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Gazprom Energoholding of GEH



Gazprom - 75%
Renova (Renova) Group - 25%



+ Gazprom Energoholding (GEH)
+ Government of the Russian Federation
+ Rosneft of the Tax Code
+ Renova (Renova) Group

Gazprom Energoholding LLC is holding vertically integrated company (100 percent subsidiary of JSC Gazprom). Is the owner, largest in Russia, of the electrical power (generating) assets (controlling stakes of Mosenergo,"MUEC",TGC-1 and OGK-2), the including more than 80 power plants with an installed capacity over 37 GW (about 17% of installed capacity of all Russian power industry). Enters ten the leading European power producers.

History of the company


Gazprom and Renova Group intend to merge electrical power assets

In July, 2018 at the central office JSC Gazprom Predsedatel Pravleniya Alexey Miller and the Chairman of the board of directors of Renova Group Victor Vekselberg signed the Agreement of intent.

The document confirms intentions of the parties to merge the electrical power assets on the platform of Gazprom Energoholding LLC, with conversion of the Company to open joint stock company and possible subsequent share placing on the stock exchange.

According to target share capital structure, in the united Company Gazprom will possess no more than 75% minus 1 action, and Renova — not less than 25% plus 1 action.

It is planned that as a result of the consolidation Company will control the capital energy-generating and power sales assets belonging to the parties.

The parties within development of the Shareholders' agreement intend to define the final list of assets and the size of shares in the united Company, to prepare all necessary legally binding documentation, to approve the transaction with Federal Antimonopoly Service.

The Board of Directors approved the strategy of Gazprom in power industry for 2018-2027

Gazprom creates the largest in Russia vertically integrated electrical power holding. Capital assets in the field of generation of electrical and thermal energy, transfer and sale of thermal energy are consolidated based on Gazprom Energoholding LLC. Installed capacity of these generating assets is 38.8 GW. Gazprom Energoholding is included into ten the leading European power producers.

Gazprom almost completely fulfilled investment obligations within the program of agreements on providing power: 8.6 GW of new, hi-tech capacities are put into operation that allowed to refuse use of the inefficient generating capacities of 3.7 GW. Implementation of the last project within the program — construction of the Grozny thermal power plant is conducted. The companies entering into the Gazprom Energoholding Group are financially steady. Annual average growth of total revenue in 2007-2017 was about 15%.

Key strategic objective of the company in power industry for 2018-2027 is ensuring stable profit increase when preserving the high level of reliability of power supply of consumers.

Strategy, in particular, assumes project implementation on creation new and upgrades of the operating generating capacities and also an output of objects which operation is economically inexpedient. Special attention is paid to further increase in operational efficiency, technology development, use of the import-substituting equipment. Gazprom is also aimed at diversification of electric power generation business at the expense of entry into the perspective markets in Russia and abroad.


In 2012 the total volume of development of electrical energy by power plants of holding was 166.9 billion kWh (about 17% of the general electricity generation in the country), a useful holiday of heat power – 101.1 million Gcal.


As a result of reform of RAO UES of Russia and participation in additional issues of shares of the generation companies basic elements of structure of the electricity sector of the Gazprom group were created and vertically integrated management company Gazprom Energoholding LLC under control of which there were four main generation companies is created: JSC Mosenergo, JSC TGC 1, JSC OGK-2 and JSC OGK-6.

At the end of 2009 consolidation of controlling stakes of these companies on Gazprom Energoholding LLC was complete. On November 1, 2011 OGK-6 stopped the activity, having joined OGK-2 with transfer of all property and obligations.