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2025/02/19 15:30:24

Education in Russia


Education costs

2022: Annual government spending on education up to 5.5 trillion rubles, or 9.9% of government spending

At the end of 2022, government spending on education in Russia reached 5.5 trillion rubles. This is stated in a report published on September 1, 2023 by the National Research University Higher School of Economics.

It is noted that education costs in Russia account for approximately 9.9% of total government spending. For comparison, in Japan, Italy and France, this figure varies in the range of 7.8-9.7%. In 2022, 32.6 million people studied in educational organizations of the Russian Federation, that is, about a fifth of the population. Of these, more than half (17.7 million) are in general education organizations.

State spending on education in Russia reached 5.5 trillion rubles

The study says that in the 2022-2023 academic year, almost 3 million people in Russia studied under training programs for middle-level specialists. The number of this category of students is steadily increasing: the increase compared to the previous academic year was 4.4%. 4.1 million people studied under bachelor's, specialty and master's programs in the academic year 2022-2023. The previously observed reduction in numbers was replaced by growth: plus 2.1% compared to the 2021-2022 school year. At the same time, graduation from Russian universities under undergraduate, specialty and master's programs is growing: in 2022, the figure amounted to 816.3 thousand people, which is 3 thousand more compared to 2021.

The authors of the report point to an increase in the number of certified bachelors, specialists and masters in the field of computer science and computer technology, as well as information security. If in 2020 their number was 34.9 thousand people, then at the end of 2022 it reached 39.5 thousand. The share of graduates in the direction of "Information and Communication Technologies" in Russia in 2022 amounted to 5.9%. According to this indicator, the Russian Federation is ahead of the United States (5.2%), Germany (5%), the Republic of Korea (4.6%), Canada (4.4%), Britain (4.2%), France (4%), Sweden (3.7%) and Italy (1.3%).

The graduation of bachelors, specialists and masters in the field of health and medical sciences is increasing: in 2022 it reached 45.1 thousand people, or 5.5% of the total graduation (in 2021 - 42.8 thousand people, or 5.3%).[1]

2017: Education costs 3.5% of GDP

Доля затрат на education GDP from countries in 2017. Blue: primary, secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education. Blue: higher (tertiary) education

Higher education



Main article: IT universities

Medical universities in Russia

Main article: Medical universities in Russia

Education credits

Main article: Loans for education in Russia

School education

Main article: School education in Russia

Online education

Main article: Online education (Russian market)

Career guidance

Main article: Career guidance

Professional education in Russia

Main article: Professional education in Russia


Main article: Kindergartens in Russia


Main article: Orphanages in Russia

Patriotic upbringing

Main article: Patriotic education in Russia

International students in Russia

Main article: International students in Russia


The number of private universities in Russia increased by 5.1% and reached 347 institutions

The number of private universities Russia in increased by 5.1% and reached 347 institutions in 2024. According to the Center for Continuous Economics, formations RANEPA this is the first expansion of the sector since 2017. Information about this became known in February 2025.

According to Vedomosti, the data were obtained from the consolidated statistical forms of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Between 2017 and 2024, the total number of commercial universities, along with branches, decreased by 21%.

The number of private universities in Russia for the first time in 7 years began to grow

Distribution of students by forms of study in private universities in 2024:

  • Full-time form - 48.3%
  • Absentee form - 27.7%
  • Full-time - 24%

Irina Abankina, professor at the Institute of Education at the Higher School of Economics, associates the increase in the number of private universities with the reluctance of some Russians to become mobilized through admission to full-time education without losing their jobs.

Ilya Ivaninsky, head of the Center for Business Education and Analytics at Central University, noted that companies are opening their own universities due to a lack of personnel in the necessary specialties.

Executive President of the Global University of Rybakova Elena Morozova pointed out the connection of educational programs of private universities with the real tasks of the industry. Students choose such institutions because of the practical focus of training and connection with business.

Evgeny Terentyev, Director of the Institute of Education at the Higher School of Economics, emphasized the emergence of small private universities with high-quality education funded by business. This distinguishes them from the "graduation factories" of the 1990s and 2000s.

Tatyana Blinova, senior researcher at TsENO RANEPA, attributes the increase in the number of private universities to the relatively low cost of training compared to paid programs of state institutions.

On average, 4,700 undergraduate, specialty and master's students study at a private university in Russia. At the same time, the number of state universities for the period from 2017 to 2024 decreased by 6% to 924 institutions.[2]

Increase in the share of engineering education in universities by 41%

The share of engineering areas in Russian universities in 2024 reached 41% of the total number of budget places, which corresponds to the levels of the Soviet period. This was announced in February 2025 by the Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of Russia Dmitry Afanasyev.

According to TASS, over the past five years, the number of budget places for engineering specialties has increased by 21%. The increase in the number of places occurs in accordance with the forecast of the personnel need of the economy.

The share of engineering education in Russian universities has reached Soviet times

The Deputy Minister stressed that in 2024, for the first time, the decline in the number of applicants passing the exam in physics stopped. Also, for the first time, the number of graduates who scored more than 60 points in this subject increased.

Within the framework of the advanced engineering schools program, 250 industrial partners were attracted, which contributed to an increase in private investment to ₽42 billion. Private investments exceeded public funding by ₽12 billion, which indicates the high interest of business in the development of engineering education. In the future, it is planned to open 50 new schools, which will expand the opportunities for training specialists in advanced technological industries.

The development of engineering education takes place within the framework of the national project "Youth and Children." Industry enterprises are showing significant interest in participating in the creation of new engineering schools.

The increase in the share of engineering specialties reflects the strategic reorientation of the higher education system to the training of technical specialists. This is due to the growing need for skilled engineering personnel by industry.

The new program for the development of advanced engineering schools creates additional opportunities for the training of specialists capable of solving modern technological problems. The excess of private investment over public investments shows a high interest of business in the development of engineering education.[3]

Ministry of Education: The number of IT students in colleges in 3 years increased by 42%

The number of students studying in information and technological specialties in colleges in Russia reached 376 thousand people, an increase of 42% over the past three years. This was announced by the Minister of Education of the RFUergey Kravtsov during a meeting with the president in December 2024.

According to Interfax, the employment rate of graduates of IT specialties in colleges is 82%. The Ministry of Education, together with Ministry of Digital Development and the Ministry of Industry and Trade, is developing a new Olympiad for robotics and unmanned aerial vehicles as part of the Education Development Strategy until 2036.

The number of IT students in colleges has increased by 42% over 3 years

In four years, the number of budget places in IT specialties in universities has doubled. In 2024, 125 thousand people study on a budgetary basis, another 70 thousand receive education on a paid basis. In total, more than 600 thousand students study in 500 universities that train IT specialists.

As part of the Code of the Future program, about 400 thousand schoolchildren took free programming courses in four years. Many of them subsequently successfully passed the Unified State Exam in computer science and entered IT specialties in higher educational institutions.

In 100 universities of the country, "digital departments" have been created, allowing students of other specialties to obtain IT qualifications. More than 200 thousand students have already received additional education in the field of information technology.

The strategy for the development of education until 2036 with the prospect of 2040 is under development. Its presentation is scheduled for March 2025. The document will determine the further directions for the development of IT education in Russia.

