IT companies.

According to the head of the laboratory, Demareva, the uniqueness of the approach of Nizhny Novgorod scientists lies in focusing on the user's psychology. Specialists from the Department of Cyberpsychology will be able to determine ways to improve products based on test results and experiments in order to increase their demand on the market.

According to Demareva, in the future it is planned to deepen the training of students so that graduates can get a full-fledged IT specialty. Already today, cyberpsychologists at NNSU are taking courses in programming and working with big data. The Department of Cyberpsychology is open to anyone who wants to better navigate the psychological aspects of modern digital technologies.[1]


Agreement with Rusat Infrastructure Solutions in order to train personnel for Smart City

JSC "RuSat Infrastructure Solutions" and the Institute of Information Technologies, Mathematics and Mechanics of the N.N. Lobachevsky signed an agreement on cooperation within the framework of the project "Digital Departments." According to the document signed in September 2023, RIR and NNSU will cooperate in the development and implementation of educational programs of the digital economy, including for advanced training of state and municipal employees. This was reported to the RIR on September 27, 2023.

Organizations intend to create joint educational programs to train new generation specialists, promote and train advanced technologies, exchange experience and knowledge. In addition, the parties agreed to conduct research, create methodological materials, draft regulatory legal acts.

RIR is actively involved in the development and updating of two educational programs for professional retraining of the Digital Departments project on Smart City technologies: Modern technologies for obtaining and analyzing data in Smart City and Digital technologies for managing Smart City. Already from October 1, about 1000 students will begin to study on them.

RIR solutions expand the ecosystem of Smart City products, solving the problem of achieving technological sovereignty. The Smart City Digital Management Program pays great attention to lean smart city and process mapping. Rosatom has practical experience in this area, introducing lean technologies in the regions of the Russian Federation. The implementation of the program together with such an industrial partner will allow students to get real skills for work, "said Maria Bogomolova, head of the Digital Department, Deputy Director of the Institute of Information Technologies, Mathematics and Mechanics of the N.N. Lobachevsky.

The main audience of the program is students of universities of the Russian Federation with specialties "State and Municipal Administration" and "Management." The program "Modern technologies for obtaining and analyzing data in Smart City" is devoted, among other things, to BI-data analytics, as well as the construction of a software platform to support management decision-making. RIR has implemented similar projects in several regions of the Russian Federation. The experts of the company are also ready to share practical experience with students of IT specialties studying at this program.

The problem of a shortage of IT specialists, highly qualified personnel in the field of digitalization has been relevant for several years. Technologies are developing rapidly, import substitution is spreading, it is logical that more and more specialists are needed. The experience of our experts will help make the educational process as close as possible to working on real projects, - said Alexey Golubev, General Director of Digital Platforms and Smart City Solutions JSC (part of the Rosatom division - RuSat Infrastructure Solutions JSC).

Partnership with Sitronics

On June 1, 2023, the company Sitronics Group announced the expansion of the partner scientificallyeducational network and will act as a partner Nizhny Novgorod state of the University. N.I. Lobachevsky (NNSU). The company plans to closely cooperate with the university in the field of retraining and advanced training of students and specialists of the university, the implementation of projects in the field, as well information technology as interaction with the Digital Technologies Scientific and Educational Center. Smart City Its main profile will be the development of technologies and personnel training for the development of this area of ​ ​ digitalization.

Sitronics Group has extensive experience in digitalizing cities and implements projects for intelligent transport and urban management, builds charging infrastructure for electric vehicles and innovative electric traction vessels for the passenger fleet, develops and implements its own digital management platforms for socially significant areas, video surveillance systems and analytics based on artificial intelligence. In addition, Sitronics Group has extensive experience in interacting with higher educational institutions of the country and cooperates with two dozen universities in various areas, including equipping classrooms and laboratories, developing training courses in specialized areas, conducting programming olympiads and CTF.

Sitronics Group considers it its mission to contribute both to the training of future specialists for the whole - and to the ITindustries scientific and applied direction. To develop innovative, breakthrough ideas, you need not only a material and technical base equipped with everything you need, but also experience in implementing real projects. We have it, and we are ready to share it and our developments, "said the president of Sitronics Group. Nikolay Pozhidaev

On the basis of the scientific and educational center, the university will solve problems not only for the development of digital products in the field of smart cities, but also launch specialized training programs. These include smart city data analysis, smart city management, digital power and digital construction.

