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+ Roskadastre
+ Government of the Russian Federation


2025: Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin allocated Roskadastra 9.85 billion rubles for the development of GIS

Prime Minister RFMikhail Mishustin signed a decree of March 15, 2025 on the provision of subsidies from the federal budget for the development of state information systems (GIS), operated by the public law company (PPK) Roskadastre. In total, in the period from 2025 to 2027, approximately 9.85 billion rubles are allocated for these purposes .

The published resolution states that 4.51 billion rubles will be provided to the Federal State Geographical Information System, which ensures the functioning of the national system of spatial data. state Subsidies in the amount of 4.38 billion were laid for the Federal Information System for maintaining the Unified State Register of Real Estate. The federal information system for the provision of land plots to citizens of the Russian Federation on the territory Far Eastern Federal District will require investments of about 193 million rubles during 2025-2027. All listed systems will be put into operation in stages until 2028. The terms can be specified in accordance with the technical assignments for the development of the relevant GIS agreed in accordance with the established procedure.

Mikhail Mishustin

The State Information System for maintaining a single electronic cartographic basis has expenses of approximately 114.5 million rubles. The development of the Federal State Geographical Information System "Federal Portal of Spatial Data" will cost 95.3 million rubles. These platforms are due to be commissioned in 2026.

The state information system of the federal network of geodetic stations will require about 562.1 million rubles for development. The estimated commissioning date is 2028.[1]

2024: Roskadastra allocated 8.6 billion rubles for the development of GIS

The Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed an order, which allocated "" Roskadastru about 8.6 billion rubles for the development of five state information systems (GIS). The corresponding document was published on March 28, 2024.

The first to draw attention to this order was the publication D-Russia. It notes that, in accordance with the document, the allocated funds will be used to reimburse the costs incurred by Roskadastrom in achieving the goals of providing these subsidies at its own expense before concluding an agreement on the provision of these subsidies. We are talking about the following GIS:

  • FGIS, which ensures the functioning of the National Spatial Data System (NSAID). The amount of subsidies until 2027 is 5.08 billion rubles;
  • FSIS maintaining the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN). The amount of subsidies until 2027 is 3.11 billion rubles;
  • FSIS for the provision of land to citizens of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Far Eastern Federal District. The amount of subsidies until 2027 is 193.1 million rubles;
  • FSIS maintaining a single electronic cartographic basis. The amount of subsidies until 2026 is 14.5 million rubles;
  • FSIS federal portal of spatial data. The amount of subsidies until 2026 is 95.3 million rubles.

Mikhail Mishustin signed an order, which allocated Roskadastra about 8.6 billion rubles for the development of five GIS

The government instructed Rosreestr to ensure the coordination with the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation of draft terms of reference for the development of these state information systems, the cost of which exceeds 100 million rubles.

The public law company Roskadastre is engaged in entering information on borders, geodetic and cartographic work into the USRN, creating state topographic maps and topographic plans. The company is also an operator of Rosreestr information systems.

Government of the Russian Federation Order of March 28, 2024 No. 727-r

2023: How is the digitalization of Roskadastra going. Results of the year

In June 2024, it became known about the results of the digital transformation of the public law company Roskadastre for 2023 and the first quarter of 2024. During the government meeting, the company's achievements and plans for further development were discussed.

Roskadastre, being an IT operator and integrator of information systems, Federal Registration Service is responsible for the functioning of the Unified State Register (real estate FSIS USRN), the unified digital platform "National System of Spatial Data" (FSIS ECP NSPD), the unified electronic cartographic framework (EECO), the Federal Portal of Spatial Data (GIS FPPD) and other systems.

Roskadastre has corrected historically accumulated registry errors in relation to 455.6 thousand real estate objects

According to the data presented at the meeting, in 2023, Roskadastre corrected historically accumulated registry errors in relation to 455.6 thousand real estate objects, and also transferred more than 20 million register cases and 11.8 million materials of the state data fund obtained as a result of land management.

Particular attention was paid to new regions, where 18,674 objects of individual housing construction and apartment buildings were examined, which exceeded the 2023 plan by 87%. Information on 148 thousand previously registered real estate objects was entered into the USRN. In addition, comprehensive cadastral work was carried out on more than 300 thousand real estate objects in 60 regions of the country.

The state catalog of geographical names was replenished with new names, and by the end of 2023 their total number reached more than 796 thousand. In the first quarter of 2024, the number of corrected registry errors increased to 893 thousand objects, and the number of materials of the state data fund transferred to electronic form increased to 12.1 million. Contracts were concluded for cadastral work in relation to more than 178 thousand real estate objects in 30 regions.[2]

2022: Appointment as head of Roskadastre Vladislav Zhdanov

At the end of August 2022, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree appointing Vladislav Zhdanov as head of Roskadastre. This company was created by the government in order to enter data on boundaries in the Unified State Register of Real Estate Objects (USRN), conduct geodetic and cartographic work, create state topographic maps and plans, and become the operator of Rosreestr information systems. Read more here.

2021: Establishing a company

The Government of the Russian Federation approved a bill on the creation of a public law company Roskadastre. This was announced on November 18, 2021 by the press service of Rosreestr.

Roskadastra is created as a single full-cycle enterprise using a single window system, which all users of spatial and cartographic data can access. Four organizations subordinate to Rosreestr will be merged into it:

The government approved the creation of Roskadastre, which will digitalize all spatial data in the Russian Federation

By November 18, 2021, these organizations often duplicate each other's functions and tasks, the Rosreestr notes.

It is assumed that the creation of Roskadastre will provide more services in electronic form and reduce the time for their provision. The new company will enter border data into the USRN, conduct geodetic and cartographic work, act as the operator of Rosreestr information systems, and will also conduct scientific activities.

The press service of Rosreestr also notes that the formation of Roskadastre should contribute to the creation of the "National System of Spatial Data" (NSPD), which is designed to make the registration of land and real estate more transparent.

Thus, the new public law company will digitalize all spatial data in the Russian Federation, and it will also have to ensure that the state performs the entire range of services in the field of land and real estate.

Within the framework of the National System of Spatial Data, it is planned to create a large-scale digital map of Russia, which aggregates the spatial data of all departments. All project data should be structured and available to citizens, businesses and government agencies, depending on the level of admission. The project should eliminate the problem with the lack of complete data on land and real estate in Russia.[3]
