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Integrated structure of "Control Systems"


Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of System Programming named after V.P. Ivannikova of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Roselectronics (Russian Electronics)
Federal Agency for State Property Management (Federal Property Management Agency) - 12,93%
Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS)
Financial results
2012 year
Revenue: 15.196229 millions Ths. rub



+ Control Systems (Rostec)
+ Government of the Russian Federation

The research organization specializes in the field of system programming. The Institute develops world-class technologies in areas such as operating systems, compiler technologies, parallel and distributed computing, software verification and testing technologies, analysis and processing of large amounts of data, semantic search, etc.

JSC "Management Systems" was created in accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 3, 2010 No. 1324 and the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2010 No. 2293-r.

For 2020, JSC Management Systems is part of the Roselectronics Holding of the State Corporation Rostec. The organization's activities are aimed at improving the scientific, technical and economic potential of the country's radio-electronic industry in the interests of forming an effective system of state and military administration, taking into account the tasks of developing modern intelligence, management and communications, IT.


The formed integrated structure includes 14 enterprises of the military-industrial complex (March 2013):

Areas of activity

  • Development and implementation of automated and information systems for special purposes in the interests of public administration, defense capability and security of the country
  • Development and implementation of design control systems in the field of creation of military and special equipment in protected execution on the basis of domestic hardware and software solutions
  • Development of corporate and enterprise management application software based on trusted information transfer, processing and storage environment
  • Development and implementation of information and communication infrastructures for standardization, cataloging and certification
  • Development of import-independent information technologies for various purposes in a trusted environment with the ability to integrate databases
  • Development of an integrated corporate design environment (engineering software)
  • Creating Information Security Tools
  • Provision of services to maintain the functioning of automated and information systems for various purposes

The main objective of OJSC "Control Systems" is to meet the needs of the state and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in modern systems, complexes and means of control (including control objects, means of control, automation and communication, special systems).

The activities of OJSC "Control Systems" serve to improve the scientific, technical and economic potential of the country's radio-electronic industry in the interests of forming an effective system of state and military administration, taking into account the tasks of developing modern means of intelligence, management and communications, IT technologies.

At the enterprises of the integrated structure, the development, production, repair and service maintenance of automated control systems of the state, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, types of Armed Forces and branches of troops is carried out.

The "Systems" contains leading research institutes developing ACS for the genera and types of the Armed Forces and the military-industrial complex, said Dmitry Rogozin in 2013. It is this company, according to him, that "we are focused on work in the field of cybersecurity" in Russia.


2021: Plans to create a competence center for safety management of technical and socio-technical systems

JSC "Control Systems" (part of the holding "Roselectronics" of the State Corporation Rostec) and the Institute of System Programming named after V.P. Ivannikova of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISP RAS) agreed to create a competence center for managing the safety of technical and socio-technical systems on the basis of a technological landfill. Roselectronics announced this on February 12, 2021.

The parties plan to conduct joint educational, research and innovative activities in this area. The corresponding cooperation agreement was signed by the interim general director of Management Systems JSC Igor Karavaev and the director of the institute Harutyun Avetisyan.

In addition, as part of the implementation of the agreement, the parties plan to conduct independent examinations, testing and verification of software and equipment with the subsequent issuance of expert opinions. Also, JSC "Management Systems" and ISP RAS agreed to conduct joint research of the domestic software market in order to further form recommendations on the application of solutions in various sectors of the Russian economy.

The agreement involves the formation of joint scientific schools and innovation centers, scientific and technical cooperation in the direction of import substitution, the implementation of scientific and technical groundwork at all stages of the life cycle of civil, special and dual-use equipment, as well as the unification of efforts to promote the results of work on the market of scientific and scientific and technical products. The parties also agreed to jointly take part in the formation of state development programs.

2020: Appointment of Igor Karavaev as Interim General Director

On March 3, 2020, Roselectronics announced that Igor Karavaev had been appointed interim general director of the Management System, the management organization of the automated management systems division of the Roselectronics holding of Rostec State Corporation. Read more here.


Inclusion of 22 enterprises in the circuit of the ACS division under the control of JSC "Control Systems"

On December 24, 2018, in accordance with the order of JSC Roselectronics, 22 enterprises of the electronic complex were included in the circuit of the ACS division under the control of JSC Control Systems.

Cooperation with Gazprom Neft to develop field management systems

Management Systems (part of Rostec's Roselectronics holding) and Gazprom Neft signed an agreement on cooperation in the development and implementation of digital technologies for managing large projects on June 8, 2018.

One of the key areas of work will be the creation of a modern automated system to accelerate the start of development of new fields. The integrated software product will allow you to quickly provide workplaces with communication, operational data collection tools, and personnel control tools. In addition, partners will jointly create systems to support management decision-making. They will help to quickly collect up-to-date information and use artificial intelligence to determine possible ways to perform certain tasks.

The agreement was the result of a lot of conceptual work to digitalize the management of large projects, which we did together with our partner. The signed agreement will give impetus to move from the choice of innovative ideas to their implementation, and Management Systems will become our navigator for interaction with the state corporation Rostec, - commented on the event Denis Sugaipov, Director of the Directorate for Major Projects of the Gazprom Neft Exploration and Production Block, General Director of Gazpromneft-Development.


"Control systems" - the head organization of the division of automated systems "Roselectronics"

On December 19, 2017, Management Systems JSC was appointed the head organization of the automated management systems division of the Roselectronics holding company.