An important element of the strategy will be the development of the Olympiad movement in the field of robotics and unmanned aerial vehicles. The Minister of Education stressed that the necessary infrastructure for holding such competitions in the country has already been created.[4]

The state program "Priority-2030" attracted 136 billion rubles of industrial partners to universities

The state program of support for universities "Priority-2030" attracted ₽136 billion from industrial partners. This information was announced by Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Chernyshenko in Novosibirsk at the end of August 2024. According to him, the funds came from more than 6 thousand industrial partners, which indicates a high degree of business confidence in this project. Read more here

What paid education in Russia pays off the fastest

In July 2024, the results of a study revealing the directions of paid education in Russia with the fastest payback became known. According to the data obtained, the leading positions are occupied by the areas of management and information technology.

According to the HSE, the payback period for higher education in various directions varies from three to seven months. The study was based on an analysis of the average cost of graduate studies and the median proposed salary of graduates.

Management is named the fastest paid direction of paid education in the Russian Federation

The first place in terms of payback rate is occupied by the direction of management. With an average tuition of ₽289,5 thousand and an average monthly salary of ₽95,6 thousand graduates, education costs are reimbursed for three months. The second place belongs to the field of artificial intelligence (AI) with a payback period of 3.1 months with a training cost of ₽595,7 thousand and an average salary of ₽190,4 thousand. Closes the top three IT direction with a payback of 3.3 months, a training cost of ₽582,4 thousand and an average salary of ₽175,2 thousand.

Education in media and public relations, design, finance and marketing pays off within four to five months. For example, training in media and public relations with an average cost of ₽423,7 thousand and a graduate salary of ₽111,9 thousand pays off in four months. A marketing education worth ₽491,2 thousand with a monthly salary of ₽103 thousand reimburses costs for five months.

Among specific professions, machine learning specialists have the fastest payback - just over two months. They are followed by computer vision engineers and data engineers. Investment and financial analysts are leading in the financial sector with a payback of 2.7-3.4 months. In marketing and PR, specialists in media planning and investor relations (2.8 months), as well as brand managers (4.9 months) are distinguished[5]

How much more expensive has education in leading universities in Russia

In the 2024/25 academic year, the leading universities in Russia significantly increased the cost of education. According to the Vedomosti publication, published on June 13, 2024, the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) became the record holder for increasing prices, raising the cost of undergraduate educational programs by an average of 20%. The cost of the program "applied mathematics and physics" increased from 389 thousand to 467 thousand rubles, "computer science and computer technology" - from 432 thousand to 519 thousand rubles, and "nuclear physics and technology" - from 504 thousand to 605 thousand rubles. MIPT explains that the cost increase is aimed at equalizing the commercial price with the real costs of training students.

The Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) increased training prices from 4.5% to 13%. Training on the journalism program has risen in price from 634 thousand to 662 thousand rubles, "international relations" - from 655 thousand to 740 thousand rubles, and "jurisprudence" - from 625 thousand to 710 thousand rubles. At the Ural Federal University (UrFU), the cost of undergraduate and specialty programs increased by 8-10%, including "applied mathematics" and "mathematics and computer technology."

Programs at St. Petersburg State University (St. Petersburg State University) and St. Petersburg Polytechnic University Peter the Great (St. Petersburg SPBPU) have risen in price the least - within 4.5%. At the National Research University "Higher School of Economics" (HSE) and the National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU), the price increase was 6.5%. Moscow State University (MSU) and the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI have not yet updated the cost of programs compared to last year, Vedomosti reports.

Vice-Rector of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA) Vladimir Kolodkin explained that such factors as inflation, wage indexation, market situation and demand level influence the formation of prices. Kolodkin stressed that education cannot be considered exclusively as a market, since it solves strategically important tasks of the state for the reproduction and translation of knowledge and culture.[6]


The market for additional children's education grew by 2.5%, to 3.04 billion academic hours

In 2023, the market for additional children's education in Russia reached 3.04 billion academic hours. This is 2.5% more compared to the previous year, when the figure was estimated at 2.97 billion hours. One of the growth factors is an increase in real disposable incomes of the population, as stated in the BusinesStat study, the results of which are presented in mid-August 2024.

In 2019, the market for additional children's education in the Russian Federation had a volume of 3.08 billion academic hours, and the growth compared to the previous year was 8.6%. Positive dynamics were provided by state support and problems of general school education, which were partially compensated by the field of additional education.

At the same time, the pandemic had a negative impact on the industry. COVID-19 Children stopped attending classes in circles and sections due to a decrease in family income and high workload due to the transition to home. distance learning In addition, some organizations could not provide an alternative to face-to-face classes. As a result, in 2020, a decline of 10.2% was recorded - to 2.77 billion academic hours. In 2021, against the background of the lifting of strict restrictive measures, children returned to their usual additional activities, and the market volume grew by 7.9%, amounting to 2.98 billion academic hours.

In 2022, a decline of 0.4% followed - to 2.97 billion hours. Due to the worsening geopolitical situation and a decrease in the income of the population, many families have changed their priorities in planning expenses. Among the key advantages of additional education for children compared to the basic education system, the authors of the report name:

  • Freedom of choice of the program, mode of its development, change of programs and organizations;
  • A wide range of activities that allow you to make choices based on your own interests and abilities;
  • Flexibility (mobility);
  • Individual approach to the child, taking into account its peculiarities;
  • A more pronounced practical component of training;
  • Involving a child in a circle of children with similar interests.[7]

Admission of students to technical schools and colleges in Russia for the year increased by 5.8% to 1.22 million students

In 2023, 1.22 million students were admitted to secondary vocational education institutions in Russia. For comparison, a year earlier, 1.15 million people entered technical schools and colleges. Thus, an increase of 5.8% was recorded, as stated in the BusinesStat review, presented in mid-August 2024.

The study notes that the popularity of secondary vocational education in the Russian Federation is increasing. Several factors contribute to this. In particular, the development of shorter and more affordable (compared to universities) training programs allows young people to get a profession earlier and become financially independent. In addition, there is an increased demand for middle-level specialists and workers in the Russian labor market. Plus, graduates of technical schools and colleges can continue their studies at the university without passing the exam and entrance exams.

According to the published data, in 2019, 1.04 million people entered institutions of secondary vocational education in Russia. In 2020, an increase of 6.9% was recorded - up to 1.11 million students. However, in 2021, after high growth rates amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of applicants to colleges decreased by 3.3% - to 1.08 million people. In 2022, positive dynamics recovered: the increase was 6.9% with a result of 1.15 million students.

In general, as noted, from 2019 to 2023, the admission of students to technical schools and colleges in the Russian Federation increased by 17%. In 2023, the most popular among applicants were the following specialties: information systems and programming, network and system administration, nursing and medical care, car maintenance and repair, construction and operation of buildings and structures, mechanical engineering, and the electrical industry.[8]

Growth of the market for additional vocational education by 5% to 337.8 thousand programs

By the end of 2023, the number of additional vocational education programs in Russia reached 337.8 thousand. This is 5% more compared to the previous year, as stated in the BusinesStat review, published at the end of July 2024.

