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CyberPhysics CyberPhysics




+ Government of the Russian Federation
+ Russian Venture Company (RVC)
+ Vnesheconombank - Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Activity
+ Oboronprom OPK


2021:50 million rubles of investment from Skolkovo Ventures

On October 11, 2021, the Industrial Foundation under the management of Skolkovo Ventures invested 50 million rubles in the startup Cyberphysics - a technology company developing digital products to optimize production processes.

AI tools developer for industry Cyberphysics raised 50 million rubles of investments from Skolkovo Ventures

Cyberphysics products reduce equipment operating costs, improve product quality without additional investment, and accurately predict asset health in the short, medium, and long term.

Unlike most existing local and international teams, Cyberphysics managed to solve the two main problems of the industry, securing significant competitive qualities. Thus, Cyberphysics solutions use physical and mathematical models to enrich existing technological data and improve quality ML-. algorithms They can have practical application in creating and integrating Low/No-code constructors that require minimal client support when debugging and using analytical tools.
said Viktor Chervyakov, Managing Partner of the Industrial Fund Skolkovo Ventures.

We set ourselves the task of developing a product in which both professional Data Scientists and ordinary engineers who understand production processes can quickly and without programming skills create tools that increase the current efficiency of the enterprise. Our main goal is to promote accelerated digitalization and industry development through democratization and simplification of AI tools,
noted co-founder and CEO of Cyberphysics Sergei Nikolaev.

According to experts, the existing typical cases of using the company's products provide savings to customers from 50 to 100 million rubles a year with the possibility of multiplying the effect when scaling them.

According to Skolkovo Ventures, the global market for industrial AI solutions is about $20 billion and is growing by more than 30% annually. At the same time, the local market is at the level of 10-15 billion rubles. with a projected growth rate of 20-25%. Another important feature of the market is high investment activity, amounting to about $2 billion of VC/PE investments annually, which is also characterized by the emergence of unicorn companies in the sector - Cognite, Uptake, C3.AI, etc.

2019: Creation of Cyberphysics

Logo in 2020

Resident, "Skolkovo Cyberphysics, was created in 2019 by immigrants from the laboratory of" cyber-physical systems " Skoltech and over the two years of its existence managed to implement a number of projects the Russian with international industrial companies.