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ITMO Scientific and Educational Corporation





+ ITMO (Scientific and Educational Corporation)
+ Government of the Russian Federation

ITMO Scientific and Educational Corporation is a university of Russia in the field of information and optical technologies. The main scientific areas of the university are optical systems and technologies, nanotechnology, computer and information technologies, laser systems and technologies, algorithms and control systems, secure information technologies, precision instrumentation, electrical engineering and electronics, fundamental and applied research in the field of mathematics and physics.

ITMO is a national research university, a leading university in Russia in the field of information and photon technologies. Alma mater of winners of international programming competitions: ACM ICPC (the only seven-time champion in the world), Google Code Jam, Facebook Hacker Cup, Yandex.Algorithm, Russian Code Cup, Topcoder Open, etc. Priority areas: IT, photonics, robotics, quantum communications, translational medicine, urban studies, Art & Science, Science Communication. Since 2013 - a participant in Project 5-100. In 2017, ITMO University once again entered the TOP-100 of the best IT universities in the world ('Computer Science') and for the first time in the TOP-400 of the best universities in the world in engineering sciences ('Engineering and Technology') according to the subject rating Times Higher Education.



Create LLM Security Lab with Raft and Napoleon IT

Raft , together with the AI Talent Hub of ITMO University and Napoleon IT, created the LLM Security Lab. This laboratory will become a key center of research in the field of security and ethics of generative AI, as well as the application of large language models (LLM) in business. Napoleon IT announced this on August 21, 2024. Read more here.

Opening a laboratory for the use of generative networks in the construction industry

On the basis of artificial intelligence the master's degree in AI Talent Hub, ITMO opens a laboratory for the application of generative networks in. construction industries This was announced on July 26, 2024 by the company. Napoleon IT (Napoleon Aichi) The main focus of the program will be on solving practical and scientific problems together with industry partners of the laboratory. The first partner was the APRI development group.

Master's students will study the applicability of AI in the construction industry, conduct research and participate in developments in the field of AI integration at all stages of the life cycle of projects. As part of the program, they will deal with:

  • Analysis of the territory and identification of possible areas for design taking into account urban planning and historical features.
  • Determination of technical and economic indicators of the project based on approved urban planning regulations of cities.
  • Offering concepts of architectural appearance of objects.
  • Creating financial models of objects taking into account the analysis of open data, such as the cost per square meter, building materials and the demand for various functionality in cities.

For construction companies, this is a great opportunity to integrate AI into their projects, optimize design processes, improve decision-making efficiency and provide an integrated approach to project implementation.

One of the most important tasks of the laboratory will be the participation of undergraduates in international competitions, such as AI for the Built Environment, A SPACE10 AI Design Competition, etc.

We are excited to start our collaboration with Napoleon IT and ITMO. We are actively developing, so we are confident that thanks to our cooperation we will attract talented specialists in the field of artificial intelligence to the company for the most innovative solutions in the framework of our work, "said Evgeny Kozlov, General Director of PJSC APRI.

Artificial intelligence is changing not only new industries, but also traditional ones, including construction and architecture. And we're excited to be part of these changes. We see our mission in training AI specialists of the future - talented professionals who can create a world without borders with the help of their knowledge and skills, - commented Dmitry Botov, co-founder of the AI Talent Hub community, head of the Artificial Intelligence master's program at ITMO University.

Launch of graduate school in the field of artificial intelligence together with Yandex and HSE

Yandex opens the first graduate school in artificial intelligence with a bias in practice. Its goal is to create new conditions and infrastructure for the development of young scientists in the country. Each year of training, graduate students will receive grants of 800 thousand rubles to create new technologies in the field of artificial intelligence and quickly implement their developments in practice, in the industry. Among the first partners are ITMO and HSE, over the next few years Yandex will increase the number of partners several times. The HSE announced this on July 23, 2024. Read more here.

Launch of the undergraduate degree "Engineering of Artificial Intelligence" in conjunction with VK

ITMO VK and launch a joint undergraduate program "Engineering." artificial intelligence It will train specialists in business processes the implementation of artificial intelligence systems in. ITMO announced this on July 10, 2024. AI will help in solving industry problems: finding errors, automating routine processes, processing and analyzing large amounts of data. Graduates of the program will be able to work as - and ML Data-engineers in the fields, economies bank system,, and analysis in the to logistics data field of sales.

Training is focused on key disciplines within three fundamental blocks: mathematics, programming and IT, machine learning. All disciplines are focused on practice, and the blocks of mathematics and programming are focused on the study of data processing issues. A number of disciplines will be implemented with the participation of VK's expert practitioners. The program also involves working on real cases of services and technologies.

The field of artificial intelligence is developing rapidly - from exotic AI technology it has transformed into one of the main drivers of the global economy. It is logical that the need for personnel has increased sharply - earlier it was about the need to produce dozens of high-quality specialists in the field of ML and Data Engineering, and the market needs hundreds and even thousands of specialists annually. When VK and I conceived the Artificial Intelligence Engineering program, we understood that we were creating an educational product, and that our graduate would be in high demand on the market both now and in the future, "said Semyon Kraev, Dean of the ITMO Faculty of Digital Transformations.

The curriculum of the program was developed in conjunction with VK Education and the National Center for Cognitive Development. Internships and practices of students of the program will be held in VK and in ITMO laboratories. This will allow students from the 3rd year to try themselves in work on real applied projects and in real tasks.

VK actively develops the educational direction and invests in the development of the IT industry. In collaboration with leading universities in the country, we train personnel in the most popular specialties in IT. The creation of a joint undergraduate program with ITMO "Engineering of Artificial Intelligence" is a response to an up-to-date market request. Together with ITMO, we are aimed at training specialists who can ensure the introduction of artificial intelligence systems into business processes, "said Georgy Shchelkanov, director of work with VK universities.

Small nanolaser for ultra-compact chips developed

Scientists from ITMO managed to reduce the size of the nanoparticle from 310 nanometers to 200 (this is 5 thousand times less than a millimeter!). The installation works at room temperature, and you can see the green light emitted by the laser in a standard optical microscope. The development will help in creating the smallest details for digital micro-devices and devices for analyzing health indicators, as well as improve the quality of color reproduction of screens in virtual reality glasses. The university announced this on May 29, 2024. Read more here.

Training of cybersecurity specialists for BRICS countries in conjunction with Positive Technologies

ITMO National Research University and Positive Technologies signed a strategic cooperation agreement on May 28, 2024. The main task of the partnership is to jointly train professional personnel in the context of a rapidly growing number of cyber threats. In September 2024, a joint master's program in cybersecurity will start. The peculiarity of the magistracy is that it gives practical skills in both offensive and defensive defense.

As part of the training, students will learn the knowledge, skills and tools of offensive and defensive cyber defense, learn how to analyze infrastructure for weaknesses and vulnerabilities to further eliminate them and repel cyber attacks. In addition, future specialists will learn to develop strategies for ensuring the security of information systems.

Training in ITMO consists of three main elements. The first is the experience of existing specialists in the field of information and cybersecurity, who share fresh cases from the industry. The second is training through practice: these are classes of a new format using simulators, and participation in specialized competitions. And finally, the third is scientific research that helps not only work with security systems, but also modernize them. Together with Positive Technologies, we are developing educational technologies for selecting strong applicants and building a learning trajectory in such a way that undergraduates acquire really useful skills, "said Danil Zakoldaev, Dean of the ITMO Faculty of Information Technology Security.

Undergraduates will be able to choose one of two specializations. The first - "Current SOC" (security operations center) - is focused on preventing current threats. The second specialization, Artificial Intelligence in Information Security, is devoted to the study of promising threats and is more suitable for those who are interested in the research and development of cybersecurity (R&D) systems.