The study takes into account advanced training programs and professional retraining programs. According to estimates, in 2019 in the Russian Federation the number of organizations engaged in educational activities under additional professional programs was 6035. At the end of 2023, their number reached 7050. Thus, growth over this period was at around 16.8%. The driver of the industry is corporate training. Moreover, corporate training centers offer educational programs not only within parent companies, but also on the open market. In addition, the industry is stimulated by the active development of online education.

In 2019, approximately 285.7 thousand additional vocational education programs operated in Russia. In 2020, a decline of 6.6% was recorded - to 266.7 thousand. This is due to the COVID-19 pandemic, due to which the solvency of the population has decreased, and citizens were forced to remain in self-isolation.

In 2021, the number of additional vocational education programs began to increase again: the increase compared to the previous year was 1.3% with a result of 270.2 thousand. In 2022, an increase of 19% was noted - to 321.7 thousand programs. Such a jump is associated with the transformation of the economy, an increase in demand for advanced training and retraining by middle-aged and older people (whose share in the country's population is growing), the state policy for the development of continuing education in Russia, as well as the gradual development of distance forms of additional vocational education.[9]

In Russian universities, there are fewer teachers with a candidate or doctor of sciences degree

The share of teachers with academic degrees in Russian higher educational institutions is steadily decreasing. This is stated in a study conducted by the Center for Continuing Education Economics of the Institute for Applied Economic Research of the RANEPA and published in July 2024.

In 2023, the share of candidates of sciences among teachers of higher educational institutions was 57.3%, and doctors of sciences - 14.7%. Researchers suggest that by 2035, the shortage of personnel with academic degrees can reach 18.2 thousand candidates of sciences and 2.5 thousand doctors of sciences.

Reduction of personnel with scientific degrees in Russian universities

The main reason for this situation, experts call the lack of a long-term strategy for the development of personnel potential among universities. Universities do not fully take into account the number of graduate students and do not predict how many specialists with academic degrees will leave the educational institution within 15-30 years.

Statistics show that Russian universities do not have time to fill the personnel deficit. Since 2020, 74,271 PhD candidates have dropped out of the faculty, while the number of graduate students potentially able to fill the vacant seats was only 66,263.

The problem is aggravated by the fact that in terms of the number of graduate students, Russia lags behind the leading countries of the global innovation index published annually by the World Intellectual Property Organization. Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, scientific director of the Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University Stepan Kalmykov connects this with financial difficulties.

Scholarships at universities are low, and not everyone manages to combine scientific activity and work, so many Russian graduate students have to drop out, "Kalmykov said.

Experts predict that by 2035 the number of candidates of sciences in universities may be reduced to 42.6%, and doctors of sciences - to 6.9% of the total number of teachers.[10]

Growth in student admission to universities for 4 years by 14% to 1.29 million people

In 2023, the number of students admitted to universities in Russia amounted to 1.29 million people. For comparison, in 2019, the indicator was 1.13 million. Thus, in four years, admission increased by about 14%, as reported in the BusinesStat study, the results of which are presented on June 10, 2024.

The review takes into account three levels of higher education - specialty, bachelor's and master's. At the same time, postgraduate studies (postgraduate studies) and residency are not taken into consideration. The statistics cover the budget and commercial segments. It is said that in 2023 there were 1,248 universities in Russia. Compared to 2019, when there were 1287 such institutions, the value decreased by 3%.

2023, the number of students admitted to universities in Russia amounted to 1.29 million people

According to estimates, in 2020, student admission to Russian universities decreased by 3.2% - to 1.09 million people. The reason for the decline was a decrease in the number of young people aged 18 to 24, who are the main contingent of universities, as well as a decrease in the solvency of the population amid the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2021, an increase of 3.3% was recorded - to 1.13 million people, and in 2022 - by another 6.4% with a final result of 1.2 million people. At the end of 2023, the annual increase was at 7.2%.

The growth of admission to universities in 2021-2023 was primarily facilitated by an increase in the number of young people (from 18 to 24 years old): from 9.6 million people in 2020 to 10.3 million in 2023. In addition, the demand for higher education postponed amid the pandemic was partially implemented. The study also says that the active development of distance learning technologies, which allow institutions to expand the number of paid places with lower costs, contributed to an increase in admission to paid programs in universities. The expansion of the commercial sector is also facilitated by a change in the conditions for the provision of educational loans.[11]

Decrease in the number of dissertations by 22% to 8 thousand.

The number of dissertations in Russia in 2023 decreased by 22% compared to 2022. This was reported in February 2024 in the Russian Book Chamber (RCP) based on the results of press statistics, which keeps records of all literature published in the country on the basis of mandatory copies received by the Russian State Library (RSL).

As RBC writes with reference to the materials of the RCP, in 2023 the Russian State Library received less than 8 thousand abstract (the so-called brief conclusions on the dissertation, which are published before the defense without fail) against 10.2 thousand pieces a year earlier. According to the director of the RCP Elena Nogina, the number of registrations of abstract and defended dissertations is decreasing from year to year.

The number of dissertations in Russia in 2023 decreased by 22%

According to experts interviewed by RBC, the decrease in the number of dissertations is due to the low motivation of students to develop in scientific fields, including due to the lack of significant incentives for a degree. Specialists say that postgraduate studies became the third level of study after the bachelor's and master's degrees. Graduate students are focused "not on research work, but on additional training in a number of support courses." As a result, the number of studies, both in the theoretical and applied fields, is reduced, the publication says.

It seems to be enough for a graduate student to defend their graduation work, to receive a graduate degree, and not to defend a dissertation. And many graduate students took this simplified path, "says Professor Nikolai Kudryashov, head of the Department of Applied Mathematics at MEPhI.

According to him, a special decrease in the number of defenses falls on physical, mathematical and technical sciences, since dissertations in these areas are "the most laborious."[12]

31 billion rubles allocated for the state program of university support

On December 19, 2023, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation named the total amount of funding for grant support under the state program of assistance to universities "Priority-2030" in 2024 - more than 31 billion rubles. Funds will be received by 118 universities in 50 regions of Russia. For 106 universities, a basic part of the grant is provided (from 100 to 378 million rubles each). The remaining 12 universities - participants of the Far Eastern track will receive from 120.3 to 288.6 million rubles.

The press service of the Ministry of Education and Science noted that the total funding for the basic part of the grant for 2024 will amount to 17.98 billion rubles. In 2023, the amount of financing amounted to 13.48 billion rubles. In the Volga Federal District, 22 universities were named the winners of the program. It is second among federal districts. The Ministry of Education and Science recalled that at the beginning of 2024 an additional selection of universities for the Priority-2030 program will take place.

The Ministry of Education and Science allocated 31 billion rubles for support under the Priority-2030 program

In addition, there is a category of universities - candidates for participation in the program. They do not receive grants, but, like participants from the main categories, they defended their development programs to the commission of the Ministry of Education and Science and annually report on their implementation. If the candidate university reaches the indicators required to participate in the program, it will receive the basic part of the grant (which means it will be able to apply for a special one). After the first selection in 2021, 15 universities remained in the status of candidates.