The agreement brings together our efforts to develop smart city technology. The digital department of NNSU has a strong partner with practical experience, and scientists from Lobachevsky University will share artificial intelligence technologies for intelligent image processing and analysis in urban infrastructure. In addition to the scientific component, this will become an additional platform for the training of IT personnel, - said the acting Rector of NNSU Oleg Trofimov.

2021: Training about a thousand Nizhny Novgorod teachers to work with "P7-Office"

In December 2021 state , Nizhny Novgorod University named after N.I. Lobachevsky offered schools Nizhny Novgorod and the region a continuing education program "Fundamentals of working with" office software package. " P7 Office The program involves students mastering the skills of working with a text editor, table editor, presentation preparation tool, as well as with collaboration tools (,, email social network collaboration on documents), which are part of the P7-Office. In the first wave domestic software product , about a thousand Nizhny Novgorod teachers underwent training in working with, the P7-Office company reported on December 28, 2021.

According to the Minister of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Nizhny Novgorod Region Olga Petrova, the competencies that teachers master within the framework of this program are very popular in modern conditions.

"Our teachers face the need to improve digital skills on a daily basis. This task becomes even more relevant in the context of the transition of educational organizations to a domestic software product. It is very pleasant that Lobachevsky University takes an active part in this process, making a significant contribution to the development of the entire education system of our region, "said Olga Petrova.

As the rector of Lobachevsky University Elena Zagainova noted, the transition of state institutions to domestic software products that began in the country involves a lot of work to train employees to work with new programs.

"Our university is an active participant in national projects and programs on digital transformation, we offer a wide range of educational products, including advanced training programs, for the training of in-demand personnel in areas relevant for the region and the country. The advanced training program "Fundamentals of working with the office software package" P7-Office "" is implemented by us free of charge for school employees and students. Being the largest scientific and educational center in the region, Lobachevsky University thus fulfills an important social mission and makes a significant contribution to the digital transformation of society, in particular, education, "said Elena Zagainova.

"We are grateful to the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, personally to Minister Olga Petrova, who vividly responded to our proposal and joined in informing educational organizations about our program. With the help of the ministry, this program has become really massive, "said Dmitry Kabeshev, Dean of the Faculty of Advanced Training and Professional Retraining of NNSU.

"Computers and software in modern schools have long gone beyond computer science and administration offices. Now each teacher needs up-to-date knowledge and skills in working with office applications, from text editors to VKS modules, "commented Natalia Agafonova, general director of the P7-Office developer. - "P7-Office" is suitable for the role of a training platform due to compatibility with all popular OS and file formats, the functionality of editors and modules, as well as security systems and collaboration capabilities. "

2020: Memorandum with Intel and the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod Region to develop the technological potential of the region

On March 5, 2020, it became known that the Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region Gleb Nikitin, Vice President of Intel Corporation Bill Sevidzh and Acting Rector of the National Research Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N.I. Lobachevsky Elena Zagainova signed a memorandum, which is designed to unite the efforts of the three parties to develop the technological potential of the region.

Memorandum with Intel and the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod Region to develop the technological potential of the region

The signed document provides for a set of directions for the joint work of the company and the university under the auspices of the regional government. Participants intend to support initiatives to develop the IT ecosystem of the Nizhny Novgorod region using the best world practices and solutions, as well as promote the development of the labor market in the field of information technology.

Cooperation in the scientific and educational fields is one of the key points of future joint work. Offering its technological and research expertise, Intel will contribute to the saturation and development of specialized programs and courses of Lobachevsky University. Moreover, the interaction will develop projects in the field of high-performance computing, computer vision and artificial intelligence. Thus, cooperation will contribute to the achievement of the goals and objectives of the national projects "Science," "Education," and "Digital Economy of Russia," the development of the Nizhny Novgorod Scientific and Educational Center and strengthening the foundation for further intercollegiate interaction and joint research.

