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Баннер в шапке 2




Financial results
2018 year
Revenue: 900000 Thousand rub


+ Government of the Russian Federation

Alliancetelekom  — one of the largest providers of the Internet and services of a pay TV in the territory of Primorsky Krai. The company renders services to individuals and corporate clients in Vladivostok, Ussuriysk, Nakhodka and Artyom.

Performance Indicators


In 2018 revenue  of Alliancetelekom group exceeded 900 million rubles.

Subscriber base

By the beginning of August, 2019 in a segment of households to which share 80% of income Alliancetelekom fall the company takes the leading positions in Vladivostok and is one of chief operators in the market of Primorsky Krai in general, servicing 110 thousand families in the region. The subscriber base of a business segment of the operator exceeds 6 thousand organizations, the main share is the share of subscribers of broadband access.


2019: Rostelecom purchased Alliancetelekom

On August 5, 2019 Rostelecom announced acquisition of the Alliancetelekom group. The cost of the transaction of the company did not begin to be disclosed.

Rostelecom made acquisition through Bashinformsvyaz subsidiary company. That signed the agreement on acquisition of 100% of shares in three legal entities that provides full control over Alliancetelekom group.

Rostelecom purchased one of the largest Internet service providers of Primorye

The senior vice president, the chief of staff of the president of Rostelecom Anna Shumeyko says that absorption Alliancetelekom will significantly strengthen positions of Rostelecom in the market of broadband access in the Internet of Primorsky Krai.

We also see great opportunities for implementation of synergy effect of operating costs and cross-selling to subscribers of Alliancetelekom of an expanded complex of the services available to clients "Rostelecom — she said.

In Rostelecom specified that purchase of Alliancetelekom answers "strategic objectives on development of an ecosystem of digital services and customer service" of the company.[1]

According to the database " circuit.focus ", one of legal persons of Alliancetelekom Group — Alliancetelekom LLC — belonged to Elena Kurinko. It is specified as the owner of S25RU LLC which, according to the website of group of companies, is an operator on payment acceptance. The third legal person in group of companies is Oktopusnet LLC on which the trademark Alliancetelekom and a part of current licenses on the basis of which the operator works is registered.
