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Dmitry Medvedev and his class. Leningrad. USSR. 1979


Dmitry Medvedev in his youth, 1986.
Konstantin Chuichenko (right), in the future, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev (left)

2006: Facing Bill Gates

In 2006, Dmitry Medvedev in Moscow met with Bill Gates

At a meeting with Bill Gates on November 7, 2006: If a few years ago Russia mainly focused on mining industries, now work is much more active to develop the country on the basis of innovative technologies. There are also achievements here, although they are not as great as we would like. The Russian government is trying to promote the development of innovative technologies on all spectrum, including the tax base, the fight against intellectual piracy, and the elimination of administrative barriers. We have plans to step up work to create a so-called "e-government," which should make the work of the authorities effective, mobile and open to society.

At a government meeting on April 6, 2006: The communications industry is one of the most important components of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, and the degree of availability of communication services determines the level and quality of life. Over the past five years, the communications industry has been one of the most dynamic industries. The growth rate in the industry was more than 30 % per year. At the same time, the level of development of communication infrastructure in Russia lags behind the level of developed countries.


Dmitry Medvedev is a fan of technology Apple

At a meeting with software developers in the Ministry of Information Communications on September 21, 2007: Independence in the field of information technologies is one of the main conditions for the independence of our country as a whole. Within three years, all domestic schools should be spared from pirated computer programs and switch mainly to domestic ones. Some experts proposed to transfer state institutions to commercial programs, others - to introduce programs of domestic production, stopping the purchase of foreign ones. Both of these approaches are unproductive. If our country sits on the needle of foreign software, then it will never get off it. At the same time, there is no technical possibility to transfer all computers to domestic programs - the program manufacturers themselves are not ready for this. Therefore, we chose an intermediate option. For the next three years, a license package will be purchased that will meet the need of state-owned enterprises. At the same time, the work of the domestic software package will continue actively. In three years, all schools, universities and authorities will be able to choose whether it makes sense for them to switch to licensed commercial programs, for the purchase of which they will have to pay independently, or switch to adapted licensed programs of domestic production.

At a meeting of the government commission for the development of broadcasting on November 7, 2007: The transition to "digital" is a revolution of television, it should bring comfort and convenience to every house, and firmly connect the country's single information field. In the next six months, the Federal Target Program for the Implementation of the Concept will be approved. According to her, 5-6 TV channels and 3-4 radio stations will be available for free to all Russian citizens. When switching to digital broadcasting, we must take care of all categories of citizens, including the poor. About those who today have television receivers, and about those who may not have the means to immediately purchase new receiving devices.

At an Internet conference on March 5, 2007: Alternative Russian, no matter how you relate to it, is a phenomenon that exists today in the Internet environment, and Medved is a popular Internet character. It is impossible to ignore the needs of learning the Albanian language.

In response to a question about the implementation of the "hypertext vector fidonet" on March 5, 2007: Yes, this is an interesting question, and it has been hanging on the list of popular questions for a long time. He was so interested in me that I had to prepare for him, and yesterday I registered on the fidonet network in order to understand what kind of "beast" it was, because, frankly, I had not encountered fidonet before. This is interesting and useful, so thank you very much to Sergei Sokolov, we now also belong to the cohort of "fidoshniks." What is it? It is a separate space that is akin to the internet, but at the same time exists on more open principles, and which is less commercialized than, say, regular internet, regular email, because fidonet users exchange their messages for free. What is inconvenient in my opinion? I picked up yesterday: there, after all, these hyperlinks, which are present on the regular Internet, in fidonet, in the normal form familiar to ordinary Internet users, are absent, although on the other hand, these forms that are used there (echoforms they, in my opinion, are called), they are interesting and they are based on a wide variety of topics, so it seems to me that the task of creating a hypertext fidonet is at least relevant, because I realized that there is not enough hypertext there.


At a meeting with the Presidium of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation: Stimulating innovation is something that we talk about quite often and a lot, but if we talk seriously, no breakthrough has yet happened here. In the field of high technologies, nanotechnology, we must admit, so far almost nothing has been done, and the money that was allocated is not being mastered. It is necessary to make all the necessary management decisions both at the level of state corporations and at the level of small and medium-sized businesses.

At a meeting of the Presidium of the State Council dedicated to the development of the information society: An official who today does not have basic computer skills cannot work effectively. It became necessary to look for another place for the application of labor. Or learn, or - goodbye. We do not hire people who cannot read and write. Computer ownership today is the same.


At a meeting of the Council for the Development of the Information Society: No progress and modernization is possible without IT: this applies to the scientific and technical sphere, and the actual issues of management and even issues of strengthening democracy in the country. In recent years, information technology and information services have become a fairly significant item of Russian non-resource exports, reaching a level of approximately $1 billion. Nevertheless, all this does not suit us, because in terms of key indicators we are still terribly far from most developed countries. Despite the fact that Russia has a high intellectual potential and a lot of programmers, the lag behind the leading countries does not decrease, but, on the contrary, is growing. According to the e-government development index, we were in 56th place in 2005 , and reached 92nd in 2007. What does that say? This suggests that we do not have any e-government, all this is a chimera.

