Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

VNIIR - All-Russian Research Institute of Radio Electronics


Education and Science
Since 1966
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
141002, st. Kolpakova, d. 2a, letter B1, 3rd floor, office 86, 87

Number of employees
2021 year


+ Government of the Russian Federation

The Federal State Budgetary Institution "All-Russian Research Institute of Radio Electronics" is the leading research testing organization that performs the functions of research in the field of electronic component base (ECB), as well as scientific support and interdepartmental methodological coordination of work on the creation and conduct of research (tests) of electronic component base products.



Transformation into the All-Russian Research Institute of Radio Electronics

On the basis of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 18.06.2021[1], the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Mytishchi Research Institute of Radio Measuring Devices (FSUE MNIIRIP) was transformed into the Federal State Budgetary Institution All-Russian Research Institute of Radio Electronics (FSBI VNIIR).

Activities of Mytishchi Research Institute of Radio Measuring Devices

As of June 2021, 343 people worked at MNIIRIP. The scientific potential of the organization was 34 employees, of which 6 with the degree of "Doctor of Sciences" and 28 - "Candidate[2] of[2].

The main activities of the enterprise are developing in the following priority areas:

  • Program-specific planning of ECB development for special, dual and civilian equipment;
  • Support and participation in R&D;
  • Support of ECB and REA development programs;
  • ECB application;
  • ECB and REA tests;
  • Regulation in the field of ECB and REA supplies;
  • Standardization in ECB;
  • Outwardly economic , activity, protection of Russian interests; radio-electronic industries
  • Creation and maintenance of ECB databases;
  • Provision of activities on assignment of the status of equipment of Russian origin to avionics;
  • Cataloging and licensing;
  • Organization and support of reporting and image expositions of DREP, Ministry of Industry and Trade Russia holding of industry events;
  • Consulting services within the competence of the Enterprise;
  • On the basis of the Enterprise there is a system of voluntary certification of electronic equipment, electronic component base and materials for military, dual and national economic purposes "Electronsert."


In accordance with Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia No. 3731 of 20.10.2016, the Enterprise is defined as the Head Research Testing Organization, which performs the functions of research in the field of electronic component base (ECB), as well as scientific support and interdepartmental methodological coordination of work on the creation and conduct of research (tests) of electronic component base products.


In 2011 Ministry of Industry and Trade Russia , he entrusted FSUE MNIIRIP with the functions of a research organization in the field of justifying and developing agreed proposals for electronic technologies and ECB for weapons, military and special equipment (protocol of the Department of the Electronic Industry of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia of 14.02.2011), the competence center of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia in the implementation of the federal target program "Development of the electronic component base and radio electronics for 2008-2015."

2004: The enterprise is listed as a strategic entity

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1009 of 04.08.2004, the Company is included in the list of strategic enterprises.

1976: Transformation into Mytishchi Research Institute of Radio Measuring Instruments

By order of the USSR Ministry of Communications Industry dated 02.04.1976 No. 112, the branch was transformed into the Mytishchi Research Institute of Radio Measuring Devices (MNIIRIP).

The following tasks were assigned to MNIIRIP:

  • carrying out scientific, scientific and technical activities;
  • performance of basic and applied scientific research;
  • implementation of developments in the field of electronic and radioelectronic equipment;
  • development and manufacture of certain types of products within the sphere of national interests of the Russian Federation.

1966: Creation of the Mytishchi branch of the Research Instrument-Making Institute

By order of the Ministry of Radio Industry of the USSR of 06.04.1966 No. 185c, on the basis of Order of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of 02.04.1966 No. 673-rs, the Mytishchi branch of the Scientific Research Instrument-Making Institute was created (as a branch of the Gorky Scientific Research Instrument-Making Institute).
