Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2




+ Government of the Russian Federation

SverdNIIkhimmash OJSC is a developing engineering center for the nuclear complex of Russia, which serves as the leading organization of the industry for the creation of equipment and complex technological complexes for radiochemical production, the nuclear fuel cycle, the processing and disposal of radioactive waste.

Having its own scientific and experimental, design and engineering bases, the company specializes in the development and manufacture of science-intensive non-standard highly mechanized technological equipment with control systems for the nuclear industry and enterprises of the national economy, the performance of design, construction and installation work, the development and creation of turnkey complexes for radioactive waste management (RW) and spent nuclear fuel (SNF) for nuclear power plants and nuclear fuel center enterprises (NPS). There is a computer base for performing calculations on technological processes, strength, seismic stability and performing all types of design and scientific and technical documentation in accordance with industry and state rules and norms.

The experimental production of the enterprise produces bench, experimental, experimental-industrial equipment from simple: boxes, tanks, to a unique technically complex: centrifuges, sealed pumps, glazing furnaces of radioactive waste (RW), the high quality of which is provided by the modern machine park, technological capabilities and the qualification of production personnel.

The Institute has licenses from Gosatomnadzor and Gosgortekhnadzor, as well as a certificate of compliance with the requirements of GOST R ISO-9001-2001 (ISO 9001:2000) for the organization's quality management system for research and design activities and equipment production. Scientific and technical directions of activity: "'

1. Carrying out scientific research in the fields of chemical and radiochemical technologies, thermal desalination and concentration of natural waters and industrial effluents, intensification of heat and mass transfer processes, treatment of liquid heterogeneous systems, production and refabrication of nuclear fuel, management and disposal of radioactive waste.

2. Creation of technological equipment and installations of nuclear industry and energy for:

  • fabrication of nuclear fuel;
  • production of fuel elements and assemblies;
  • reprocessing spent nuclear fuel (SNF);
  • conditioning and disposal of radioactive waste (RW);
  • production of special materials;
  • water treatment.

3. Development and manufacture of non-standard technological equipment of chemical, metallurgical, oil and gas sectors of the national economy for heat and mass exchange processes, treatment of liquid heterogeneous systems, production of mineral salts, fertilizers, dry and wet dust and gas treatment, incineration of industrial and household waste.

4. Development and manufacture according to the initial data of the customer of equipment for the processing of general industrial waste by evaporation, incineration, pressing, separation of pulp, grinding, cementing, dust and gas treatment, rectification.


1. Diagnosis and examination of existing production facilities.

2. R&D to modernize production and substantiate design and technological solutions.

3. Development and coordination of technical tasks.

4. Development of design documentation in the ESKD system and its coordination with oversight bodies.

5. Manufacture of equipment, including incoming quality control of materials, manufacturing supervision and bench tests at own production facilities and in factory conditions for external cooperation.

6. Engineering Services:

  • execution of design works;
  • picking with purchased products;
  • author's support during manufacture, installation, commissioning of equipment;
  • training of maintenance personnel;
  • complete delivery according to NPP standards and nuclear fuel cycle enterprises (NPS);
  • construction, installation and commissioning works;
  • development and creation of turnkey RW and SNF handling complexes for nuclear power plants and nuclear fuel cycle enterprises;
  • service.

The institute's special attention is paid to liquid, solid and gaseous wastes of the nuclear industry and energy. The Institute is developing equipment for the processing, disposal and disposal of waste of all levels of activity.

At almost all nuclear power plants, special water treatment evaporators are operating, evaporators for concentrating water-tail solutions of radiochemical enterprises have been introduced, bitumen, cementing, glazing RW units, dust, steam, gas treatment systems, solid radioactive waste incineration, sorting and pressing plants for radiochemical enterprises and nuclear power plants have been created.

Technical designs of the BREST-OD-300 and BN-800 reactor closed station nuclear fuel cycle (PYATC) have been developed. The projects include electrochemical technology for processing SNF with the release of uranium and plutonium from nitride and oxide fuel in the melt LiCl-KCl.

A special test bench has been created for the development of technical solutions for the equipment of the assembly and equipment section of fuel elements and FAs. A pilot demonstration centre is being set up to process the processing of VVER-1000 SNA, RBMK for HCK.

The center of attention today is also the production of especially pure materials - zirconium, silicon, beryllium, magnesium, etc. The equipment for the whole redistribution for the separation of zirconium and hafnium chlorides with the control system was created together with the Venta plant at PMZ. For the Bazalt enterprise, the institute developed technical documentation for equipment for organizing the production of beryllium metal powder and the subsequent manufacture of crucibles from it.

Along with the creation of equipment for specific nuclear industries, the institute carries out a large amount of work to create equipment for various branches of the national economy.

The institute has created high-efficiency plants for thermal desalination of marine and brackish waters instead of traditional chemical water treatment. More than 70 distillation desalination plants of the institute are used for drinking water supply, makeup of steam generators and boilers, desalination and concentration of mineralized waters.

More than two dozen vacuum distillation plants, more than 30 evaporation and crystallization plants - for the production of various crystalline products from spent etching solutions in ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy - were created to obtain mineral fertilizers, salt, iron and copper.

The experience of the institute made it possible to solve the environmental problems of a number of chemical and metallurgical, energy, engineering industries. Solid and liquid toxic waste incineration plants have been developed, manufactured and operated, complexes have been created for the processing of industrial effluents of thermal power plants, boiler houses, galvanic workshops of machine-building plants, the processing of electronic scrap, oil scale, etc.

Works of SverdNIIchimmash were presented at numerous domestic and foreign exhibitions and noted by medals, Certificates of honor, Diplomas and other prestigious awards. The largest were awarded the Lenin Prize, State Prizes of the USSR and the Russian Federation, prizes of the Government of the USSR and the Russian Federation.