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Main Directorate of State Expertise Glavgosexpertiza of Russia FAU


Number of employees
2019 year


+ Government of the Russian Federation

Glavgosexpertiza of Russia is a state institution subordinate to the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation. Glavgosexpertiza is a team of professionals in the construction industry, introducing quality standards for substantiating decisions on capital investments, examining design documentation and the results of engineering surveys, checking the reliability of determining the estimated cost of capital construction facilities to ensure the safety of citizens, the efficiency of capital investments and the development of infrastructure in Russia.

Electronic Services:

  • State examination of design documentation and (or) results of engineering surveys
  • Validation of estimated cost
  • Technological and price audit of investment justification


2021: Approve BIM Costs


In the Glavgosexpertiza of Russia created a BIM laboratory

The BIM laboratory is a software and hardware complex with pre-installed various software for evaluating and viewing information models. With it, you can access all known software solutions that allow you to evaluate BIM models. In addition, the laboratory will contribute to the transition to the examination of information models of capital construction objects.

In 2020, development, state corporations began to actively use information modeling technologies for the design of objects. However, for the full implementation of modern technologies in construction, a well-developed legal framework and trained personnel are also necessary.

Over the past few years, the attitude towards projects executed with the help of BIM has changed. If earlier it was more a means of visualization, now digital doubles are actively used, and the BIM model has become perceived not only as a voluminous image, but also as a collection of data that is formed at all stages of the life cycle of objects.

Participation in the pilot for passing Russian state examination software in the information model

On February 10, 2020, FCS FAU reported that a pilot project to pass state expertise in the information model proved the competitiveness of Russian software. The pilot project was attended by the Glavgosexpertiza of Russia, the Moscow State Examination, St. Petersburg State University "Center for State Examination," GAU SB "Department of State Examination." Participants from development groups are specialists from NEOLANT, Renga Software, SiSoft Development. More details here.

2019: Creation of the Center for Digital Transformation

September 26, 2019 it became known that the Glavgosexpertiza of Russia created the Center for Digital Transformation.

The unit will develop and implement digital services for the institute of construction expertise. The structure was headed by Victoria Erkenova.

The head of the Center for Digital Transformation spoke about plans to digitalize the activities of not only Glavgosexpertiza itself, but also about the effect that is expected from such an implementation for the entire expert community. Victoria Erkenova emphasized that there is a significant difference between automation and digital transformation: automation is, in fact, current processes, that is, the translation of the entire array of accumulated information into electronic form. As for digital transformation, deeper processes are involved, so serious rethinking is needed.

We need to change our eyes on the problem to solve it. And this will inevitably lead to the restructuring of all processes,
emphasized Victoria Erkenova

At the same time, in her opinion, the transformation should lead to the optimization of time and resource costs.

Victoria Erkenova notes that in practice, those approaches that were developed during the transition to automation will help either transform faster or may be slightly thrown back because there was a calculation for automation of algorithms. Therefore, it is important for automation to initially lay a data-centric approach in the solution architecture, when the data slowly gains: they become larger, they become legally significant and all electronic documents that are created, created in an automated mode and from those data that are stored in systems. Thus, they acquire legal significance. It is this data-centric approach that is being implemented in Glavgosexpertiza.

Also, tools that will help analyze the accumulated information in various ways should not be missed. Victoria Erkenova said that over 2 years of operation of the Glavgosexpertiza AIS system, the history of actions was aggregated, which, during digital transformation, is exactly such an analytical basis. And this, in turn, helps to understand what tools now need to be created.

We plan to further improve our data-centric approaches and create services based on the data that we have already accumulated,
stressed speaker

According to Victoria Erkenova, all approaches and methods already developed by Glavgosexpertiza should be transferred to the expert community and all organizations that are ready to work together on a single platform. Therefore, as of September 2019, work is underway to create such a platform with a single personal account of the applicant, as well as a single register of all experts in the country. A common methodology will be implemented at the site, which will be provided through technological processes: this is data management and analytics. A knowledge base will also be created for all experts of the country who will work on this platform. There will be an assistant expert, all kinds of reference books that can give legally significant information.

The head of the Center for Digital Transformation also said that recently published reports from Western agencies say that on average a person looks at his phone 110 times during the day, checking some information. In some countries, this figure is even greater. Therefore, it is extremely important not only for top management, but also for everyone to receive information through convenient means, namely through applications and services in phones. Taking into account all modern trends in the development of neural networks and all the accelerating waves of digitalization. Glavgosexpertiza has already implemented a system for communicating with applicants - chat bot. It will help automate interaction with applicants at each stage. As of September 2019, the service is being tested.

The Center for Digital Transformation of the Glavgosexpertiza will also change approaches to the formation of comments on design estimates, which will create a "medical history" of designers. Victoria Erkenova said that Glavgosexpertiza specialists managed to collect an array of information on the practice of working with applicants, that is, on the experience of interacting with various designers in our country. This, so to speak, is all the "diseases" of project organizations: who, where and how was wrong. But there's one nuance. All this information exists in the form of electronic documents and their processing is carried out by smart search. It is planned to automate the approach to the preparation of comments, in essence, the formation of consolidated comments to the design estimates will turn into 2-3 clicks on the computer. Thus, it will be possible to accumulate information on specific comments to specific applicants-designers. Glavgosexpertiza will be able to determine bottlenecks in project organizations. And, speaking about improving the quality of design, with the help of accumulated information of this kind, designers clearly understand what they need to do, where, who and what to teach. The same information will also form the basis for the development of the courses of the Glavgosexpertiza.

Another task that the Center for Digital Transformation of Glavgosexpertiza is working on is to create a tool that will also help improve the quality of design. We are talking about an automatic system for generating a design task. It is planned to create a form in electronic form, filling in the fields of which the developer using the system generates a design task and recommendations that should be taken into account during the design. This service will help the developer, who cannot always take into account all the nuances. Artificial intelligence will help him in this.

Victoria Erkenova spoke about another service, the implementation of which is planned as part of the creation of a single platform for the work of all expert organizations. This is an assistant expert. The ability to integrate smart search into the functionality of the platform will create the ability to index incoming information and use keywords to find certain solutions, which optimizes the time to search for related solutions. The system itself will be able to find a discrepancy in the documentation received for consideration and, when the expert begins work, inform him that work has already been carried out and deviations have been found. All this will be remembered over time, the array of information will increase and each time a similar design estimate is considered, this tool will be improved by[1].
