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Vertical Investments




+ Government of the Russian Federation


2024: Establishment of the Holding Company

In early October 2024, the state development corporation Russia ВЭБ.РФ registered the Vertical Investments holding. He will support domestic technology companies, and the total investment at the first stage will be 25 billion. rubles

According to RBC, the management company of the formed holding was the investment platform Sk Capital (formerly Skolkovo Ventures) - the structure of the Skolkovo fund, which manages several venture funds created with the help of state corporations and private companies, and also provides investment bank services. The main activity of Vertical Investments is the provision of other financial services (except for insurance and pension services not included in other groups). In addition, the holding can provide loans and other types of loans, as well as make investments in authorized capital and make venture investments, including through investment companies.

ВЭБ.РФ created the Vertical Investments holding to invest 25 billion rubles in technology companies

Sk Capital CEO Vladimir Sakovich said that the main task of Vertical Investments is to create "technology holdings in key industries for the state" in partnership with entrepreneurs and infrastructure market players. Such holdings will be formed according to the consolidation model "around market leaders, uniting small companies." Priority areas for investment are cybersecurity, unmanned aerial vehicles, information, computer and telecommunications equipment, new technologies in medicine, as well as industrial technologies such as robotics and industrial software.

According to Sakovich, it is planned to invest from 5 billion to 10 billion rubles in each project with the possibility of further attracting new partners. When choosing holdings for investment, various criteria will be taken into account, including manufacturability, investment attractiveness and export potential.[1]
