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Federal Cadastral Chamber of Rosreestr



FSBI "FKP Rosreestr" was established as a federal state budgetary institution in 2001. In 2011, the federal budgetary institutions "Cadastral Chamber" in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation were annexed to it.

The main purpose of the institution's activities is to ensure the implementation of the powers of Rosreestr in the field of state registration of rights, state cadastral registration and state cadastral valuation.

The institution is the largest in the Rosreestr system: the staff of its employees is 33,150.

Performance indicators

According to the plan of financial and economic activities of the Federal Communist Party of Rosreestr, revenues for 2013 in the amount of 14.3 billion rubles were approved, including subsidies for the implementation of the state assignment of 10.3 billion rubles. In 2014, revenues of 14.2 billion rubles were approved, including subsidies for the implementation of the state assignment of 12.5 billion rubles. The implementation of the plan for receipts in 2013 - 100.5%, in the 1 half of 2014 - 50.7% to the planned appointments for the year.


2018 - Parviz Tukhtasunov leads the digital transformation of Rosreestr as head of the Cadastral Chamber

In November 2018, Parviz Tukhtasunov was appointed director of the Cadastral Chamber of Rosreestr by order of the Ministry of Economic Development. He was tasked with transforming the institution into one of the leading IT infrastructure service companies in the public sector. Read more here.

2014 - Auditors: Rosreestr poorly monitors the Cadastral Chamber

In November 2014 , the Accounts Chamber announced the results of an audit of the implementation of the statutory goals and functions of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Federal Cadastral Chamber of Rosreestr." According to its results, shortcomings in the planning of the institution's activities were identified. So, for example, contrary to the requirements of the Ministry of Finance for the plan of financial and economic activities, such plans for the periods 2014-2015. and 2015-2016. were not approved.

Also, the planned indicators of state tasks do not take into account the expected volumes of provision of public services. For example, the state service "Implementation of state cadastral registration of real estate..." has been generally exceeded, and a comparison of the level of fulfillment of the state assignment in 2013 and the 1st half of 2014 shows that in certain branches the planned indicators are systematically exceeded. Similarly, according to the state service "Provision of information entered into the GKN..." overfulfilling of the state assignment in certain branches in the 1st half of 2014 reaches almost 400%.

The Accounts Chamber believes that Rosreestr did not provide proper control over the activities of the "Federal Cadastral Chamber"

The necessary adjustment of tasks in the context of services, as well as the amount of funds allocated for their implementation, was not carried out for branches during the year. In general, in 2013 and the 1 half of 2014, all branches exceeded the planned indicators of the state assignment. At the same time, when amending the plan of financial and economic activities of the institution, the adjustment of the indicators of the provision of public services in the context of branches of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "FKP Rosreestr" is not carried out. The amount of financing from subsidies and the performance indicators of the provided public services to branches, depending on the changes made to the plan of financial and economic activities, are not adjusted.

The auditors also found that in the period from January 1, 2013 to November, no changes were made to the list of especially valuable movable property assigned to the Federal State Budgetary Institution "FKP Rosreestr," while its value increased by more than 730 million rubles.

system of accounting for material values ​ ​ received as a result of the execution of state contracts for centralized supply that has developed in the Rosreestr system does not correspond to the procedure for centralized supply of material values ​ ​ established by the order of the Ministry of Finance. Registration of material values, registration of interconnected settlements between participants in centralized supply is delayed for a long time, significantly exceeding the period required for the transportation of material values, "the Accounts Chamber said in a statement

In 2013-2014. notifications on sending by suppliers to the FKP Rosreestr of material values ​ ​ with a total value of almost 150 million rubles. under 6 state contracts were received by the institution from Rosreestr within 3 to 20 months after the equipment arrived at the branches.

Following the consideration of the report of the Accounts Chamber, the board of the department decided to send submissions to the Rosreestr and the Federal State Budgetary Institution "FKP Rosreestr," as well as a report and information on the main results of the audit - to the Federation Council and the State Duma.