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Zelenograd Nanotechnology Center (ZNTC)




+ Government of the Russian Federation

Zelenograd Nanotechnological Center (ZNTC JSC), located at the MIET site of the special economic zone of Moscow, provides a full cycle of development and production of microcircuits and sensors of physical quantities for industrial applications, provides a set of technological services for design centers, manufacturers of electronic equipment.

Areas of activity

The company's priority activity is the development of modern production technologies and the development of promising high-tech products together with Russian scientific organizations and production enterprises (data as of August 2022).


The specialization of ZNTC JSC is the development and production of sensors and sensors of physical and chemical quantities for systems, industrial automation aviation and missile instrumentation space power engineering specialists oilgas , and industry, the development of intelligent control systems (data as of August 2022).


2025: Hit by EU sanctions

On February 24, 2025, the European Union approved the 16th package of sanctions against Russia. The list includes 48 individuals and 35 legal entities operating in various fields. Read more here.


Participation in the development of optical transceivers using a photon-integrated circuit

Future Technologies announced on December 29, 2022 that it is starting the development and production of optical transceivers using a photon-integrated circuit (FIS).

A four-party agreement was signed between Future Technologies (FayberTrade LLC), FSBUN A.F. Ioffe Institute of Physics and Technology (A.F. Ioffe FTI), FIS Zelenograd Nanotechnology Center (ZNTC JSC) and FSAOU HE "National Research University" Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology "(NIU MIET). Read more here.

Photon Chip Mass Production Plan

The resident of the special economic zone (SEZ) "Technopolice Moscow" - the company "Zelenograd Nanotechnology Center" ("ZNTC") - is preparing to begin mass production of photonic integrated circuits and modules for telecommunications equipment. This was announced on December 2, 2022 by the Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Economic Policy and Property and Land Relations Vladimir Efimov.

Photon technologies can increase transmission speed by information more than 100 times, so products with their use are in demand among manufacturers and customers of high-speed equipment. The development of this industries contributes to the strengthening of technological sovereignty. countries As of December 2022, a resident of the capital's special economic zone is implementing a comprehensive project to launch serial production of photon integrated circuits and modules for telecommunications equipment. The company intends to localize Russia silicon-based optical multiplexers into production. It is planned to start supplying the first batches of products in 2023, and serial production in 2024, "said Vladimir Efimov.

ZNTC is one of the first enterprises in Russia to produce photon integrated circuits. Today, the development and development of such technologies is one of the new and most promising areas of the company's development. Work in the field of photonics and nanotechnology technologies is carried out by universities, research and commercial enterprises, but, as a rule, within the framework of scientific research.

In October 2022, ZNTC entered the Moscow intersectoral photonics cluster, uniting specialized enterprises and scientific and technical organizations of the capital. The intersectoral association was created on the basis of the Moscow Innovation Cluster.

The Moscow photonics cluster is the main base for the development of photonic technologies in the city, ensuring the country's technological sovereignty in this area. He supports the work of transferring scientific developments into production. As of December 2022, the cluster includes 40 participants, about half of whom are residents of the capital's special economic zone, "said Vladislav Ovchinsky, head of the Investment and Industrial Policy Department.

Photonic integrated circuits under development can be used in high-speed and energy-efficient telecommunication signal transmission and processing devices. This equipment is used for on-board equipment and ground infrastructure of aviation, as well space industry as in telecommunications industries for organizing powerful information networks/, 56G connecting users to high-speed and To the Internet IP-telephony IP television.

We have accumulated significant experience in the design of photonics elements. Currently, ZNTC is mastering the production of multiplexers, divider modulators, interferometers and resonators. The first crystal samples of the domestic optical waveguide AWG multiplexer were obtained, which provides signal transmission in telephone and local computer networks and data transmission networks. Now we are preparing mass production and in the near future we plan to produce at least five thousand products per god​, "said Konstantin Pevchikh, head of the technological department of integrated photonics at ZNTC.