Another feature of the master's degree is the training platform developed by ITMO, which allows students during training to practice in solving professional problems on special simulators that simulate the behavior of real systems. At any time, the student can launch virtual laboratory work in one click and hone his defense and attack skills in real time. Assessments for testing will become known immediately, and the training platform will tell you which topics need to be paid more attention. In addition, you can get advice from teachers at online lectures or from program curators in the chat.

Graduates of the master's degree will receive knowledge corresponding to the positions of the middle-level, and will be able to become analysts of the cybersecurity management center, research engineers in R&D divisions. Such specialists are especially in demand in organizations where it is necessary to protect information systems, for example, financial, construction, consulting, IT companies, at gas and oil production enterprises.

Russian experience in the field of cybersecurity is of interest to our partners from. countries BRICS The growing level of cyber threats around the world determines the demand for competencies that can protect the infrastructure of countries. Positive Technologies has 20 years of experience and advanced expertise. And we consider it important to transfer the accumulated experience and modern knowledge educational to the activities of advanced universities, to enrich educational programs with practical expertise, and are interested in the emergence of strong cybersecurity competencies in those countries that need it, "said Yulia Danchina, director of customer and partner training at Positive Technologies, head of the educational center Positive Education.

The master's degree is suitable for undergraduate graduates and IT specialists who want to gain advanced knowledge in the field of cybersecurity. To get to the program, you need to apply in the applicant's personal account and choose the method of admission - to win the portfolio competition or pass the entrance exam.

Agreement on the creation of a laboratory for the implementation of AI technologies in urban planning processes

On May 24, 2024, Andrei Kurilov, deputy head of the Moscow City Planning Policy Department, and Vladimir Vasiliev, rector of ITMO University, announced the creation of a joint artificial intelligence laboratory. The parties signed a bilateral agreement on cooperation and the creation of a joint laboratory in the direction of introducing artificial intelligence technologies into urban planning processes.

The division will focus on the development of intelligent applications and services aimed at automating and optimizing the processes of urban planning and investment and construction activities, at the level of prototype solutions for subsequent scaling and implementation.

On the basis of ITMO, as of May 2024, there are two research centers - "Strong AI in Industry" and the National Center for Cognitive Development, which have formed a pool of industry-specific AI solutions, including in the field of urban planning.

The purpose of the laboratory is to create applied tools and products based on AI that will help specialists speed up work and technological processes. Artificial intelligence in this case does not become a replacement for a person, but only takes over a layer of routine, complex and long-term tasks. The more often we can introduce such developments into real sectors of the economy, business and production, the better we as a whole will be able to stimulate the development of AI in the country and expand potential areas of its application, - said Vladimir Vasiliev.

According to Sergei Lyovkin, head of the Department of Urban Planning Policy of the city of Moscow, which is part of the Complex of Urban Planning Policy and Construction of the Capital, the laboratory will be part of the Center for Artificial Intelligence, created on the basis of the Mosstroyinform State Budgetary Institution. The start of joint work is scheduled for the summer of 2024. Educational, scientific and innovative activities within the framework of cooperation will be aimed at the development of fundamental and applied scientific research based on the needs of the Urban Planning Complex.

{{quote 'As of May 2024, the Center already has 4 services:

  • Formation of design apartment for houses under the Renovation Program;
  • Check of design and detailed design documentation execution for compliance with the requirements;
  • Automatic updating of information on procedures in the services "Procedure calculator" and "Knowledge base of the Unified Contact Center" based on monitoring of changes in legislation;
  • Voice assistant of the Unified Contact Center of the Urban Development Complex.

Developments are designed to automate work, reduce labor costs and increase the speed of tasks, optimize workflows. The opening of a joint laboratory will allow combining the experience and efforts of ITMO specialists and the Center for Artificial Intelligence to create new services and products in the urban planning sphere on the basis of AI, "said Andrey Kurilov.}}

Recruitment together with the "Airplane" group for the master's degree "Head of IT Development" within the framework of the Institute of Applied Sciences

The ITMO Institute of Applied Sciences and the Samolet company have opened a recruitment for the corporate master's degree in IT Development Manager. It is aimed at training professionals who, following the results of training, will have both the skills of the team leader and the skills of a developer in the field of digital technologies. The program is based on project work: from the first year, students will solve business problems and cases of industrial partners. Graduates of the master's degree will be able to lead IT projects in large technology companies without additional training. The university announced this on April 10, 2024.

The program is suitable for graduates of bachelor's degree and specialty in the areas of "software engineering," "computer science and computer technology," "information systems and technologies." They will be able to both pump their knowledge and skills into IT and apply them in solving practical problems of the industry, as well as form the necessary soft skills of timlid: the ability to organize a team from scratch, conducting digital projects of various scales, flexibility, self-presentation.

Also, the magistracy will help "grow" to leadership positions for those who have already begun their professional path in the role of junior or middle managers. The current heads of business analysis groups in high-tech companies and creators of startups will have the opportunity to introduce more effective tools and approaches into their work.

The curriculum includes four modules. Technical is the most voluminous: it includes the design and architecture of information systems, programming and machine learning, artificial intelligence systems and data analytics . In the management module courses, students will learn to launch, lead on different life cycles and promote IT products and services. The financial module will introduce you to procurement management, startup economics and behavioral economics. On the Soft Skills module, students will gain skills in remote teams, time management, modern business communication and negotiation. Lectures and seminars will be conducted by Aircraft experts and ITMO teachers.

We focus on both hard and soft skills, not one thing. Thanks to a full set of competencies, program graduates will not only have a deep understanding of development, lead teams, but also independently create and implement a product development strategy, "said Anton Kuznetsov, director of the ITMO Institute of Applied Computer Science.

Dialing for the program is already open. In the academic year 2024, 30 people will be able to enter it, 10 of them will be paid for by the Airplane company. The training will be held in St. Petersburg in full-time format. Students will be able to combine study and work with part-time employment. Graduates of the program will be able to work as timlids, product and project managers or lead the business analysis team.

Development of a solution to increase the lifetime of quantum states

ITMO scientists have figured out how to create long-lived quantum states for processing, stable recording and reliable storage of information. The solution is based on artificial intelligence. In the future, the results of the study will help in the creation of quantum computers. The university announced this on April 3, 2024. Read more here.

Discovery of the laboratory where molecular machines are created with the help of AI to diagnose diseases

The laboratory "Generative design of enzymes and aptamers" was opened in ITMO. The university announced this on January 29, 2024. In it, scientists are developing tools for creating molecular machines - nanodevices that are able to accelerate chemical reactions, selectively bind molecules and even act as bioprocessors. Read more here.


Creation of a joint company with Rosneft to develop IT solutions in the field of geological exploration and oil production

ITMO and Rosneft have created a joint company "Modern Digital Solutions in Industry" to develop IT solutions in the field of geological exploration and oil production. This project was announced on December 19, 2023. Read more here.

Digital Chemistry Lab Discovery

A digital chemistry laboratory has opened at ITMO. In it, under the leadership of chemist-theorist Mikhail Medvedev, a team of schoolchildren and young scientists from different cities of Russia will develop IT tools for designing new compounds and building molecular models of chemical processes - including using computer systems that simulate the work of the human brain. The research results will help in the creation of new drugs, microelectronics, as well as additives for extending the life of automotive engines. This was announced on November 30, 2023 by the vice-governor of St. Petersburg Vladimir Knyaginin.

To determine whether a chemical compound is suitable for the role of, for example, a solar cell component or a potential drug, or how it will interact with other molecules, it is important to know its properties, structure and nature of the bonds between atoms. This information can be obtained after the fact by studying the created substance using physicochemical methods (for example, titration, determining the concentration of a particular substance in solution, and spectroscopy, studying the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with substances). Or even before the synthesis, having analyzed the necessary parameters of suitable molecules by methods of theoretical chemistry - calculations and computer modeling.

