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Gazprom transgaz Stavropol


Gazprom transgaz Stavropol (till 2008 Kavkaztransgaz) – one of the oldest enterprises of Gazprom. Its history began along with origin of domestic gas production.



+ Government of the Russian Federation
+ Rosneft of the Tax Code

Opening at a boundary of the 40-50th of the 20th century of the North Stavropol natural gas field was an incitement for active development of the gas transmission system of the country. Exactly from here at the end of December, 1956 on the first distant main gas pipeline "Stavropol — Moscow" the Stavropol gas came to the capital. This year is considered official date of creation of the enterprise. In 1959 the Stavropol gas came to Leningrad and industrial centers of the European part of the country, and then to the Caucasus and to Transcaucasia.

By the end of the 80th, in process of development of the main natural gas fields on Stavropol Territory, the transport profile of the enterprise was defined. Today Gazprom transgaz Stavropol LLC delivers natural gas to 10 regions of the South of Russia, the countries of Transcaucasia and also to Turkey on the Blue Stream gas pipeline which originates in a zone of activity of the enterprise. Gazprom transgaz Stavropol LLC – the leader in Russia in implementation of the program of use of compressed (compressed) gas as motor fuel. The enterprise successfully operates 12 automobile gas-filling compressor stations.