As we agreed earlier, the Priority 2030 program is open. This means that those universities that show insufficient dynamics will be deprived of the status of a participant or transferred from a special part of the grant to the basic one. And vice versa, those universities that are not represented in the program today will be able to apply after working well, "said Valery Falkov, head of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science.[13]

The number of students from Russia in Spain has grown to 4.5 thousand

Spain has updated the record for the number of students from countries that are not in the EU, according to the Ministry of Integration, Social Security and Migration. This is due to the fact that since the middle of 2022, students from abroad are allowed to combine training with work up to 30 hours a week. Prior to that, the student depended on his savings or the economic opportunities of the family. 

At the end of 2023, almost 76 thousand students from non-EU states were registered in Spain. The most noticeable annual growth (by 73%) was recorded among Russians - up to 4.3 thousand people. But most of all are still students from Colombia, the United States and China.

60% of Russian 9th grade graduates go to colleges

60% of Russian graduates of the 9th grade go to colleges. The deputy chairman Governments of the Russian Federation Tatyana Golikova cited this figure in early October 2023.

We have seen the growing popularity of the secondary vocational education (SPO) system among young people. In 2023, the number of students enrolled in SPO programs reached 1.2 million, she said.

60% of Russian 9th grade graduates go to colleges

According to Golikova, by the beginning of October 2023, the employment of college graduates is about 80%. As the Deputy Prime Minister emphasized, secondary vocational education in Russia is over 3.5 thousand colleges and more than 3.7 million students who study in almost 500 specialties in industry, construction, agro-industrial complex, social sphere, as well as in the field of arts and IT. About 200 thousand teachers work in colleges.

In June 2023, Tatyana Golikova cited data according to which 812 thousand children will graduate from secondary vocational education institutions in the 2022/2023 academic year, of which 129 thousand have already been employed, and almost 338 thousand have decided on further employment. The Deputy Prime Minister also said that about 916 thousand people will graduate from universities in 2023, including about 197 thousand engineers who will enter the labor market.

First Deputy Minister of Education of the Russian Federation Alexander Bugaev in June 2023 noted that children with high results who consciously choose specific professions go to the secondary vocational education system. And the federal program "Professionalism" was launched, among other things, in order to connect the requests of the employer, the state and the child.

"Professionalism" is a collaboration of production, its needs and the opportunities that the state provides for the self-realization of young people. It is important that we give the enterprise the opportunity not only to declare the request that it has for the preparation of a specific specialist, but also the opportunity to prepare this specialist. But for this we ask for a very clear indicator - this is employment. 85% of graduate employment is a very high indicator, it is comparable to the best world counterparts. This is an absolutely achievable indicator for "Professionalism," - noted Bugaev.[14]

Chernyshenko named the most popular universities among applicants

The Russian Academy of National Economy and Civil Service (RANEPA), Kazan Federal University (KFU), Ural Federal University (UFU), Higher School of Economics (HSE) and the Financial University under the government have become the most popular universities in Russia. This was announced on September 4, 2023 by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko at a meeting with the head of government of the RFMikhail Mishustin. According to Chernyshenko, the most popular areas among applicants were: computer science and computing, pedagogy and economics, as well as jurisprudence and management.

As the press service of the Higher School of Economics told Vedomosti, during the admission campaign to the university in 2023, the number of applications from applicants increased by 10% compared to the previous year - to 91,000. More than 9,300 people were enrolled in the first year of the bachelor's degree, and more than 6,500 people enrolled in the master's degree, he added. In his opinion, students strive at the HSE in order to "get a quality education" and "accumulate as many diverse competencies as possible."[15]

Dmitry Chernyshenko

The representative of the RANEPA told the publication that the university became the leader in the number of applications submitted for budget places - 64,319 applications. In total, 14,774 students were enrolled in full-time education in the RANEPA: in Moscow - 4910 people (of which 721 are on the budget), in branches - 9864 people (of which 3065 are on the budget). Olympiads accounted for 36.5% of all students enrolled in the budget, he said.

In early September 2023, Dmitry Chernyshenko said that almost 4.5 million students study in Russia. In the 2023/2024 school year, 1,236,022 freshmen joined their ranks. 626,278 budget places were allocated, of which 37,089 were to universities in new regions. At the same time, more than 375 thousand applicants submitted documents through the "Admission to the University Online" service.[16]

The cost of training at leading universities in Russia for the year increased by 12%

The cost of training at leading universities in Russia in the 2023/2024 academic year increased by an average of 12%. Vedomosti wrote about this on August 11, 2023.

In MEPhI, according to the publication, the cost of training in some programs increased by 18-22%:

  • the cost of training on the program "information systems and technologies" and "software engineering" in the new academic year is 340,000 rubles. against 286,000 rubles. a year earlier;
  • the cost of training in "applied mathematics" increased from 256,000 to 310,000 rubles, "physics" - from 287,000 to 350,600 rubles. per year.

The cost of training at leading universities in Russia for the year increased by 12%

Tuition at RANEPA increased to 12% for individual programs:

  • most of all, training in "economics and business management," "world economy and foreign economic activity" went up by 12%, from 410,000 to 460,000 rubles;
  • training in the programs "jurisprudence: interdisciplinary research," "international relations: politics, business, economics" and "digital advertising and public relations" rose by 10% - to 450,000, 596,000 and 430,000 rubles. respectively;
  • the cost of "business and political journalism" and "marketing" programs increased by 9%, or by 35,000 rubles, to 395,000 and 380,000 rubles. respectively.

Education at St. Petersburg State University has risen in price by 5-11%, depending on the specialty:

  • "software engineering" - by 11%, up to 335,000 rubles;
  • "information systems and technologies" - by 10%, up to 251,000 rubles;
  • "economy" - by 9%, up to 321,000 rubles, "jurisprudence" - by 8%, up to 397,000 rubles.

The HSE has increased prices for training in three areas:

  • "Management" - by 18%, up to 770,000 rubles;
  • "applied mathematics and computer science" - by 8%, up to 730,000 rubles;
  • "advertising and public relations" - by 4%, up to 730,000 rubles.

At the same time, MGIMO did not change training prices.[17]

Approved standard for equipping university campuses

The Government of the Russian Federation approved the standard for equipping modern university campuses. The press service of the Cabinet of Ministers announced this on June 28, 2023.

It is assumed that the standard will optimize the preparation and launch of projects for equipping laboratory complexes, improve their quality, summarize existing experience and ensure the unity of requirements for the quality of the innovative and research infrastructure being created.

The government approved the standard for equipping modern university campuses

According to the document referred to by the Cabinet of Ministers (by June 29, 2023, it has not yet been published), all laboratory complexes of university campuses will be divided into several categories:

  • educational and scientific,
  • research,
  • specialized research.

Each category has its own specifics. For example, in educational and scientific laboratories, students of natural-technical, social or humanitarian disciplines with an orientation towards educational results will be engaged in project work. This approach will make the launch of projects to equip laboratory complexes more coordinated and simple and of high quality.