The second way is more advantageous: it saves time and reagents, allowing a multiple of the number of experiments.

In a digital laboratory, scientists will be able to quickly and accurately establish the nature of the behavior of chemical systems and create new connections with the desired properties: computer modeling, quantum chemistry and artificial intelligence will help them in this. The laboratory was headed by Mikhail Medvedev, researcher at the Scientific and Educational Center of Information Chemistry ITMO, head of the Group of Theoretical Chemistry at the Institute of Organic Chemistry named after N.D. Zelinsky RAS. As of November 2023, more than 60 young scientists in the field of chemistry, physics and information technology are already working in his team - these are schoolchildren, students and graduate students from different cities of Russia (among them scientists from ITMO, Moscow State University, Higher School of Economics, RCTU and TulSU).

This laboratory will become a magnet for talented schoolchildren and students who want to develop at the junction of chemistry and find and solve fundamental scientific problems that are important for the city and the country. Working in an interdisciplinary team of motivated specialists, where everyone knows their role and goals, they will be able to acquire the necessary professional experience and build a successful career as a scientist, "said Vladimir Knyaginin, Vice Governor of St. Petersburg.

The key direction of the laboratory is the development of approaches for modeling chemical reactions. Despite the fundamental nature of research, projects are also in demand by business. So, at the request of leading companies, Medvedev's team is building molecular models of technological processes that are important for the creation of microelectronic devices. Also, scientists are developing programs based on artificial intelligence and machine learning, significantly simplifying and accelerating chemical research. For example, IT solutions can predict the properties of a compound only from its name or suggest what materials and conditions are needed to synthesize new substances.

Another direction is neuromorphic computing. With neuromorphic networks similar in structure and brain work, scientists plan to understand the principles of neuronal interaction and get closer to answering the question of how thinking works.

In the future, I plan to create a network of decentralized laboratories where scientists from all over Russia can work, and in the future - from all over the world. As early as November 2023, we are collaborating with researchers from many leading research institutes and universities, including Moscow State University, Skoltech, University of Florida. Together we will deepen our understanding of the world's structure and use it to solve applied problems, including in the interests of high-tech business, "said Mikhail Medvedev, head of the laboratory of theoretical chemistry at ITMO.

Scientists from Russian and foreign universities will be able to take advantage of the results of the laboratory's work - the data will be published in open repositories and scientific publications.

With IT solutions, we can accurately learn the structure, behavior, and properties of complex systems. These data can be used to develop new compounds in various fields - from oil refining to food industry and biomedicine. For example, we have developed a system for detecting antibiotic residues in defatted milk, as well as investigating antioxidant additives for lubricants to extend the life of automotive engines. Also, digital tools will help calculate the behavior of molecules for the synthesis of new more effective drugs, - said Ekaterina Skorb, professor, director of the scientific and educational center of information chemistry ITMO.

The opening of the laboratory was funded by the St. Petersburg Innovation and Youth Initiatives Support Fund.

Developing compounds that trigger the process of self-destruction in cancer cells

Scientists ITMO (St. Petersburg) and the Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry. A.E. Arbuzova (Kazan) developed compounds that trigger the process of self-destruction in cancer cells. At the same time, they act selectively, without affecting healthy cells. In comparison with the toxicity of antitumor drugs that are used in medicine, the toxicity of the proposed substances is almost 10 times lower. The results of the study are published in the journal Bioorganic Chemistry. This was announced on September 18, 2023 by representatives of ITMO. Read more here.

Opening of the artificial intelligence laboratory X5 Tech

X5 Tech, a IT company in the composition, X5 Group on September 5, 2023 announced the opening of a laboratory artificial intelligence based on AI Talent Hub - ML a program from ITMO and. Napoleon IT The laboratory is organized with the aim of developing products based on AI and training ML and DS specialists who are able to set and solve applied tasks in the field of artificial intelligence in. retail Read more. here

The ability to confirm your education with NFT diplomas

Vkontakte announced on July 17, 2023 that users of the social network will be able to receive the confirmed status of a university graduate in the form of NFT. Graduates of ITMO University will be the first to receive their own NFT diploma - students who graduated from the university in 2023 will be able to verify their education on the VKontakte profile. Confirmation of the formation of VKontakte will work on Soulbound Token Technology (SBT). Read more here.

Yandex launched an accelerated online bachelor's degree for developers based on ITMO

Online training service for digital professions "Yandex. Workshop "in mid-June 2023 launched a series of higher education programs together with leading universities in Russia. The accelerated online bachelor's and online master's degrees in data analysis and programming will allow students to master fundamental knowledge and current practices in the field of IT, adopt the expertise of leading specialists in this industry, improve their skills and become popular specialists in the market. Read more here.

Launch Communication Specialization in IT

In the master's program in scientific communication, ITMO will have a specialization - communications in IT. Its graduates will be engaged in the promotion of IT products, as well as the creation of educational and educational products in this area. The invited experts of the master's degree will be leading specialists and teams from the ML sphere. The university announced this on June 6, 2023.

The purpose of the specialization is to prepare scientific communicators for the IT sector, who will be able to create and oversee communication and educational projects, in particular for the ML sphere. Special disciplines have been prepared for students, such as "Introduction to AI technologies," "Communication in IT: from a startup to a corporation" and "Applied ethics of artificial intelligence." At the same time, master's students will master PR tools, marketing, scientometrics, scientific storytelling, data visualization, product approach, HR basics.

There is a request from technology teams, experts and journalists for communicators who know how to explain complex concepts clearly and interestingly. Another task is to form public confidence in new technologies and products, to help comprehend them critically. IT is an attractive and complex labor market, and our specialization is an opportunity to get into this area with any background, "said Daria Denisova, head of the magistracy and director of the ITMO scientific communication center.

Alexander Krainov, director of artificial intelligence technology development, and Andrey Sebrant, director of strategic marketing, will be invited experts from Yandex. Graduates of the program will be able to apply their skills as producers of popular science content and IT communicators, PR specialists in large IT companies, services and startups. Students who enter ITMO for the master's program "Scientific Communication" in 2023, in the first semester can choose a separate track "Communications in IT."

Launch of the remote master's program "Chemical Software"

ITMO on April 24, 2023 announced the launch of the remote master's program "Chemical Software." This is a program where specialized specialists are trained, using IT to solve problems of chemistry, biotechnology, medical diagnostics, pharmaceuticals, healthcare. Graduates will be able to work in companies producing equipment and smart systems for chemical industries and laboratories.

The program is designed for undergraduate graduates in specialties related to chemistry and chemical technology, biology, biotechnology, medicine, mathematics, physics, IT. Graduates will also have competencies in the field of, internet of things analysis and, visualization big data computational chemistry,,, and blockchain. artificial intelligence augmented reality

The partner was the artificial intelligence platform in Sintelli chemistry, whose specialists will teach at the master's degree, as well as offer students projects for development. In addition, the ITMO Center for Information Chemistry designs solutions at the junction of IT, robotization and chemical technology for Agama, Uralchem Innovation and VkusVill, and graduates work for Danone, BIOCAD and other companies. The average salary of a graduate - a specialist in chemistry and IT - 150-250 thousand rubles per month, depending on experience.

Software development will come in handy both when optimizing the synthesis of a vital drug, developing portable test systems, and when creating a plant with industrial robots. This also includes the development of software products and interfaces for laboratory and medical equipment, MRI scanners and chromatographs, microscopes, mass spectrometers and potentiostats for sensor systems. This is in great demand in the industry: we receive many requests from businesses and startups for such specialists, so we opened a master's degree program that will give the children all the necessary knowledge, skills and practice, "said Ekaterina Skorb, head of the educational program, director of the Center for Information Chemistry, professor at ITMO.

