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Баннер в шапке 2




+ Government of the Russian Federation

Federal State Unitary Enterprise "CITO" of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation (FSUE "CITO" of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia), founded in 1963, is one of the leading Russian enterprises in the medical industry. The company produces a range of implantable medical devices for traumatology and orthopedics, as well as provides services for providing patients with individual technical means of rehabilitation (hereinafter referred to as TSR), including prostheses and orthoses.

At the initiative of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, which is under the jurisdiction of FSUE CITO, an investment project for the reconstruction and technical re-equipment of production is being implemented at the enterprise within the framework of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of the pharmaceutical and medical industry." In 2020, a full technological cycle enterprise will be commissioned: from the primary processing of semi-finished products to sterilization and packaging of finished medical products. More than 11 thousand square meters. m of production space of the enterprise will accommodate 275 units of the latest equipment: processing machines, surface modification and application of functional coatings, 3D printers for the manufacture of individual implants and prosthetic and orthopedic products, other high-tech equipment.


Production of medical devices for traumatology and orthopedics:

  • external fixation devices,
  • implantable osteosynthesis products,
  • skeletal stretching equipment.

A comprehensive rehabilitation system using TCP:

  • Production of individual technical means of rehabilitation (prostheses, orthoses: apparatus, turners, corsets)
  • Comprehensive rehabilitation
  • Social adaptation


2022: Mishustin allocated 2.7 billion rubles to the center for the production of products for orthopedics and traumatology

In January 2022, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed an order that allocated 2.7 billion rubles for the production of orthopedic products and traumatologists for three years.

According to the press service of the Cabinet, funding will be provided to one of the leading enterprises in the medical industry and the rehabilitation industry - the Center for Innovative Technologies in Orthopedics (FSUE "CITO"). In 2022, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of production facilities will begin at the site of its branch in Kurgan. The main goal is to produce new medical devices that will be convenient and affordable for citizens, and will also be able to compete with foreign counterparts in the domestic and foreign markets.

Mishustin allocated 2.7 billion rubles for the production of products for orthopedics and traumatology

In cambin, they called FSUE "CITO" one of the leaders in providing patients with prosthetic and orthopedic products. At the sites of the center, more than 500 types of such products are produced, including implants for osteosynthesis and spinal surgery, endoprostheses of large joints, equipment for skeletal stretching.[1]

The total project budget is estimated at 2.781 billion rubles. In 2021, 16.2 million rubles were allocated, 350 million, according to a government order, will be allocated in 2022, 2 billion - in 2023, another 415 million rubles - in 2024. The area of ​ ​ the building will be 7,830 square meters. m.

According to the Center for Innovative Technologies in Orthopedics, which were published in January 2022, 1 million 216 thousand trauma and orthopedic operations are carried out annually in Russia, of which more than 250 thousand are on the joints. The annual demand for medical devices for the treatment of the musculoskeletal system is over three million. At the same time, the share of Russian products of this purpose does not yet exceed 15 percent. The development of the domestic market for printed implants will satisfy the demand of domestic healthcare for medical products of this segment and ensure import substitution.

2021: Restart of FSUE CITO production complex after reconstruction

At the end of March 2021, the official restart of the production complex of FSUE CITO (Center for Innovative Technologies in Orthopedics) of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia took place. The reconstruction of the facility lasted about five years, more than 3.65 billion rubles were spent on it.

According to Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, the opening of the site will help reduce the flow of imported products, as well as create "first-class medical products for thousands of people." As the mayor noted, the site will help "create a technology that would personally build a chain for each person in trouble and personally make prostheses, orthopedic drugs, high-class equipment for him, which would return a person to normal life."

The Center for Innovative Technologies in Orthopedics is considered one of the largest Russian manufacturers of medical equipment. The company became the responsible executor of the flagship project of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia for the production of import-substituting medical devices for traumatology, orthopedics and prosthetics.

Innovative production of implants and prostheses for 3.65 billion rubles was launched in Moscow

On an area of ​ ​ more than 11 thousand square meters. m placed about 300 units of modern equipment:

  • processing centers;
  • surface modification and functional coating machines;
  • 3D printers for the manufacture of individual implants and prosthetic and orthopedic products, etc.

This made it possible to launch the production of a full technological cycle - from the primary processing of semi-finished products to sterilization and packaging of finished medical products.

According to the Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov, the rearmament of the enterprise will allow creating prototypes of medical devices based on laser 3D printing technologies based on titanium and ceramics.

The scientific and technological complex will produce over 500 types of the latest medical devices, providing at least 30% of the needs of domestic healthcare, plus almost 40% of products will be exported, - said the head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.[2]