The creation of modern university campuses is primarily associated with a rethinking of the role of universities in the development of the country and regions, says Minister of Science and Higher Education Valery Falkov. - Obviously, campuses should give new impetus to the joint work of universities and scientific organizations with regional authorities and business. That is why the laboratories that are being created on campuses must have state-of-the-art high-level research equipment. It will also attract talented youth to science while still at university.

According to Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko, by 2030, 25 modern world-class campuses will appear in the country on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation. 17 projects are under implementation by the end of June 2023.[18]

Approval of the rules for the formation of a register for remote recognition of education received abroad

Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree approving the rules for forming a register for remote recognition of education received abroad. The press service of the Cabinet of Ministers announced this on May 23, 2023. Read more here.


The number of defenses of candidate dissertations in Russia decreased by 60% over 12 years

The number of defenses of candidate dissertations in Russia decreased by 60% over 12 years - from 33,700 in 2010 to 11,400 in 2022. Such data rector of Moscow State University. Lomonosov Viktor Sadovnichy cited in December 2023.

According to him, in recent years, a stabilization of the situation with the protection of candidate works has been planned, but at the moment this is not enough for the simple reproduction of scientific and pedagogical personnel.

The total number of graduate students from 2010 to 2022 decreased in the Russian Federation by 30%
One of the reasons for this situation is the fact that for many years graduate school was considered as the third stage of education, with a reduction in scientific activity, "said Sadovnichy, quoted by Interfax.

He also pointed to a negative trend in the decline in the proportion of graduate students. Since 2010, their total number has decreased by 30%. In 2022, graduation from graduate school amounted to less than 50% of those accepted, the rector of Moscow State University said.

Postgraduate performance indicators deserve critical evaluation... The situation worries even more about defending candidate dissertations. In the horizon of recent years, the reduction in the number of defended dissertations is 9% per year, - said Viktor Sadovnichy.

In his opinion, this situation is due to the fact that for many years graduate school was perceived as the third stage of education, with a reduction in scientific activity. However, recently you can trace a certain tendency to stabilize the situation with the protection of candidate papers. Sadovnichy stressed that this is not enough to restore scientific and pedagogical personnel.

He also cited data according to which, at the end of 2022 , Russian universities graduated 36 thousand people with mathematical and natural sciences education. The same amount in the field of computer science and computing. At the same time, 166 thousand economists and managers and 89 thousand lawyers were released. According to Sadovnichy, this ratio is not optimal.[19]

Growth in enrollment in technical schools and colleges by 6.5% to 1.15 million people

Admission to technical schools and colleges in Russia in 2022 reached 1.15 million people, which is 16.2% more than in 2018, when it was a little less than 1 million students. Such figures in the research company BusinesStat led in October 2023.

Relative to 2021, the admission of students to institutions of secondary vocational education in Russia in 2022 increased by 6.5%. The largest values ​ ​ on the market were registered in 2020 and 2022. (1.11 and 1.15 million people, respectively). An additional factor in the growth during these years was the decrease in the availability of higher education amid a deterioration in the solvency of Russians. As a result, the demand for secondary vocational education services as a cheaper and faster way to get a profession and start work has increased.

According to a study by BusinesStat, graduates of grades 9-11 form the main core of those entering the training programs for qualified workers and employees and training programs for middle-level specialists. The increase in the number of applicants to technical schools and colleges in 2018-2022 was primarily facilitated by an increase in the population aged 15-20 years: from 8.3 million people in 2018 to 9.1 million people in 2022. The government policy aimed at increasing the prestige of working professions also had a positive impact, experts add.

According to them, the following measures were taken to reduce the cost of maintaining state educational institutions in Russia:

  • Connection of branches or business units to the main legal entity
  • joining individual schools and technical schools to large multidisciplinary vocational education centers;
  • closing educational organizations in case of non-compliance with mandatory performance indicators, for example, student admission benchmarks.[20]

Decline in the market for additional education of children by 0.3% to 2.97 billion Academian hours

The volume of the Russian market for additional education for children in 2022 amounted to 2.97 billion ACOD watches, which is 0.3% less than a year earlier. Such data in the analytical agency BusinesStat was released in October 2023.

According to the researchers, the lack of market growth in 2022 was due to the difficult economic situation in the country, a decrease in household incomes, and a change in priorities in planning family spending. At the same time, in 2021, the volume of the market for additional education for children in Russia recovered by 7.6% to 2.98 billion ACOD of hours. Many children were forced to study with tutors to fill knowledge gaps formed as a result of distance learning in schools, the study notes.

Additional education of children is a type of education that is aimed at satisfying the needs of children in intellectual, moral and physical improvement, as well as the formation and development of creative abilities, a culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle, health promotion and the organization of free time. Education in children's programs of additional education in Russia is possible both at the expense of budget funds and at the expense of parents or other trustees. Additional education programs are implemented in various educational organizations, primarily in specialized centers, as well as general and preschool institutions and institutions of secondary education.

In 2018-2022 the number of institutions for additional education of children increased by 2.5%: from 44.7 thousand to 45.8 thousand. The preservation of the network of additional education organizations for children is one of the priority goals of the Concept for the Development of Additional Education for Children until 2030, the study notes.[21]

The increase in the number of defenses of candidate dissertations by 44.7% over 2 years

At the end of 2022, approximately 9.5 thousand people passed the defense of candidate dissertations in Russia - this is 44.7% more than in 2020. Such data are given in the report of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics," published on September 8, 2023.

In the early 2010s, reforms were carried out aimed at optimizing the postgraduate system, improving the quality of postgraduate training and the scientific level of dissertations. As a result, in 2011, the number of defenses of candidate dissertations in the Russian Federation reached a maximum of approximately 22.7 thousand. However, the subsequent tightening of requirements led to a decline. The minimum number of protections was recorded during the COVID-19 pandemic: in 2020, the figure decreased to 6.6 thousand. After that, the number of defenses of master's theses in Russia began to grow.

9.5 thousand people passed the defense of candidates for the year

In 2022, about 76% of master's theses were defended in institutions of higher education, 22.3% - in the councils of research organizations. The contribution of other structures (in particular, additional vocational education) is small - only 1.6% of the total (157 people).

Most of the defenses of candidate dissertations in 2022 were held in the following areas of preparation: "Clinical Medicine" (1.2 thousand people, or 13.1% of the total number of defended), "Economics" (784 people, 8.2%), "Physics and Astronomy" (600 people, 6.3%), "Linguistics and Literary Studies" (592 people, 6.2%) and "Biological Sciences" (480 people, 5.0%). These specialties account for a total of approximately 40% of protections.

It is noted that in 2022, almost every fourth defense of the candidate dissertation (23.8%) fell on applicants attached to organizations without mastering the training programs for scientific and scientific and pedagogical personnel. The largest share of applicants in the total number of those who defended their thesis was recorded in organizations of additional professional education - 34.4%. In research institutions, the indicator is 28.9%, in universities - 22.1%.[22]

Explosive growth of additional vocational education

2022 showed an explosive increase in additional vocational education (DPO) in Russia. It was reported in July 2023 by analysts of the market research agency GuideMarket.

According to the report, in 2022 the number of listeners of DPO programs reached 8.19 million people, which is 17.6% more than a year earlier.