Students will be able to develop scalable and secure software solutions for any operating system, browser, and device, combine industry expertise and the aftermath of advances in information technology to offer customized solutions and products that match the needs and behavior of their users. The focus of the program is also to connect students to the development of standards and certification systems in chemical software, which are still poorly developed not only in Russia, but also in the world.

Opening an online master's degree with Yandex for developers

ITMO and Yandex are opening a set for a master's program dedicated to the development of high-load systems. Training takes place completely online. The university announced this on March 14, 2023.

The magistracy will prepare middle developers, fulstek developers and timlids who will be able to design and implement complex software systems. From the first semester, the master's degree will immerse in software engineering and give development experience. The best students will receive scholarships and the opportunity to get to work in Yandex.

The program is suitable for novice developers and graduates of specialized universities. Most of the time, undergraduates under the guidance of Yandex experts will deal with educational projects and disassemble real IT products. For students with experience, an accelerated track is provided - in this case, they will be able to complete a master's degree in just one year

Students with work experience will be able to graduate from the master's degree in a year by counting the disciplines auditioned in the bachelor's degree or on online platforms.

Among the master's modules "Software of high-load systems" are algorithms and data structures, computer networks, databases, industrial programming in Python, Java, C++ and Golang. After analyzing 12 million vacancies for developers in 2022, experts called these programming languages ​ ​ the most popular in the world.

We have created a program for those who want to start working with large and complex projects as soon as possible, "said Alexander Krainov, head of the magistracy, director of the development of Yandex artificial intelligence technologies. - Each module is based on practical tasks faced by developers of large companies. Studying really becomes the beginning of a career path: with such experience, masters in a couple of years will grow to the positions of senior developers and timlids in leading IT companies.

This program will give students the opportunity to master technologies for developing high-load systems and, after graduation, get a job in large Russian IT companies. The training process includes subjects that are read by industry representatives, and also involves a large number of practical work together with mentors from Yandex. Students will be able to quickly join projects immediately after graduation. We believe that the combination of ITMO's academic experience and Yandex's industrial expertise will allow us to create a program that meets all the needs: both students and employers, "said Anton Kuznetsov, director of the ITMO Institute of Applied Computer Science.

To enter the magistracy of Yandex and ITMO University, you need to take a test and interview. The entry will open in April 2023 on the site. Training will begin in September. 50 people will be able to take part in the program, 30 of whom will study for free.

Master's Programming Launch Plan for the Blind and Visually Impaired

In 2023, ITMO opens the first Russia master's degree in programming for the blind and visually impaired. The university announced this on February 27, 2023. The program will train IT specialists (system administrators, DevOps engineers, testers special software developers and applications) who will be able to develop products that fully take into account the needs of people with visual disabilities, for example, special web interfaces. Both ordinary students and people with disabilities will be able to study at the program. The entire educational content magistracy will be adapted to the needs of students, and both teachers with and without visual disabilities will also conduct disciplines.

ITMO already has several students who have vision limitations. This is an interesting teaching experience for us. On the other hand, we see a serious gap in this direction, since people with vision restriction do not have the opportunity to study in a magistracy with appropriate support - there is simply no such program in Russia. Therefore, we decided to grow specialists who can make information systems and mobile applications more accessible for people with visual disabilities. To do this, we will combine our experience in training specialists in the field of software engineering and the experience of people involved in inclusive education and the development of assistant technologies for the blind and visually impaired, - said Dmitry Muromtsev, head of the Programming for the Blind and Visually Impaired program, associate professor at the ITMO Faculty of Software Engineering and Computer Technology.

Most of the time, students of the program will study the general set of disciplines that they read at other educational programs of the ITMO Faculty of Software Engineering and Computer Technology (FPIiCT). Among them are software engineering, web technologies, the basics of mobile development, UI/UX design, Python and JavaScript programming and much more. But there will also be special disciplines ― for example, the study of screen access systems, voice assistants and other assistant technologies. As a result, students will be able to learn how to design and develop available web interfaces, as well as implement ready-made solutions in them. With a full list of disciplines, you can.

In the magistracy, we focus on disciplines that will allow graduates to professionally engage in software engineering. If in the future they want to delve into any field, they will be able to do so thanks to the basic knowledge gained during the training. But at the same time, students will own accessibility technologies. This is very important, since no one prepares such specialists on the market, - said Dmitry Muromtsev.

Evgeny Nekrasov, a second-year master's student at FPIiKT ITMO, will help to select the necessary disciplines for the curriculum and adapt educational content for students with visual disabilities. Despite the loss of vision and the right hand, he studies in the First Non-Classical on a general basis and has been working in the IT industry for more than eight years on an equal basis with people without health restrictions. During his studies and work, he mastered more than ten programming languages ​ ​ and became a specialist in DevOps/SRE engineering, big data, artificial intelligence, virtual reality and web interfaces for users with vision limitations.

What is the difference between programming for a blind and sighted student? We need a screen reader and adaptive development environments where it works well. The screen reader voices what is happening on the device screen - for example, reads out notifications in instant messengers or says which file in the computer I will open now. I can listen to text at a speed of 1000 words per minute (average reading speed - 200-250 words per minute - ed.). The layout helps me type the program code, since it has an adapted version for programmers and separately for the left and right hands. But it is difficult for me to perceive pictures, so I ask other people to describe them for me, - said Evgeny Nekrasov.

Another feature of the master's degree is the paired teaching of some disciplines. For example, software engineering professionals who have not previously trained the blind and visually impaired will work alongside educators who have visual impairment but no experience in the IT industry. This approach will help tailor learning for students with vision limitations.

As Dmitry Muromtsev notes, graduates of the program can become a new driver for the development of assistant technologies in IT companies and claim the positions of system administrators, frontend- and backend-developers of software and applications specifically for users with visual disabilities, testers, DataOp and DevOps engineers. As of March 2023, only on the of more than 500 vacancies for the position of tester in St. Petersburg.

The creators of the magistracy note that this is not a rehabilitation program, the purpose of which is to help people with visual disabilities restore lost functions and adapt to a new environment. This is a full-fledged program of professional training of IT specialists. Therefore, the master's degree is waiting for graduates of the bachelor's degree in technical and engineering specialties who have programming skills and want to develop in the direction of assistant technologies. Also, the program will suit graduate masters and middle-aged and older people with visual impairments who plan to receive a second higher education.

At the same time, students can study at the master's degree both with and without restrictions on vision.

The user experience of blind and sighted people is radically different. For example, to navigate the site, I use not a mouse and eyes, but a screen reader and keyboard. Therefore, the layout of all elements of the site - headers, radio buttons, links and much more - should be adapted for me. Therefore, the main task of the magistracy is to prepare IT specialists who, having a visual impairment, can solve industrial problems on a par with other people. And also to transfer to graduates without restrictions on vision a specific experience that will help them create special products and solutions, "Yevgeny Nekrasov emphasized.

Offering a protocol to generate confusing states that will help create next-generation chips

ITMO scientists have proposed a universal way to generate quantum correlations and entangled states. It allows you to dynamically influence the parameters of the system and set the desired characteristics of photons, for example, grouping phenomena or anti-grouping. The study opens up possibilities for encoding entangled states in superconducting qubits and processing quantum information in next-generation optical chips. This was announced on January 11, 2023 by representatives of ITMO. Read more here.


Name change

At the end of August 2022, the St. Petersburg university ITMO abandoned the "university" in the name and began to position itself as a scientific and technical corporation. The ITMO team was engaged in the development of a new corporate identity.

According to Darya Kozlova, head of the ITMO development program, the transformation will allow developing technologies immediately with investors and better understand market demands.