For 20 years, Intel has been a reliable partner of the Nizhny Novgorod Region and Lobachevsky University in developing the scientific and technical potential of the region. In the future, we plan to strengthen and develop this interaction, and the signed Agreement is an important starting point for the start of projects,
stated Bill Sevidge

I am confident that the application of the best world practices in the field of information technology will contribute to an increase in the number of promising projects of the REC (of which the NNSU is a part), and the implementation of national projects "Science," "Education" and "Digital Economy,"
emphasized Gleb Nikitin

From the very beginning of Intel's work in Nizhny Novgorod, Lobachevsky University has been a source of personnel for it. We have long been an interaction in educational areas and on some scientific projects. We plan to launch special training programs for Intel. It is very important for us, based on many years of experience of the company, to prepare specialists ahead of the curve, from the 1st year to understand which graduate we will have in 5-6 years, to be sure that he will be in demand by IT companies, including Intel, at the time of graduation. And, of course, as a University, it is interesting for us to create a dedicated group or mini-faculty that, together with Intel, would train high-level specialists, the younger generation,
noted Elena Zagainova

2019: Huawei Academy ICT establishment Huawei

On October 9, 2019, the company Huawei announced that together with the National Research Nizhny Novgorod state University. N.I. Lobachevsky (NNSU) agreed on cooperation in the field of training specialists in information and communication technologies (ICT). The agreement on the creation of an ICT Academy on the basis of the university was signed by Vice-Rector for Public Relations Nikita Avralev, and Deputy General Director. Huawei Enterprise in Russia Alexander Stolyarov

Alexander Stolyarov and Nikita Avralev at the signing of the agreement on the opening of the ICT Academy of Huawei on the basis of Lobachevsky University

Within the framework of ICT cooperation, the Huawei Academy on the basis of Lobachevsky University plans to prepare in several areas at once. For undergraduate and specialist students, training will be organized on IP technologies, storage systems, cloud computing technologies, as well as a number of other relevant areas included in the educational program. University teachers will be able to take advanced training courses, and the rest of those wishing on a commercial basis will be able to join the professional retraining program. In addition, Nikita Avralev noted that the university also plans to offer an activity program for schoolchildren so that the training of specialists begins from school. Huawei ICT Academy is an educational program that the company offers to colleges and universities around the world. As of October 2019, more than 30 similar academies operate throughout Russia.

Yury Kazantsev, Alexander Stolyarov, Nikita Avralev at a press conference on the signing of a cooperation agreement
Cooperation with universities allows you to train qualified specialists in current popular areas. The agreement that we signed is a systematic path to building an effective education system based on a combination of the academic base and the practical requirements of the industry. In addition to education, Huawei ICT Academy has an important social role: by developing the professional competencies of specialists in the regions, we contribute to the retention of qualified personnel, reducing their migration to large centers. Taking into account the active development of projects within the framework of the All-Russian program of digitalization of the economy, the need for relevant specialists on the ground will only grow,
stressed Alexander Stolyarov at a press conference on the signing of a cooperation agreement

Lobachevsky University is a university with significant research and innovative potential. Our graduates are traditionally in demand in all sectors of the economy, and the indicator of specialists who have continued their career in their chosen specialty is extremely high. We provide relevant knowledge, skills and skills demanded by the market. This would be impossible without cooperation with the real sector of the economy, especially in the field of information technology, which is characterized by high development dynamics,
stated Nikita Avralev

As a person working "in the fields," I can say with all confidence that the issue of lack of qualified personnel among partners and customers working with Huawei equipment is still relevant. I am sure that given the high pace of development of the company and the growth of the number of large-scale projects in which we participate as suppliers of infrastructure solutions, the level of demand for graduates of the Huawei Academy ICT Academy will increase,
shared Yury Kazantsev, head of Huawei's corporate direction in the Volga Federal District

Future graduates of the Huawei ICT Academy at NNSU will be able to receive diplomas and international certificates. Over the past few years, more than 2,000 Russian students have studied under the Academy program.

Yury Kazantsev, Nikita Avralev, Olga Petrova, Alexander Stolyarov

2015: Renaming the University

According to the data presented on the Chekko portal, since November 18, 2015, the name of Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N. I. Lobachevsky (NNSU) has been changed to National Research Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N. I. Lobachevsky (NNSU).