This record growth indicates the growing importance and popularity of additional vocational education in Russia. It provides opportunities for professional development and advanced training in various sectors of the economy. These data confirm that more people are striving to gain additional knowledge and skills in order to be competitive in the labor market, the authors of the study emphasize.

According to the Ministry of Education and Science, by the end of 2022, more than 6.6 thousand units of additional vocational education functioned in Russia. From 2017 to 2021, the number of these units fluctuated at the level of 3-6% annually. However, in 2022, significant growth was recorded. These organizations play an important role in advanced training and professional retraining of specialists. They train more than 6 million people annually, analysts say.

According to their forecasts, a drop in the purchasing power of the population due to the difficult geopolitical situation will still have a negative impact on the market. Accelerating inflation and stagnating incomes of Russians will cause the refusal to buy "non-urgent" goods and services. Corporate customers will also continue to optimize costs. The partial redistribution of demand from more expensive higher education programs to additional vocational education programs does not compensate for the decline in the market.[23]

Increase in the number of dissertations by 20% to 8.5 thousand candidate and 1.5 thousand doctoral

The number of defenses of the candidate and doctor of sciences Russia in 2022 increased by 20% compared to 2021. Such data on May 19, 2023 was cited by the head Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Valery Falkov at the expanded board of the department. The event was dedicated to the results of the ministry in 2022.

According to Falkov, the number of defended master's theses in the Russian Federation in 2022 amounted to 8.5 thousand, doctoral - 1.5 thousand. In 2020, the indicators were measured at 6.5 thousand and 1 thousand, respectively, the minister said.

The number of defenses of dissertations increased by 20%
In 2022, the tendency to increase the number of dissertations of the candidate and doctor of sciences, which manifested itself a year earlier, remained... This speaks not only of the increased quality of research, but also shows an increase in the number of people who have decided to connect their lives with science, he stressed.

Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation Andrei Fursenko, who also participated in the expanded board of the Ministry of Education and Science, in turn, called the trend of an increase in the number of dissertation defenses a great achievement.

Now the control over dissertations is serious, and it has been preserved, while the number of defenses is growing. And it is very important that some of these people go to universities and become teachers. Only this will help ensure the quality of personnel training, which means that it will ensure sovereignty not only in fundamental research, but also in specific developments, "said Fursenko, whose words are quoted by the press service of the Ministry of Education and Science.

Earlier in 2022, Valery Falkov said that, starting in 2018, there was a negative trend in reducing the number of defenses of candidate and doctoral dissertations "with all the ensuing consequences." This trend was a consequence of the measures taken - an audit of dissertation councils and an analysis of the defenses of previous years.

Our graduate school institute was experiencing and is still going through difficult times, "Falkov recalled in January 2023.[24]

Acceptance of the maximum number of postgraduate students in 10 years

During 2022, 45,100 people began postgraduate studies in Russia, which is 1.5 times more than a year earlier (28 thousand students). The 2022 figure was a record for the Russian Federation for 10 years, according to a study by the Institute for Statistical Research and Data Economics of the Higher School of Economics. The data was released in mid-May 2023.

The authors of the report point out that the increase in the number of graduate students occurred both "due to an increase in the attractiveness of a scientific career" and under the influence of "external factors." Including people go to graduate school due to a delay from the army.

formations RANEPA Boris Ilyukhin, director of the FIRO Research Center for Quality Assessment and Management Systems, does not consider this to be a key factor. According to him, "graduate school requires high employment and provides little finance," so it is "difficult to imagine" that they go there only to avoid conscription.

Also in any institution there is a commission - it is interested in accepting those who want to do science and get to the writing of a candidate. It makes no sense for the commission to accept people so that they are simply listed, "Ilyukhin added.

According to the study, the most popular scientific specialties among graduate students in the Russian Federation in 2022 were economics (22.9%), law (10.2%), information technology and telecommunications (6.2%), pedagogy (5.7%). In 2022, 13,900 people completed their postgraduate studies, 12.9% of them defended their dissertations, which is also higher than the previous five years.

According to the results of the study, 67.6% of the surveyed graduate students intend to continue working in the academic environment (universities or schools) after defending their dissertation, 27.7% want to work outside science and higher education, 12.1% plan to engage in research. It is noted that 78.3% of the surveyed graduate students want to work in Russia, 6% think about leaving for more than three months, 2% of respondents want to leave the Russian Federation forever.[25]

3.8% reduction in the market for additional vocational education to 793 million ACOD of hours

The volume of the Russian market for additional vocational education in 2022 amounted to 793 million ACOD hours, which is 3.8% less than a year ago. The market showed a decline for the first time in 5 years, analysts at BusinesStat said in May 2023.

The fall in the market for additional vocational education of the Russian Federation in 2022, according to experts, occurred due to several reasons, including:

  • reduced purchasing power;
  • the loss of international students; the departure from Russia of a number of foreign online platforms through which the advertising of courses went;
  • redistribution of demand for shorter and cheaper programs.

According to the study, in 2018-2021. in Russia, the level of educational load increased by an average of 6% per year (from 686 to 824 million ACOD of hours), which was facilitated by:

  • increasing employers' requirements for employees' competencies;
  • addressing the shortcomings of basic education; the emergence of new professions;
  • the development of online learning;
  • development of industries in which employees are required to improve their qualifications under the law (education and medicine).

Analysts, commenting on the situation in 2022, noted that additional vocational education programs are often implemented without a permanent composition of teachers, since it is necessary to attract specialists from various areas from the real sector of the economy. In this case, the teaching staff is formed for a specific program, which received a request from the enterprise.

Market participants interviewed by BusinesStat note that in the field of additional vocational education there is a shortage of practical teachers who know the subject not only in theory, but also actively working in this direction. A particularly high need for practicing faculty is seen in business schools.[26]

Half of all enrolled students in Russia fell on 11 regions

In the admission campaign of 2022, 11 regions Russia enrolled 284,330 applicants, which corresponds to more than half of the total number of admitted school graduates. The leaders of the reception were Moscow and, Moscow region 112,004 people entered these regions St. Petersburg , and with 48,792 Leningrad Oblast new students. Such data are given in the study. HSE

According to the report, three quarters (75%) of budget places in 2022 were received by regional universities. At the same time, in general, the number of budget places remained stable. The increase in the number of enrollment in the budget in 2022 compared to 2021 occurred in 42 regions, in 31 regions there was a decrease in the number of enrollment in the amount of 6891 people.

According to experts, in a number of regions, the increase in accessibility was accompanied by an increase in the quality of admission, which indicates the effectiveness of measures to attract talented applicants to regional universities and increase their competitiveness in comparison with leading universities Moscow. First of St. Petersburg all, universities stand out here, where Nizhny Novgorod region the average score USE compared to 2021 increased by 1.02%, and universities, where the Samara region average USE score over the past two years demonstrates an increase of 1.67%. The most significant negative dynamics is noted in and, Sverdlovsk where the Rostovskaya regions average USE score fell by 2.14 and 1.37%, respectively.