St. Petersburg State University ITMO renamed
This rebranding is both a change in the managerial structure and a change in the substantive part in education. And the main thing is our exit from science within ourselves to science in the market, for us this is a colossal challenge. That is, go to marketing, feel the market's request and make the environment so that scientists at the start can work with investors, entrepreneurs, "she said (quoted by TASS).

The logo contains new colors - instead of the predominant blue, black and white are used. This will allow you to combine it with any shades of the palette depending on the purpose of use, the ITMO press service explained.

The main element of the updated logo was the letter "I," in which the Cyrillic and Latin alphabets are graphically played out. The English version of the logo is iTMO.

The university expects that the rebranding will allow the university team to implement ambitious tasks from the Development Program, including accelerating the scientific and technological breakthrough, achieving a high level of technological readiness, as well as the systematic introduction of strong AI technologies and the further development of industrial ties.

We are an international university, and it does not matter which partners we have: Asia, the West or Africa. We have to speak the language we are understood in. The international language of science is known. And in order for international collaborations to continue, we need global positioning, "said Kirill Alexandrov, head of the ITMO strategic communications department.[1]

Participation in the opening of the master's degree "Machine Learning Engineering"

TATNEFT has become an industry partner of the opening of the Master's Degree in Machine Learning Engineering (AI Talent Hub). This was announced on August 2, 2022 by Napoleon IT.

This is a joint project of TATNEFT with Napoleon IT, ITMO University and Almetva State Oil Institute. Read more here.

Permit for the construction of the first facilities of ITMO "Haiparka"

state construction The supervision and examination service St. Petersburg issued permission for construction the ITMO University campus facilities on the territory of the integrated - and scientificallyeducational innovation center. This was announced ITMO Highpark on July 27, 2022 at ITMO University. More. here

Agreement with Gazprom Neft on the creation of an innovative industrial center

Gazprom neft"" and ITMO University signed an agreement on the creation St. Petersburg of an innovative industrial center in the innovative industrial center, which will develop sensors, robots control systems, drones computing systems and other digital solutions for the oilgas industry. TAdviser This was reported on July 7, 2022 by representatives of Gazprom Neft.

The center will provide a full cycle of innovations: from scientific discoveries to the creation of ready-made technologies, digital products and their distribution on the market. At the start of the project, the annual volume of orders is estimated at 300 million rubles.

Image:СПбГУ ИТМО.png
Gazprom Neft and ITMO University signed an agreement on the creation of a center for the development of robots and programs for drones

According to Alexander Dyukov, chairman of the board of Gazprom Neft, among the priority areas for joint development are robotics, artificial intelligence, and software for industrial systems. At the same time, special attention will be paid to the training of new personnel.

We want ITMO graduates to be as ready as possible to work in our company, - said the top manager of Gazprom Neft.

Research and development will be carried out on the basis of the Gazprom Neft technological cluster, faculties and laboratories of the university. scientificallyeducational The ITMO center will also join the project, Highpark which will establish small-scale production of equipment and prototypes.

The center will combine the scientific capital of the university with the industrial expertise of the company: it is planned that 150 developers from Gazprom Neft, 300 doctors, candidates of sciences and young scientists of the university will work in the project team.

"ITMO is one of our main partners among higher educational institutions of St. Petersburg. Together we are already implementing several large joint projects, including in the development of artificial intelligence technology. Within the framework of the signed agreement, our goal is to launch a pipeline of innovations for the oil and gas industry in order to promote the technological independence of our industry, "added Alexander Dyukov, Chairman of the Board of Gazprom Neft.

Among the priority areas for joint development of partners are robotics, AI and software for industrial systems

For his part, Vladimir Vasiliev, rector of ITMO University, noted that working with global technology companies is extremely important for the university. Gazprom Neft is transforming from an energy company to a technological one. And such a transformation fully coincides with the development strategy of ITMO University.

"Together, we will form new markets and products that will accelerate the scientific and technological breakthrough, achieve a high level of technological readiness, and integrate business, science and education. Working on projects on the frontier of science requires cooperation. In the innovative industrial center, we will be able to continue productive cooperation with Gazprom Neft and implement projects in the field of artificial intelligence, cyberphysical systems, digital technologies, "the rector of ITMO University is convinced.

Another area of ​ ​ work of Gazprom Neft and ITMO will be the creation of an advanced engineering school. This is a federal project with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. The main goal is to train specialists for the tasks of high-tech industry and ensure the technological sovereignty of the country. ITMO Advanced Engineering School will begin work on biotechnology specializations, promising sensorics and photonics, software engineering.

Study of direct laser recording of nanoarrays

On May 6, 2022 scientific , employees of the Faculty of Nanoelectronics ITMO University reported that together with colleagues from, and FIAN RKHTU named after D.I. Mendeleev NRNU MEPHI conducted a study in which they found out that nanoarrays have high spectral selectivity. Their layers can be used as wavelength-specific filters, and up to six layers can be recorded on a single glass plate. Thanks to this technology, scientists have implemented dispersion birefringent filters, which can be used in various ways: for example, to create biochemical sensors for diagnosing the flow of bacteria or displays added virtual reality and with a color image. More. here

Launch of a project master's degree to train machine learning engineers in conjunction with Napoleon IT

ITMO University and Napoleon IT have launched a master's program to prepare Machine Learning Engineer ― machine learning engineers. The training is organized in the format of a distributed project office and will be implemented into the real workflows of IT companies. This master's format with zero adaptation time for graduates was created on the basis of AI Talent Hub as part of the ITMO Development Program ― 2030. The university announced this on February 28, 2022.

The key idea of ​ ​ the program in an inverted approach to training engineers is to combine the best practices of engineering schools with interactive online learning technologies and best practices for working with interns in IT companies. Students will implement projects for the development of artificial intelligence systems, the results of which should be working software services for all customer requirements for the deadline. Most of the training will be held online, but the program also provides for full-time project work. As a result of intensive training, students will receive a master's degree from ITMO University and will be able to work in R&D teams of leading IT companies.

The training of IT and AI specialists must always meet the challenges of ultra-fast market development. The pace of this industry does not give universities time to "swing," so we at ITMO brought the learning process as close as possible to real conditions. Only the interaction of the university with industry leaders, with those partners who form new markets, allows the student to get the most relevant knowledge and skills, thanks to which the graduate will not feel the transition from study to work. At ITMO, such programs, soft skills courses and opportunities to manifest themselves in other scientific and technological areas help the student to "grope" his unique career trajectory and make a choice in favor of his interests and ambitions, "said Darya Kozlova, head of the Development Program, First Vice-Rector of ITMO University.

For two years, master's students will go through all the stages of the machine learning engineer's work: from collecting and marking data with the construction of pipelines for their delivery to training and sending models with monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness algorithms and ensembles of models, optimizing training time and deep inference, neuronets developing backend services and over integration API user interfaces. The creators of the program took into account the balance of hard & soft skills - both in selection and in training. It is important for a master's student to develop "product" thinking so that he can not only perfectly to program and train deep neural networks, but also create AI products that solve real problems of end users.

We are not creating a magistracy in the traditional sense, but an innovative progressive educational technology. Here, studying at a university is a full-fledged work in a company. It turns out an inverted model of education, which is built by Napoleon IT and ITMO University. We collect students for employers and, together with the university, help build the educational process. Now talents do not want to receive a diploma for the sake of a diploma or an entry in a work book for a tick, but strive to grow and develop, choosing a company where they will get quick experience, - said Pavel Podkorytov, CEO of and cofounder Napoleon IT.

