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RUTI Inventas



Rusnano - 50%
Systematics, LLC - 50%
(effective November 2, 2011)


+ Government of the Russian Federation
+ Evgeny Nikolaevich Lachkov

The Russian company RST-Invent is a joint venture of Rusnano and Group of company Systematica (JSC Systematics Group) and is engaged in the production of RFID tags and RFID equipment. The RFID tags produced are intended for use in almost all spheres of life: production, trade, transportation, construction.

The RFID tags produced are intended for use in almost all spheres of life: in production, trade, transportation, construction. Own production located in the Leningrad Region allows you to take into account the specifics of any project. The company's specialists have successfully implemented more than 150 RFID projects in various fields.

Production facilities:

  • from 100 million RFID tags per year
  • from 1,000 RFID readers per year
  • from 10,000 antennas per year

2021: Development of standards for RFID test methods

The portfolio company "RUTI Inventas" has developed national standards for test methods RFID- systems. This was announced on October 5, 2021 by the company. Rusnano

Standards are necessary for an objective assessment of technological solutions in the field of radio frequency identification.

Rosstandart approved GOST R 59389.1-2021 "Information Technologies. Methods of operational testing of radio frequency identification devices. Part 1. Methods of Operational Testing of Radio Frequency Identification Systems "and GOST R 59389.2-2021" Information Technologies. Methods of operational testing of radio frequency identification devices. Part 2. Operational Test Methods for the Reader/Interrogator. "

They establish uniform requirements for test methods of RFID systems for various applications and comply with the standards of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).

Thanks to the emergence of standards, domestic manufacturers will receive basic methods for determining the practical efficiency and competitiveness of the RFID equipment produced.

Our company will use the developed standards to conduct methodologically correct tests of its products and provide more accurate information on quality characteristics. The integrator company, using the same method, can test various products and, based on the results obtained, make a choice in favor of more suitable equipment for solving a specific task. The end consumer, in turn, can independently test the equipment and check its actual characteristics as previously stated. All this makes the RFID equipment market more understandable and transparent, - commented Alexander Grebennik, General Director of RUTI Inventas.

The work on the development of standards was carried out as part of the implementation of the Standardization Program in the nanoindustry and related high-tech sectors of the economy, approved by Rosstandart and FIOP of the RUSNANO Group.

The approved national standards will be posted for review on the official websites of Rosstandart and the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Russian Institute of Standardization" in accordance with the established procedure.

2015: Self-adhesive labels with built-in Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) labels for storage container marking

Unlike other registration methods, radio frequency identification (RFID) technology allows you to accurately identify marked objects not by piece, but in large groups (over 200 pieces). This greatly accelerates logistics operations and reduces the costs associated with traditional manual object registration.

The appearance of the labels does not differ from the standard labels used for marking containers and packaging, they can be applied with conventional applicators. The form factor and dimensions (150x100 mm) of the developed RFID label also correspond to one of the most common formats of identification labels, which allows you to implement the new technology without changing key business processes.

The RFID label records all the main stages of product movement: from release from production or shipment from warehouses to acceptance by the end user. Increased control efficiency, eliminated theft and errors in logistics.

Both stationary devices (portals or RFID tunnels) and mobile RFID readers are used to register RFID labels. All necessary information is transferred to a single enterprise database and can be used in any high-level user applications - ERP, MES, WMS.