As Vedomosti writes with reference to the HSE report, in 2022 the most significant cumulative reception (budget + paid branch) grew in the Sverdlovsk region, which closes the top three leading regions: 17,132 people in 2022 with an increase of more than 6% compared to 2021. A comparable number was admitted to universities in Tatarstan - 17,015 people. The top 5 closes the Rostov region with 15,021 arrivals, but the region showed the largest subsidence of 7.5%.[27]

Only 4.8 thousand Russian students study in the USA

52% of all international students in the United States come from only two countries: China (290 thousand students as of 2022) and India (199 thousand)

The third place with a lag of almost 5 times from the second is occupied by South Korea: a little more than 40 thousand residents of this country at that time studied in the United States.

Only 4.8 thousand people left Russia for the United States to study, 14.4 thousand from Nigeria, 5 thousand from Thailand, 5.3 from Venezuela.

Russian universities increased student admission to budget places by 20%

From 2020 to 2022, the number of budget places in 85 regional universities in Russia increased by more than 20%. This was announced at the end of January 2023 by the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the RFValeriy Falkov.

According to him, regional education is developing phenomenally - the reputation of these universities has grown so much in recent years that, even increasing budget admission by tens of percent, these universities have managed to maintain and even increase both the quality of admission and the number of paid students.

The number of budget places in 85 regional universities in Russia increased by more than 20%

He named the most striking examples of such universities Nizhny Novgorod State University named after Lobachevsky and. Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering Educational institutions in 2022 managed to increase the growth of budget admission by 22% and 30% compared to 2020, and the increase in the average score USE of state employees was 1.5 and 2.1 points, respectively.

In the whole country, the average enrollment score remained relatively unchanged, which indicates a more even distribution of students with a high level of school knowledge, Falkov emphasizes, noting that such students more often decided to stay in their region.

At the end of January 2023, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation prepared a draft government decree providing for the determination of priority areas of training and specialties in order to increase the number of budget places for them in the 2023-2024 academic year.

Taking into account the rapid technological development of the country and the need for operational concentration at certain points of growth of the economy and its segments, in order to create a flexible mechanism for meeting the need for personnel, the draft resolution determines the procedure for redistributing the admission control figures established by educational organizations and their branches for the 2023-2024 academic year in priority areas of training and specialties - indicated in the document.[28]

Mishustin increased from 20% to 30% the share of budget places in the field of cybersecurity in IT specialties in universities

In November 2022, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree setting quotas for student admission for targeted education in universities for 2023. One of the changes - from 20% to 30% increased the share of budget places in the field of information security among IT specialties. 30% in this category was preserved by the direction of "Radio Engineering." The same 30% of budget places in the field of information technology are assigned to the direction "Design and technology of electronic means." As for 2022, 10% of places are provided for the specialty "Mathematics."

Quotas for targeted training are determined by the government annually based on applications from the regions. Targets enter an educational institution in the areas of future employers and study for free, but after receiving a diploma they must work for at least three years in the organization that sent them.

Mikhail Mishustin

For the specialties "Construction of railways, bridges and transport tunnels," "Design of aircraft and rocket engines," "Radioelectronic systems and complexes," "Special radio technical systems," "Special life support systems," target quotas amounted to 60% of places.

The Russian government in 2022 doubled the number of budget places in IT areas in universities. Thus, 160 thousand applicants will be able to enter the faculties related to information technology for free. In addition, about 100 thousand students of schools from the 8th to the 11th grade will begin to study programming languages ​ ​ in free two-year courses.

 First of all, it is necessary to prepare personnel for those industries where operational import substitution occurs in order to ensure the technological sovereignty of Russia. On behalf of Vladimir Putin , the number of budget places in universities is increasing annually , "said Prime Minister  Dmitry Chernyshenko at a meeting with representatives of the higher education sector at the Coordination Center.[29]

Russian students planned to oblige to study IT professions, but then changed their minds

From the new academic year, students of 106 universities will begin to take IT courses without fail. We are talking about universities that participate in the Priority-2030 program. Upon graduation, students will receive double qualifications - in the main specialty and in IT. This was stated by Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education Andrei Omelchuk on June 23, 2022 at a meeting with representatives of universities. The Minister of Digital Development Maksut Shadayev was also present there.

The Priority-2030 program started in May 2021, within its framework universities receive financing for development. In April 2022, the Digital Departments project was launched. It was assumed that universities will develop IT courses that will be offered as an additional professional (formations DPO) and which will begin training on September 1.

Nikolai Seliverstov, director of educational policy at the university, said that, for example, students of the Moscow Polytechnic University will have "separate IT modules" from September 1. There they will learn to use software development tools, analyze data and web technologies.

But now we are talking about the fact that the courses will not be additional, but mandatory. As Omelchuk explained, he considers it expedient from the DPO programs to come to the inclusion in the same volume of IT modules in the student training programs for the main educational programs. The corresponding changes, according to him, will be made to the project "Digital Departments."

Omelchuk also said that the "figure" should be introduced where it will be in demand, for example, in engineering, medicine, and humanitarian areas. Among the participants of the Priority-2030 program are, for example, the Moscow City Pedagogical University, the Boris Shchukin Theater Institute, the Russian Pirogov Medical University and others.

The reason for the changes, according to the deputy minister, was the insufficient knowledge of graduates in the field of IT. He noted that 3-5% of university graduates know how to work with big data. Changes to the project are still under development, a source close to the government said.

The quality of university programs within the framework of the project will be assessed by advanced IT experts who are professionals in a certain industry and representatives of top IT companies, they added.

Shadayev noted that universities will not be able to refuse changes, despite the fact that it looks like an encumbrance. According to him, it is planned to attach "one or two specialized IT companies" to each of the universities. A representative of one of the universities that participated in the meeting, on condition of anonymity, shared concerns that over the summer months, universities may not have time to prepare for larger changes than previously planned[30].

Later in early July, it became known that the initiative was paused.

Ministry of Education and Science: All Russian universities excluded from the Bologna process

On June 6, 2022, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation announced the exclusion of all Russian universities from the Bologna system. The reason for this decision, according to Dmitry Afanasyev, Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of Russia, was that Russian rectors and heads of educational organizations supported Russia's military special operation in Ukraine.

According to Afanasyev, in 2003, having entered the Bologna process, Russia did not undertake any international obligations, since joining the declaration does not imply the signing of any treaties.

{{quote 'In the new conditions it became obvious that the domestic system of higher education should undergo significant changes. On the one hand, this is due to the radical reconfiguration of technological and economic processes, the adaptation of the economy to new realities, - said the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation Valery Falkov. }} According to him, over 20 years of using the Bologna system, it turned out that a number of features do not help to achieve the initially set goals. For example, entering a magistracy without a specialized education often leads to a decrease in the quality of education, he explained.

In mid-March 2022, the chairman of the Russian Bar Association, Sergei Stepashin, said that Russia needs to withdraw from the Bologna educational process and return to the classical format of specialty and graduate school. In his opinion, Russia's accession to the Bologna process did not justify the hopes placed on it and led to the loss of the most important advantages of the system of classical Russian and Soviet education.

On May 24, 2022, Valery Falkov announced that Russia would develop its own education system. He noted that it will become unique, and it will be based on the interests of the country's economy and maximum opportunities for students.[31]

Putin instructed universities to focus on budget places that ensure early import substitution

Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed universities to focus on budget places that ensure early import substitution. The press service of the Cabinet of Ministers, citing Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko, announced this on May 6, 2022.