{{quote 'I think that this kind of inverted education model is most lacking among mass online courses, which are already several hundred different qualities in the field of Data Science. The pain of timlids in companies is that it is extremely difficult and costly to conduct onboarding of a graduate after online courses without real experience in production development. This is a big problem - to effectively embed jun on a real project in a distributed remote command. We set a high bar for ourselves, mentors and our partners as an obligation - to bring out talented guys, which have a good knowledge base at the entrance, to the level of requirements for the Middle position of a machine learning engineer by the second year of preparation in the project, revealing their potential to the maximum so that they can find their dream team, "added Dmitry Botov, project manager at AI Talent Hub. }}


Receiving 1.2 billion rubles for the opening of the research center "Strong artificial intelligence in industry"

ITMO will receive 1.2 billion rubles to open a research center "Strong Artificial Intelligence in Industry" within the framework of the federal project "Artificial Intelligence." The university announced this on October 5, 2021. Scientists of the Center will develop digital solutions for planning the development of oil and gas fields, as well as the design and operation of structures in the harsh conditions of the Arctic.

Up to 1 billion rubles will be received from the Government to open an AI research center. Another 30% of the amount will be provided by development customers. The centers will result in globally competitive application solutions in the form of developed software and hardware and software systems with a high level of technological readiness.

In addition to creating a decision-making system for planning the development of oil and gas fields, we are also working on AI, which will design offshore facilities and structures on the Arctic shelf taking into account complex climatic and geographical conditions. By changing the parameters of the creative process reproduced by AI, you can get several project options at once and choose the optimal one from them. Finally, tools will be developed to intellectualize business processes and organizational structures. By analyzing the "digital traces" that employees leave in corporate information systems, AI will form proposals for personnel, structural and functional changes. Such a system will increase the efficiency of many production processes to 40%, - said Alexander Bukhanovsky, director of the ITMO national center for cognitive development. }}

AI is a turbine of all digital technologies. Countries that achieve high results in this area will always set the direction for everyone else. This is exactly the key goal of creating a new center - to lay a solid scientific and methodological foundation for breakthrough digital technological solutions in demand in the Russian and foreign markets. To be always ahead and be able to set the trend for the entire industry, we rely precisely on strong AI, which is able to take on difficult creative tasks. We are glad that the expert council and large industrial partners supported our intentions, - said the head of the ITMO development program, the first about rector Darya Kozlova.

Receiving a Research Leadership grant in the amount of 994 million rubles

ITMO University on October 5, 2021 announced that it had received a special grant "Research Leadership" for scientific and technological development. Its size will be 994 million rubles. With these funds, the university will continue to conduct research, build personnel potential and will be able to create knowledge-intensive products and introduce technologies.

The strategic goal of ITMO University until 2030 is to prepare competitive personnel for the research sector and implement innovative projects that would affect the socio-economic development of the country and the lives of specific people.

At ITMO, we are forming a network-centric university in which business is not a customer, but a full-fledged participant in processes where, with the assistance of the university, students and graduates create technology companies, "said Darya Kozlova, head of the ITMO University development program, first vice-rector. - We plan to ensure technological superiority in the markets of sensorics, telecommunications, robotics, energy-saving technologies, introduce technologies of strong artificial intelligence to transform key processes of science, business and integrate digital projects to develop personalized methods of health monitoring and regulation.

The ITMO team will implement the Open Source University ― development program. It involves accelerating a scientific and technological breakthrough, achieving a high level of technological readiness (TRL 7-8), transforming science, business and the social sphere through the systematic introduction of technologies of strong artificial intelligence and the development of industrial ties.

The university plans, for example, the creation of a quantum network for secure communication and maintaining the performance of key areas of activity (financial markets, unmanned vehicles, etc.), improving the quality of life through health monitoring and diagnostics technologies, developing an ecosystem of digital personalities (avatars) with the functions of social reflection and training in the community, the development of an autonomous system for monitoring the technical status of railway highways "Silk Road" based on drones, smart sensors and predictive analytics.

One of the technological projects that ITMO is implementing in collaboration with Russian Railways as of October 2021 is the creation of the first trunk quantum network connecting the entire territory of the Russian Federation. This is a different level of secure and fast data transfer, based on the intersection of photonics technologies and quantum physics.

Creating water-resistant perovskite nanocrystals to study living cells

On September 17, 2021, ITMO University announced that its scientists have created nanocrystals of perovskites that retain their optical properties in water and biological fluids for a long time. The obtained material can open up possibilities in the field of optical visualization of biological objects. This is important for studying the internal organs of living organisms and monitoring the course of diseases. The results of the study are published in the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. Read more here.

Provide access to Cloud Solutions Group and ITMO are expanding cooperation in the field of educational and research projects. This was announced on August 30, 2021 by Digital Technologies.

Cooperation between ITMO and Group has been implemented in several areas, including student research activities, the organization of joint educational programs and internships. By the start of the school year, ITMO teachers and students will have the opportunity to use Cloud Solutions cloud solutions for the implementation of research projects.

The training programs that the company will conduct together with the university will help students develop applied professional skills. This will make it easier for them to find work. The best graduates of ITMO will be invited to an internship and will have the opportunity to join the team of Odnoklassniki and other projects of the company.

As part of the cooperation, students and teachers of the ITMO Department of Information Technology and Programming will have access to Cloud Solutions. They will help teachers improve the efficiency of the educational process, and students will be useful in conducting scientific research in the field of multithreaded and distributed programming.

Together with experts from Cloud Solutions, the university will launch an online educational course on cloud engineering. The university will also have an educational course on the development of speech technologies, developed with the support of the MADE Big Data Academy from the Group.

In addition, the Group will provide grants for the use of Cloud Solutions cloud services for ITMO accelerator participants and graduates as part of its Start program aimed at supporting small innovative enterprises in the fields of science and technology.

For many years, we at the Group have been supporting IT education in Russia, including in partnership with leading universities in the country. ITMO is one of them. University students demonstrate a high level of knowledge, regularly take prizes in international programming competitions. Together with the start of the new academic year, we are expanding cooperation in order to develop Russian education and science together, "commented Anna Stepanova, director of educational projects at Group.

We have been working with Group for over 10 years. During this time, we tried different forms of cooperation, and all of them were quite successful. In 2021, Group provided access to the use of cloud services Cloud Solutions. We have already started using Cloud Solutions to conduct research and write graduate qualification papers for students. In the future, we plan to connect educational activities to research to check students' homework in parallel and distributed computing courses, "said Vitaly Aksenov, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Information Technology and Programming at ITMO University.

Creating a structure for developing compact parts of an optical computer

A group of scientists from ITMO University, the National University of Colombia and the University of Siena have developed a structure that is special in its properties. With its help, it is possible to control electromagnetic surface waves much more efficiently - localized waves that propagate along various surfaces. This opens up other possibilities in creating compact optical devices for transmission and processing. data ITMO University announced this on August 19, 2021. More. here

Launch Computer Vision Specialization in Master's Degree with Napoleon IT

ITMO University on July 12, 2021 announced that, together with the developer company PONapoleon IT, it had launched a specialization in a master's degree in computer vision. Graduates of this profile will be able to work in projects related to the recognition of faces and objects in photos and videos. Read more here.

Opening of graduate school in the scientific specialty "Artificial Intelligence"

The ITMO University has the first graduate training program in the field of artificial intelligence in Russia, at the end of which you can get a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences. ITMO representatives reported this on June 9, 2021. Previously, in other universities it was possible to obtain a degree only in related sciences. Students in ITMO will be trained according to the new nomenclature of the Ministry of Science and Education. Future graduate students will gain comprehensive knowledge from different scientific areas related to the study and development of AI and machine learning.

In addition to traditional areas of artificial intelligence, such as speech and natural language processing, machine vision and intelligent decision support systems, the program takes into account promising AI methods: automatic machine learning, generative design of digital and physical objects, training on small samples in conditions of high uncertainty and environmental variability.