An optical waveguide AWG multiplexer is a device that allows you to combine electrical signals with various interfaces - telephone networks, local computer networks, data networks) - into a single group signal, convert into an optical form and transmit over a fiber optic cable over a distance. ZNTC also plans to develop and produce splitters, tunable spectral and frequency filters, thermo-optical switches, modulators.

Zelenograd Nanotechnological Center has been a resident of the capital's special economic zone for more than 10 years, since 2011. During this time, the company invested almost three billion rubles in the development of production. The company employs 190 people, - said Gennady Degtev, General Director of the Technopolice Moscow SEZ.

Start manufacturing chips for industrial devices and robotics

The resident of the special economic zone (SEZ) - Technopolice Moscow Zelenograd the "nanotechnology center" (ZNTC JSC) - began to produce for import-substituting microelectronics industrial automation, robotics and other high-tech industries. This was announced on October 21, 2022 by the head of Department of Investment and Industrial Policy,. Complex of economic policy and property and land relations of the capital Vladislav Ovchinsky

The company begins small-scale production of integrated circuits designed to control the angle of rotation in control systems of various objects, including industrial devices and household appliances. The development will also be used in robotics. In addition, it can be used in the automotive industry, in electronic engine control systems, to adjust the position of the headlights and the angle of inclination of the seats. The company has been a resident of the SEZ of Moscow for more than 10 years - since 2011. During this time, she gained 3.4 billion rubles from the sale of products and developments,
told Vladislav Ovchinsky.

Enterprises with the status of a resident of the SEZ "Technopolice Moscow" receive additional support. They are exempt from paying land, property and, the transport taxes income tax rate for them is reduced to two percent. In addition, customs fees are not charged from the goods they import.

Enterprises of the microelectronic industry make up the majority among residents of the special economic zone of Moscow. As of October 2022, there are over 30 of them. It is they who make the most tangible contribution to the development of the capital's high-tech industry. In the first half of 2022 alone, the amount of their investments increased 15 times compared to the same period in 2021 - from 700 million to 11 billion rubles. In particular, the Zelenograd Nanotechnological Center has invested about three billion rubles in its development since 2011,
emphasized the general director of the SEZ "Technopolice Moscow " Gennady Degtev.

ZNTC developments correspond to foreign counterparts. The company's specialists used their own technical solutions when creating them.

As of October 2022, one of the priority tasks of the Zelenograd Nanotechnology Center is the development of technologies and the subsequent organization of small-scale production of competitive microelectronic products to ensure independence from foreign manufacturers of the electronic component base,
added the head of the sales department of ZNTC JSC Elena Khakhanina.

Launch of Russia's first production of transistors for 5G communication systems

Zelenograd nanotechnology center (ZNTC JSC) - a resident of the special economic zone (SEZ Technopolice) - will open the first Russia in the experimental line for the production of crystals of transistors based on gallium nitride (GaN-Si). This is stated in the message of the official portal of the Mayor and dated Governments of Moscow August 5, 2022. Such electronic components are used in the production of powerful, power supplies modules of systems, communications 5G equipment for and, servers data centers wireless. charging stations for electric transport

Russia will launch the first production of transistors for 5G communication systems

In preparing its infrastructure for the production of crystals of transistors based on gallium nitride, namely, the construction and commissioning of a site for experimental production, the company invested about one billion rubles, said Vladimir Efimov, Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Economic Policy and Property and Land Relations, stressing that "this is the first such production in Russia."

The ZNTC plans to start small-scale production of microelectronics on gallium nitride using basic technologies in 2023, said Vladislav Ovchinsky, head of the Moscow Department of Investment and Industrial Policy.

The commissioning of a separate production site, which has full autonomy and independence from the main production line, will allow you to switch to the production of products on gallium nitride substrates from single production to small-scale production, according to ZNTC.

According to experts, gallium nitride is one of the most popular and promising materials of modern electronics. The development of technologies based on this semiconductor is of strategic importance for telecommunications, the automotive industry, industrial automation and power.