Rostec is preparing to export software for managing enterprises and business

Rostec forms an export package of software products developed to automate the management of enterprises and businesses. Software products, including code, are Rostec's own development. The code structure provides the ability to quickly translate products into different languages.

At the moment, the largest developer of such solutions in the structure of the holding "Roselectronics," which is part of Rostec, the Moscow enterprise "Control Systems" - is completing the localization into English of the main products "Control System. Enterprise "and" Management System. Analytics. "

"Due to the current geopolitical situation, the priority markets for our software are the countries of Southeast Asia, the Middle East and Africa. We plan to start supplying software to foreign markets in 2018 and expect to occupy at least 5% of the market for automated enterprise and business management systems, "said Viktor [1], Director for International Cooperation and Regional Policy of Rostec Kladov State Corporation, [2]

Software solutions offered for export are already used at several enterprises, military-industrial complex Russia including in the structure of Rostec State Corporation.

2014: Joining the defense industry complex

Since 2014, Management Systems JSC has been part of the United Instrument-Making Corporation JSC of the State Corporation Rostec.


"Control Systems" is an organization designed for 2013 to automate and informatize certain processes of public administration, primarily in the military field.

The growth of the net profit of the parent company of the Management Systems holding to 61.8 million rubles.

The revenue of the parent company of the Management Systems holding from the sale of goods, products, works and services in 2013 decreased from 1.625 billion rubles. up to 1.033 billion rubles, follows from the company's financial statements published in the spring of 2014.

Net profit in the reporting period increased from RUB 44.8 million to approximately RUB 61.8 million.

R&D accounted for about 97% of the holding's management company's turnover. The largest R&D customer, which brought about 71% of the total amount earned in this direction, was the Research Institute "Energy" of the FSO of Russia. About 26% of R&D revenues fell on the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

One of the largest enterprises of the Management Systems holding in terms of revenue is NIIAA

The average number of employees of the company for the year increased from 115 to 140 people.

In 2013, the holding's management company received a number of licenses from the FSTEC, as well as the Ministry of Defense and the FSB, allowing it to engage in activities in the field of creating information protection tools, carry out work related to the use of information constituting state secrets, provide services in the field of protecting state secrets in terms of countering foreign technical intelligence, etc.

As of May 2014, only some of the subsidiaries of the Management System published their financial results for the past year. Thus, NIIAA, which brought the largest amount of revenue to the holding in 2012, increased it in 2013 from 2.35 billion rubles. up to 2.57 billion rubles, but the company's net profit decreased by about 16%.

The turnover of INEUM named after I.S. Brook, on the contrary, in 2013 decreased - from 432 million rubles. up to 337 million rubles, as well as the net profit of the company decreased.

Alexey Ananyev appointed general director

In February 2013, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin announced on his Facebook page that he had signed a directive appointing Alexei Ananyev as general director of Management Systems OJSC. Ananyev is faced with the task of creating a second Technoserv from the Systems.

The appointment of a manager from a large private business to the position of the parent organization for the development of military ACS is natural, since all attempts by the Ministry of Defense and other government agencies to integrate efforts in this area and force developers to use uniform standards have failed, says Reserve Colonel Viktor Murakhovsky. According to a source close to the Ministry of Defense, the military has no objections to the appointment of a private businessman, but Ananyev's work will be properly monitored so that there are no abuses in spending tens of billions of rubles, which are planned to be allocated for the development and production of military ACS[3].


The total revenue of the Management Systems holding in 2012 amounted to 15.196 billion rubles, according to the annual report of the management company, published on July 3, 2013. Net profit for this period amounted to about 402 million rubles.

According to the results of 2011, the holding included only four subsidiaries. In 2012, the formation of the integrated structure in accordance with the 2010 presidential decree was completed, and the number of subsidiaries increased to 14.

Their largest turnover was shown by NIIAA and NPP Polet, which earned 2.35 and 2 billion rubles in 2012. respectively. Two "daughters" of the holding - KREMZ and NPO "Impulse" - ended the year with a net loss.

The parent company of the holding in 2012 earned 1.625 billion rubles, which is about six times its turnover in 2011, and its net profit increased two and a half times, to 44.8 million rubles.

In total, the management company performed 23 R&D, 5 of which - as the head contractor, according to the annual report.

Among the priority areas of activity of the parent company of the holding in 2012 was the implementation of measures to create a state automated system for assessing financial, economic, production and technical risks arising from the implementation of a defense order, participation in the development of the concept of software and hardware systems for ensuring security in public places (agro-industrial complex "Safe City"), participation in the development of the concept of creating ACS by the armed forces of Russia until 2020.

The company estimates its market share in terms of implementing measures aimed at solving system-wide global problems of the state and military direction at about 50-60%, and in terms of developing process control systems at the strategic, operational and tactical levels - at the level of 5%.

2011: Official registration of JSC "Management Systems"

The company JSC "Management Systems" was officially registered on March 4, 2011.

2010: Creation of "Control Systems"

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 3, 2010 No. 1324 and Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2010 No. 2293, an integrated structure of the "Management System" was created in the form of an open joint-stock company, 100% of which belongs to the Russian Federation.


  1. [ Rostec
  2. preparing to export software for enterprise and ]business management
  3. ixzz2JvRP1LYL The billionaire went to the defense industry