At a meeting with the leadership of the United Russia party: The arrival of foreign investors in search engines, in large social networks, it is, of course, inevitable. On the other hand, - let my words not be considered too conservative - but this also needs to be monitored. These are security issues. A few years ago, our business believed that the entire Russian Internet costs about $200 million. But then came the era of rapid development and inflated expectations. As a result, before the crisis, the value of assets was about $5 billion, maybe even more. Now, of course, this cost has fallen. But this does not mean that this process should not be paid attention. There are states no less, and even more technologically developed than Russia, but their Internet is growing more slowly, because the state pays less attention to this, because all this is at the mercy of the market. In some situation, we were forced to use non-market technologies, in particular, when conducting the Internet in schools.

At a meeting in the Kremlin with members of the Security Council on the "not crisis, but strategic" issue - the creation and use of supercomputers. The President promised that Russia will invest in the production of supercomputers, providing state support to this industry, as well as attracting the scientific and expert public and large businesses. "Here we have no choice if we want to develop according to the advanced scheme," the president said. "At the same time, there is one, the most important question - about how fully they will be loaded."

According to Dmitry Medvedev, it is necessary to stimulate the use of supercomputer technologies in various industries: aviation, rocket and space technology, geological exploration, when creating new materials, drugs, vaccines, that is, wherever significant amounts of digital calculations are required. All this, according to the president, should lead to improved forecasting, planning and management of the most complex processes, as well as to increased competitiveness of Russian products in the world.

Medvedev formulated five main tasks for working in the supercomputer sphere. First, to determine the priority direction of using supercomputer and grid technologies (technologies for using the computing power of many simple servers that allow them to be managed as a whole) in the field of ensuring national security and socio-economic development of the country. Secondly, to outline measures that allow you to tighten the level of the domestic electronic component base to the needs of the production of supercomputers. "Everything is still very, very difficult here," the president commented.

Other necessary conditions are the formation of a full-fledged regulatory framework for the use of supercomputers, the creation of conditions for building grid networks, primarily in the scientific and educational sphere. In addition, Russia also needs specialized software for a certain class of tasks. "We also do not have it, or, in any case, it is not everywhere, although in some places we have advanced programming for supercomputers, maybe even better than our competitors," said Dmitry Medvedev. And the last task is to organize a special system for training personnel, specialists in leading universities in the country.

The President stressed that a number of results achieved by the domestic supercomputing industry "are absolutely at the level of world development."

At a meeting of the Commission on Modernization and Technological Development of the Russian Economy (September 2009) "Our software manufacturers wrote me a letter in which they propose to consider measures to support the industry, first of all, tax support, referring to the replacement of a number of taxes that we have, and ESN, first of all. They believe that in this case their costs will increase very seriously, by 60 percent - by 70. In any case, this topic needs to be worked out, so consider that on this appeal I give instructions to the government, the relevant departments that are responsible for these processes, consider this appeal and prepare appropriate proposals. "



In August, Dmitry Medvedev gave instructions to the Government on the development of innovations following a meeting with members of the Expert Council under the Government and representatives of the expert community on the development of innovations, see the full text.


Resignation as Prime Minister

In January 2020, Dmitry Medvedev announced that the full government was resigning. The President Vladimir Putin introduced the post of Deputy Chairman of the Security Council Russia and appointed Medvedev to it. The new prime minister was the head. Federal Tax Service Mikhail Mishustin

The reasons for the resignation of the Russian government are the tasks of political renewal of the country and the time factor, Medvedev said in an interview with Channel One.

It was still a very long, difficult work related to decision-making on extremely difficult issues. This should also be taken into account, - said the ex-head of government.

Medvedev retained the post of chairman of the United Russia party. Ошибка цитирования Отсутствует закрывающий тег </ref>

Unsubscribe from all Instagram accounts after government resignation

Dmitry Medvedev unfollowed everyone on Instagram after the resignation of the government. On January 21, 2020, the Open Media edition turned to this.

Earlier, Medvedev had only one subscription on this social network - to the cabinet page. On January 21, 2020, the number "0" appeared in the subscription counter.

Dmitry Medvedev unfollowed everyone on the social network Instagram after the resignation of the government

At the same time, the government's Instagram account is still subscribed to Medvedev, and his accounts Twitter in and in "" are Vkontakte still subscribed to the government's pages on these social networks.

At the same time, the Instagram page itself was "cleaned up": by January 21, 2020, only one photo is available - romantic sunflowers at sunset, photographed by Medvedev himself. The commentary on the page states that it will "begin its work in 2020."

According to Open Media, after the resignation, Medvedev did not make publications on the social network, but the number of his subscribers increased slightly. As of 17:00 (Moscow time) on January 15, 2020, the official's account had 2,675,333 subscribers. By 13:00 on Tuesday, January 21, there were 311 more of them.

2024: Chairman of the Board of Directors of Rostelecom

Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of the integrated provider of digital services and solutions Rostelecom. Representatives of the provider reported this to TAdviser on October 2, 2024.

source = Rostelecom

The decision to appoint Dmitry Medvedev as chairman of the Board of Directors was made during the first meeting of the updated composition of the Board of Directors of PJSC Rostelecom, elected at the annual general meeting of shareholders on September 16, 2024.

During the meeting, four committees of the board of directors were also formed, their personal composition and chairmen were determined - on strategy, on corporate governance, on personnel and remuneration, on audit.



In September 2020, Russian President Putin awarded him the Order of Merit for the Fatherland on Dmitry Medvedev's birthday. The infographic lists all of Medvedev's awards.


Son - Ilya Dmitrievich Medvedev

Image:Медведев Дмитрий с семьей.jpg