The key advantages of GaN transistors are the speed compared to products on silicon substrates, the ability to work at high voltage. They also have the best reliability indicator, - said Galina Anatolyevna Shirkova, head of the Crystal Production of the Zelenograd Nanocenter.

ZNTC plans to start small-scale production of microelectronics at GaN-Si in 2023

According to Yole Development forecasts, the global power electronics market at GaN-Si will grow at a CAGR of 85% in the next two years. The domestic market for microwave and power transistors has grown significantly over the past 2-3 years, however, as of 2022, there is no serial production of electronic components on gallium nitride in the Russian Federation.[1]

According to Anatoly Kovalev, General Director of ZNTC JSC, the Zelenograd Nanocenter, together with technological and industrial partners, is already working on the creation of a technology for the production of an electronic component base based on gallium nitride that is fully localized in Russia.[2]

2021: Modernization of the production site to increase the production of microelectronics

Zelenograd Nanotechnology Center (ZNTC), a resident of the Technopolis Moscow Special Economic Zone (SEZ), has modernized the production site, which is expected to expand the production of microelectronics, as well as give novice innovative companies that support the center access to advanced technologies. This was announced by the head of the department of investment and industrial policy Alexander Prokhorov on June 21, 2021.

"Modernization of the site will make it possible to produce complex microelectronic products for power sources, electric motors, communication systems. Additional technical capabilities of the center will serve the development of the cluster of microelectronics, optics and robotics of the SEZ of Moscow, which by the end of 2020 was among the leaders in investment with investments in the amount of 2.7 billion rubles. ZNTC during its work in the SEZ as a resident invested more than 2 billion rubles in its site. In the first quarter of 2021 alone, his investment exceeded 90 million rubles, "said Alexander Prokhorov.

Zelenograd Nanotechnology Center has been specializing in the development and serial production of products in the field of nano- and microelectronics for more than 10 years. In addition, the company helps novice companies to develop: participates in financing their projects, and also provides the necessary high-tech equipment.

"The nanocenter is a full-cycle complex for the development and contract production of microelectronics products. The modernization will expand the ability of innovators to create new and competitive products. The task of the Zelenograd nanocenter is to transform science into market solutions and finished products, "said Gennady Degtev, General Director of the Technopolis Moscow SEZ.

The modernization of the site opened up opportunities for domestic enterprises to access technologies such as 3D integration of multi-chip modules, as well as to assemble power and microwave electronics using gallium nitride and integrated photonics for communication systems. 3D assembly technologies are used, in particular, to reduce the size of instruments and equipment.

The nanocenter provides opportunities for the production of turnkey electronic modules, said Anatoly Kovalev, General Director of ZNTC JSC.

"Nanocenter specialists help small enterprises, startups, student projects to optimize design solutions, make prototypes and experimental batches of products. ZNTC JSC not only co-finances projects and provides a production line, but also helps companies enter the market, "the head of the center said.


JSC "Research Institute of Molecular Electronics and Plant" Micron "- became interested in the developments of the National Research University" MIET "and JSC" Zelenograd Nanotechnology Center "(JSC" ZNTZ ") in the field of technologies of the element base of high-temperature micro- and nanoelectronics and acted as an industrial partner. The project received the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia within the framework of the federal target program "Research and development in priority areas for the development of the scientific and technological complex of Russia for 2014-2020."

The co-executor of NIU MIET for the project is ZNTC JSC, on the basis of which specialized applied technological solutions are developed that ensure the operability of the element base at temperatures up to 250 ° С. Thus, for example, for the manufacture of temperature-resistant and fast-acting ADCs, specialized processes are carried out at an atomic layer deposition plant. Sputtering thin films of metals and dielectrics allows you to create a three-component nanoscale dielectric with a high dielectric constant (high-k dielectric) for MIM capacitors.