"The specialty takes over not only aggregation, but also the focus of directions, without which modern artificial intelligence cannot effectively develop. The program is very wide, but at the same time we take into account the needs of the market. Industry technologies of artificial intelligence are also in great demand in our country, for example, with applications in healthcare, industrial industries, education and the financial sphere, "said Alexander Bukhanovsky, director of the national center for cognitive development at ITMO University.

Applicants are waiting for two entrance tests: exams in a foreign language and specialty. As a foreign language, you can take not only English - German and French are also suitable. And the presence of a confirming language certificate will allow you to get an assessment "automatically."

At the exam in the specialty, applicants will be tested for knowledge of linear algebra, probability theory, optimization. In addition, you will need to answer the question of machine learning: you need to know what a neural network is and how it differs from linear regression. At the same time, diplomas of the winners of the All-Russian Student Olympiads, for example, the I-Professional Olympiad, can receive the highest score.


Podcast with Andrey Stankevich, Associate Professor, Faculty of Information Technology and Programming, ITMO on Sports Programming


Scientists have created a semiconductor nanolaser operating in the visible range at room temperature

An international team of scientists, which included researchers from ITMO University, announced the creation of a compact semiconductor nanolaser operating in the visible range at room temperature. According to the authors of the study, the laser is a nanoparticle of perovskite measuring 310 nanometers (this is more than 3000 times less than one millimeter), capable of emitting coherent green light at room temperature. Scientists have submitted to the green part of the visible spectrum, which was previously considered problematic for nanolasers. This was reported on June 5, 2020 in ITMO. Read more here.

Scientists have developed an ultra-accurate method for laser treatment of halide perovskites

April 24, 2020 it became known that scientists of the Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) and ITMO University, together with colleagues from Germany, Japan and Australia, developed a method for ultra-accurate, fast and high-quality laser processing of halide perovskites (CH3NH3PbI3) and showed how to make solar panels of all colors of the rainbow, to stamp nanolasers in millions for future optical transistors, quickly record information to the surface that only whoever it is intended to read. Read more here.

Opening of the specialization "Technologies of conversational intelligence"

On April 20, 2020, PJSC MTS"" and ITMO University announced the opening of the specialization "Spoken Intelligence Technologies" within the master's program "System and Applied" software at the Faculty of computer Technology and Management. Admission to the program is already underway, training will begin in the fall of 2020.

Conversational artificial intelligence was reported to be one of the main types of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies that allows a "machine" to engage in dialogue with a person in a natural language, capture context and provide reasonable answers. Based on these technologies, chatbots are built that can answer a question by phone, in a messenger or on the site, as well as smart speakers, personal assistants like Siri or Google Assistant in smartphones and talking robots. Within the specialization, ITMO University students will develop a speech recognition system, generate and analyze noise, gain specific knowledge that will allow them to work in joint research projects with MTS and create various applications of modern AI. These are dialog assistants, voice control systems, knowledge bases.

15 people are planned to be admitted to the first set of specialization "Technologies of conversational intelligence." The program is aimed at students with programming experience who are also familiar with the basics of AI. The disciplines that future masters will master during training will include automated text analysis, graph knowledge bases, and the architecture of dialogue systems. Students will have the opportunity to undergo internships at the MTS Artificial Intelligence Center, as well as write scientific works under the guidance of company experts. An AI laboratory will be opened on the territory of ITMO University, where undergraduates will be able to practice and participate in master classes, mitapes and hackathons together with MTS representatives.

Solutions created using conversational intelligence technologies have already entered our lives tightly. The market for innovative products such as voice assistants and virtual assistants is constantly growing, so for April 2020 it is important to make a contribution to the education of future industry experts and thereby ensure the effective development of the industry in order to support our country's position in the field of artificial intelligence. MTS already cooperates with several universities and scientific centers in different regions and intends to expand interaction with educational institutes.

told Arkady Sandler, Director of the Center for Artificial Intelligence MTS

We have been successfully cooperating with MTS in the framework of scientific research in the field of "Conversational Intelligence" for more than two years. A small coworking office will be created inside the university, in which students will not only study, but also work on projects, including under the guidance of leading MTS specialists. We see the future for this form of education, since in combination with such forms of training as adaptive modular mixed and online training, individual trajectories and project work, we will get at the exit from the master's degree already fully established specialists who can become leaders in their teams.

told Dmitry Muromtsev, head of the international laboratory "Intelligent methods of information processing and semantic technologies" of ITMO University

Agreement with Schneider Electric to implement Corporate Master's Program

On April 15, 2020, it became known that the company in providing digital solutions in the field of electricity management and automation Schneider Electric signed an agreement with the St. Petersburg National Research University ITMO. Within the framework of the agreement, the corporate master's program, the modern approach to teaching students Project based learning (project training approach) and a number of promising projects will be implemented.

Schneider Electric specialists already have experience in cooperation with the University: previously, five projects were initiated using virtual and augmented reality technologies (VR and AR), as well as the industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). As of April 2020, all of them have been implemented and are successfully used at the Schneider Electric SHEZEM plant in the Leningrad Region.

We intend to expand interaction with students of ITMO University: to apply a project learning approach in which students are immersed in conditions as close as possible to workers. To do this, we are considering the possibility of expanding production sites if this initiative shows its effect, as well as involving young specialists in current digital projects,
noted Armen Badalov, Deputy General Director for Strategy, Innovation and Regional Development of Schneider Electric in Russia and the CIS

Schneider Electric will become a key partner of the Industrial Cyberphysical Systems Master's Program and will collaborate with the Production Cyberphysical Systems (PCM) majors. The company has already received the status of a "Corporate Partner" and will take part in the development of the curriculum, as well as integrate its own tools and resources into it. Training in PCM specialization will begin in the 2020/2021 academic year and will be practical-oriented, which guarantees the active participation of Schneider Electric in the educational process. Graduates of the program will have skills in the development, modeling and implementation of industrial cyberphysical systems that combine production systems as well as industrial automation systems.

ITMO University trains specialists in the field of information technology, engineers and entrepreneurs. The main distinguishing feature of the University is the Project based learning approach - a modern teaching technique in which the usual theory is combined with the practical part. Thus, students gain deeper knowledge and competitive skills through solving real problems and problems, and teachers become coordinators and carriers of useful experience.

The terms of our master's degree with Schneider Electric will undoubtedly improve the quality of training. We hope that thanks to the opportunities provided, our undergraduates will be able to gain skills and experience that will significantly increase their competitiveness in the market,
commented Anton Pyrkin, Dean of the Faculty of Control and Robotics Systems, ITMO University

Scientists have proposed a planar platform to create an optical transistor

On April 10, 2020, ITMO reported that leading scientific teams in the field of nanophotonics are working to create optical transistors that will form the basis of an optical computer. Information transfer in such devices will be carried out not with the help of electrons, but with the help of photons, which will reduce heating and increase speed. However, there is complexity - photons do not interact very well with each other, which adds problems to microelectronics. A group of researchers, based on ITMO University staff, proposed their own solution to the problem, creating a planar system in which photons bind to other particles and can interact through this. The principle presented during the experiment can become a platform for creating an optical transistor. Read more here.

Scientists from St. Petersburg have found a way to reduce the cost of highly efficient solar panels

On February 4, 2020, ITMO reported that a group of scientists from St. Petersburg proposed and experimentally tested a technology for creating highly efficient solar panels based on A3V5 semiconductor connections on a silicon substrate, which in the future may have an efficiency of one and a half times higher and at the same time lower cost than photovoltaic converters with one cascade. The appearance of this technology was once predicted by the Nobel laureate Zhores Ivanovich Alferov. Read more here.