In the current situation, our universities are faced with the task of not lowering the bar for training highly qualified personnel to mobilize key sectors of the economy... The emphasis is on specialties for speedy import substitution and achieving the scientific and technological sovereignty of Russia, - said the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation.

Putin instructed universities to focus on budget places that ensure early import substitution

According to him, out of 590.1 thousand budget places allocated for the 2023/24 academic year, more than 73% received educational institutions in the regions. Most of the budget places are provided for in engineering and technical areas of training - 245 thousand places. In second place are pedagogical sciences (more than 75 thousand), followed by public and medical areas (68 thousand and 53 thousand, respectively).

By levels of higher education, budget places are distributed as follows:

  • almost 334.7 thousand - undergraduate programs;
  • 123.4 thousand - magistracy;
  • 83.9 thousand - specialty;
  • 19.6 thousand - residency;
  • 17.8 thousand - graduate school,
  • 2 thousand - postgraduate training.

The Cabinet of Ministers reported that the number of budget places in enlarged groups of specialties and areas of training, within which personnel for the digital economy are trained, remains at a high level. For the 2023/2024 academic year, universities have established 160,361 budgetary places. Of these, 112 993 were sent to the regions.

Minister of Science and Higher Education Valery Falkov stressed that the ministry is conducting systematic work to increase the number of budget places for students.

It is important to note that the key role for us in the distribution of places is played by the need for personnel, which is stated by regional authorities, federal executive bodies and large employers, he said.[32]

Putin instructed to create 25 university campuses

In February 2022, Vladimir Putin's instructions were published, which were given by the President of Russia following a meeting of the State Council and the Council on Science and Education. One of them involves the creation of "at least 25 campuses of educational organizations of higher education by 2030 on the basis of public-private partnership, providing for the necessary amount of financial support for the implementation of this project at the expense of budgetary allocations of the federal budget."

The order was given to the Government, "ВЭБ.РФ" and the regional authorities. They will also have to define the concept of "campus" and think about the procedure for their creation and operation. In addition, Putin instructed to propose measures to stimulate the participation of investors and concessionaires in this project.

Putin instructed to create 25 university campuses, this will take 607 billion rubles

According to ВЭБ.РФ estimates, cited by Kommersant, investments in the project will amount to 607 billion rubles until 2030, including 278 billion rubles from private investors.

In February 2022, the Ministry of Education and Science proposed redirecting the budget funds provided for the program of domestic Russian academic mobility of students and scientific and pedagogical workers to the creation of campuses. As the representative of Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko explained, campuses can have a greater effect on achieving national development goals and ensure the consolidation of Russia in a dozen leading countries in research and development.

According to Mikhail Alashkevich, Managing Director of ВЭБ.РФ, the new campuses will not require budget funding at the stage of operation and will be managed by non-state operators. After all, the campus is not only educational and scientific laboratories, it is also modern college campuses, sports and leisure facilities, as well as public spaces for all citizens[33]

2021: Literacy rate of the population - 99.7%

Data for 2021

2019: Citizens over 25 studied for an average of 12.2 years

The number of years of education by citizens over 25 years old, as of 2019


Growth in the share of paid education

The highest level of literacy of the population

The average literacy rate in countries around the world is about 69%. Data at the end of 2018


Click on the illustration twice to increase it to the maximum size


Students model a model of an electric locomotive. USSR, 1970s.

The 1960th

Female students before the exam. USSR. 1960s.
Soviet poster of 1964. Author: V. Skachkov. "I will never forget a friend if I made friends with him in Moscow" - this is a line from "Song of Moscow" in the movie "Pig and Shepherd" in 1941.

1897: Literacy map in the European part of the country

The percentage of literate in the Romanov Empire, according to the 1897 census.

The most literate according to the census of 1897, in the Grand Duchy of Finland, Karelia, Estonia, Courland (over 75% literate). Then comes St. Petersburg with Ingermanland (50-60% literate), Lithuania, Moscow (40-50% literate).

The Kingdom of Poland, and the capital of the Upper Volga Yaroslavl with the province (30-40% literate). In the territories of the indigenous Great Russia, the literacy rate averaged 20-30%, including the Kostroma, Vladimir, Novgorod, Olonets provinces.

But in the entire southern agricultural belt, the literacy rate was below 20%, excluding traditional Cossack lands with their 20-30% literate.

See also


  1. "Education in Numbers: 2023"
  2. The number of private universities began to grow for the first time in seven years
  3. The share of engineering education in the Russian Federation has practically reached Soviet times
  4. The number of students in IT specialties in colleges of the Russian Federation increased by 42% in three years
  5. Top education in Russia, the cost of which pays off the fastest: record - 3 months
  6. Leading universities in Russia raised prices for training in the 2024/25 academic year
  7. In 2023, the market for additional children's education in Russia grew by 3% and amounted to 3.04 billion ACOD of watches.
  8. In 2019-2023, student admission to secondary professional institutions in Russia increased by 17%: from 1.04 to 1.22 million people.
  9. In 2021-2023, the number of additional vocational education programs in Russia increased by 27% and reached 338 thousand.
  10. In Russian universities, there are fewer teachers with a candidate or doctor of sciences degree
  11. In 2019-2023, student admission to higher educational institutions in Russia increased by 14%: from 1.13 to 1.29 million people.
  12. The number of dissertations in Russia for the year decreased by 22%
  13. University rotations in the basic part of the grant: the commission of the Ministry of Education and Science summed up the annual results of the implementation of the Priority-2030 program
  14. More than 60% of Russian 9th grade graduates go to colleges
  15. The government named the most popular universities among applicants
  16. The government named the most popular universities among applicants
  17. Universities in Moscow and St. Petersburg increased the cost of education by an average of 12% in 2023
  18. The standard for equipping modern university campuses has been approved
  19. The number of defenses of candidate dissertations in the Russian Federation decreased by more than 60% over 12 years
  20. In 2018-2022, enrollment in secondary vocational education institutions in Russia increased by 16.2%: from 0.99 to 1.15 million people.
  21. In 2022, the volume of the market for additional education for children in Russia decreased from 2.98 to 2.97 billion ACOD of hours
  22. Defending master's theses is back on the rise
  23. The number of additional vocational education units in Russia has reached a new peak
  24. Valery Falkov summed up the work of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia for 2022
  25. The number of graduate students admitted in 2022 has become the maximum in the last 10 years
  26. In 2022, the market for additional vocational education in Russia decreased by 3.8%: from 824 to 793 million ACOD of hours.
  27. Half of all students enrolled in 2022 fell on 11 regions
  28. [1]
  29. Admission quotas for budget places in universities in specialties published - information security is in the lead among IT
  30. Russian students will be obliged to study IT professions. Universities consider this an encumbrance
  31. Ministry of Education and Science: all Russian universities excluded from the Bologna process
  32. Dmitry Chernyshenko: On behalf of the President, priority in the distribution of budget places is given to regional universities, and the emphasis is on specialties to ensure the fastest import substitution
  33. " Investors invited to campus