"Microcircuits created using the new technology are used, for example, as parametric products in automated systems for measuring temperatures, monitoring the operation of tools or motors. During drilling, the temperature reaches 250 degrees, and distributed control systems are located closer to the "hot" parts of aircraft and transport engines, submersible blocks of drilling rigs. During drilling, electronic systems monitor pressure, temperature, vibration and actively control control valves and moving mechanisms. Meeting these needs requires the use of high temperature components. Accordingly, the requirements for working at a high temperature of the element base itself are also increasing, "explained Anatoly[3], General Director of the Zelenograd Nanotechnology Center[4]

High-temperature components developed using this technology will be used in devices operating in extreme conditions, in controlling chemical processes, as well as for amplifying and processing sensor signals in industrial equipment operating at elevated temperatures in the oil and gas industry, power and industrial automation.

The basic technology for the manufacture of such microcircuits already exists, Micron also has it, but for work in high temperatures it is necessary to modernize its individual units. The technology is based on the use of special materials - structures "silicon on an insulator" (KNI), microflowing capacitors. But the main thing is the changes in the metallization systems of microcircuits, necessary in order for them to withstand increased temperature and load. "This requires the development of each element, the formation of new design rules, element libraries.

Such an element base is in demand not only in rocket and space technology, but also in instrument engineering for the oil and gas industry, power and engine building.

Section of photolithography of crystals production of Zelenograd nanotechnology center During the project, two main technologies are developed with design standards of 180 nanometers (0.18 microns) and 0.5 microns. NIU MIET is responsible for applied scientific research and part of experimental work, including computer modeling of technological parameters, production and testing of layouts, development of design rules, generalization of results. And the Zelenograd nanocenter is working out technological routes on the line. "We are designing a library of elements, as well as developing technology for thin-film MIM capacitors. This is a complex technological technique using atomic layer deposition (in English transcription - ALD) for high-temperature electronics, "said Anatoly Kovalev. Small-scale production of specialized groups of products will be implemented at the Zelenograd nanocenter site. And at Micron, where both technologies are being tested, it is planned to establish serial production of high-temperature ECB with design standards of 180 nanometers and 90 nanometers.


  • A technological infrastructure has been created to provide a full range of services in the field of micro- and nanoelectronics development. It is especially important that developers of domestic components for microelectronics will be able to order services in the field of development of any cycle for rubles:
    • extreme applications electronics,
    • industrial electronics.

  • The direction for the development of startups at the junction of electronics and medicine was actively developing

During the press tour, it will be possible to familiarize yourself with the crystal production (clean rooms), where developments are underway in the development of sensors, sensors, including for auto electronics, automated control systems.

According to the information as of December 2014, ZNTC CJSC's activities are focused on fulfilling the key task of ensuring the transition from the field of research and development, to the field of specific market implementations. This is a technological platform on which projects should grow and develop, a meeting place for fundamental science, a modern production complex, financial resources and commercial competencies in transferring technologies, attracting industrial partners.


As of November 2013, the Zelenograd Nanotechnology Center is an innovative company engaged in research and development in the field of nano- and microsystem technology.

The created multifunctional complex includes a full design cycle of SBIS, a full cycle of crystal production of microelectronics, nano- and micro-system equipment (MEMS, NEMS, systems on a chip, 3d integration of microassemblies).

The area of ​ ​ clean rooms is 450 square meters. m., class: 10 - 1000, the assembly and testing line for the functional and electrical parameters of microelectronics products. The development and production of integrated circuits and semiconductor devices meets the requirements of GOST RV 15.002-2003 and RD B 319.015-2006 and ensures the satisfaction of the conditions necessary to ensure the fulfillment of the state defense order.

Together with the SEZ "Technopolice Moscow," a modern infrastructure was created that ensures the full cycle of work of new enterprises.

2010: Foundation of the Centre

The center was founded in 2010. MIET and the Zelenograd Innovation and Technology Center, the Fund for Educational and Infrastructure Programs (OJSC Rusnano) for the generation and support of new businesses in the field of nano- and microelectronics and concentrates a significant part of technological resources and competencies.