Proposal to use blockchain to monitor the safety of unmanned vehicles

Employees of the Faculty of Information Technology Security of ITMO University have proposed a method for using the blockchain system to monitor the traffic situation. The university announced this on February 21, 2020. Read more here.

Scientists have found a way to non-invasively release drugs from polymer carriers inside cancer cells

On February 11, 2020, it became known that ITMO University scientists have found a way to non-invasively release a drug from polymer carriers inside cancer cells. Read more here.

Russian scientists taught artificial intelligence to "see" quantum advantages

Russian scientists from MIPT, FTIAN and ITMO have created a neural network that has learned to predict the behavior of a quantum system by "looking" at the scheme of this system. This was announced on January 16, 2020 by MIPT to TAdviser. Read more here.

2019: Russians find a cheap way to create microlasers for photon computers

An effective, fast and cheap way to create perovskite microlasers has been found - sources of intense light for optical microchips, which will then be used in next-generation computers. On March 13, 2019, TAdviser was reported at the Far Eastern Federal University. The technology was developed by FEFU scientists together with Russian colleagues from ITMO, scientists from the University of Texas Dallas and the Australian National University. Read more here.

2018: Joining the Digital Health Consortium

The national consortium "Digital Health" began work in Russia, the memorandum of creation of which was signed on February 16, 2018 at the National Medical Research Center named after Almazov. The consortium is attended by the Shvabe holding (structure of Rostec Group of Companies), the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of Russia, Rusatom Healthcare, Almazov National Medical Research Center, Lomonosov Moscow State University, ITMO University and the engineering center ElTech SPb. Read more here.


Creation of a campus in the south of St. Petersburg - a research and development site

On October 17, 2017, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev at a plenary meeting of the Open Innovations forum announced the start of a project to build a university complex in the Pushkin district of St. Petersburg. The corresponding order (dated October 13, 2017 No. 2237-r) is published on the website of the Government of the Russian Federation[1]

In accordance with the concept of the project, the campus will include scientific centers, laboratories, educational buildings, housing and other facilities. The planned construction area is about 400 thousand square meters. The campus is planned to train 3,600 people, create 50 international laboratories, at least five innovative industries, which, in turn, will create 6 thousand highly qualified works. more here.

St. Petersburg students declared the best programmers in the world

For the seventh time in the history of the university, the team of the St. Petersburg Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (SPbNIU ITMO) won the annual programming championship in May 2017. The laurels of the winners, together with Petersburgers, were also shared by students from Warsaw and Seoul.

The Olympiad among software students has been held since 1977. There have been six winners this year. The awards for 2nd place were received by representatives of Fudan and Beijing Universities, Xinhua University and the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.

Students from Tokyo, the Swedish Royal Institute of Technology, the Ural Federal University and the Korean Institute of Advanced Technology returned with bronze from ACM-ICPC 2017.

Innovation Center for the Internet of Things, AR and VR

SAP has opened an innovation center for the Internet of Things, AR and VR in ITMO. ITMO students and teachers will be able to work on research and projects for augmented and virtual reality and the Internet of things, solve practical problems from business partners and study SAP technologies and services.

SAP Next-Gen Lab is aimed at developing students' entrepreneurial and design skills, design-oriented thinking, emotional intelligence through the development of prototypes of innovative products and solutions, whose customers are customers and partners of SAP - the largest Russian companies. The SAP Next-Gen Lab Innovation Center at ITMO is equipped with software and equipment that allows you to create prototypes of IoT projects, AR/VR, mobile business applications, and run scenarios using drones and 3D printers.

FPI and ITMO University will create a target search laboratory in the field of IT

The Foundation for Advanced Research and ITMO University entered into a cooperation agreement at the beginning of the year, which involves interaction between the Foundation and the university on a wide range of issues. Among the main areas of cooperation are the search, selection and ensuring the implementation of scientific and technical projects, the creation of conditions for attracting talented youth to the field of scientific research and technological development, as well as the formation of scientific ideas about possible threats that are critical for the country's defense and state security.

The Foundation for Advanced Research and ITMO University plan to create a targeted search laboratory, whose activities will be aimed at developing interdisciplinary research in the field of information technology and related fields. The laboratory will be created on the basis of the Faculty of Translational Information Technologies of ITMO University, whose goals are to create promising world-class technologies to solve knowledge-intensive problems in such small-formalized areas as health care, public life and others.

Targeted laboratories are created by the Foundation and various organizations for long-term and wide-format cooperation. The tasks of the target laboratory include the search for new scientific ideas, the formation of proposals for research areas, the development of research programs and the search for teams for their implementation. The search target laboratory identifies critical problems in a certain area of ​ ​ research, forms scientific and technical foundations and concepts for solving them, collects and analyzes relevant scientific data and develops proposals for the areas, goals and expected results of breakthrough research and development in the corresponding area. The tasks of the target search laboratory also include the development of regulatory, technical and technological documentation for the technologies and samples being created.

2016: ITMO joined the SAP University Alliance and opened SAP Next-Gen Lab

The university ITMO SAP CIS announced in November the signing of an agreement according to which the university is part of SAP University Alliance and opens SAP Next-Gen Lab.

ITMO University and SAP cooperation plans are related to undergraduate and graduate student training, research and development, internships, entrepreneurship and innovation. Teachers and students will have access to SAP content - 600 courses on 12 topics. Training will be possible in the audience or online on open MOOC platforms openSAP and openHPI.

An important role in the cooperation of the university and the company will be played by SAP Next-Gen Lab, a center in which students will work on solving innovative problems in the interests of business, implementing the concept of design-oriented training. Master classes, hackathons, innojams will help them get acquainted with SAP technologies, practical examples of digital transformation of companies, find ideas for their own business.

Until the end of 2016, SAP Next-Gen Lab will become part of the ITMO University Department of Design and Innovation, where the topics of training and development based on the Center for Converged Innovation will cover the Internet of Things, business architectures, computational design and audiovisual art.

2012: Victories at international competitions

In July 2012, students of the St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics won three medals at the 3rd International Olympic Games of Humanoid Robots "Taijin Cup" and successfully performed in two nominations of the 1st International Robot Dance Tournament "Fujin Cup."

At the Olympic Games, Russians received a gold medal in the doubles dance nomination, silver in the collective dance, bronze in boxing.

At the International Dance Tournament, St. Petersburg robots took first place in the folk dance category and third in the original dance.

Development team
At the Olympics, robots danced, boxed and played football

The third International Olympic Games of humanoid robots were held July 23-28, 2012 in the Chinese city of Harbin, Heilongjiang Province. In total, more than 600 students from 70 educational institutions around the world took part in the competition. Awards were played in 24 disciplines, including pair dancing, football, boxing and others.

The team included students of the Department of Control and Informatics Systems of the Faculty of Computer Technologies and Control: Borgul Alexander, Vlasov Sergey, Margun Alexey. Coach Feskov Alexey. The head of the team is the head of the strategic planning and development department of NRU ITMO I.I. Kim.

A distinctive feature of the competition is the requirements for participants: humanoid robots had to have two arms and two legs, i.e. have the main features of a person.

According to the organizers, robots must be flexible and resilient enough to participate in such competitions.

"The main idea in organizing the Olympiad was to introduce innovations in Chinese universities and develop more flexible and functional robots," the organizers of the competition said.

It is not the first time that ITMO students have become winners of various international and domestic programming competitions. One of the latest achievements of the educational institution is the victory at the World Programming Championship in Warsaw 2012 ACM-ICPC World Finals.

In May 2012, the President Russia Vladimir Putin congratulated the team of programmers of NRU ITMO, who won gold medals in the final of the World Programming Championship and became the absolute world champion in programming.


Video report on the participation of ITMO students in the robot competition-exhibition in October 2011