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Rosseti Zyfra (formerly VOLS-VL Management)


Information Technology
Since 1999
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
11 Sikorsky Street, Skolkovo Innovation Center, 121205, Moscow, Russia


Federal Grid Company - Rosseti - 100%
as of March 2022,
Revenue millions Ths. rub


+ Government of the Russian Federation

Rosseti Tsifa is the main IT integrator of the Rosseti group of companies.

Areas of activity

The main areas of the company's activities for March 2022:

Performance indicators

2022: Revenue reduction by 26.1% to RUR 7,913 million

At the end of 2022, the revenue of Rosseti Tsigna decreased by 26.1% - to 7,913 million rubles (revenue from financial statements for 2021-2022 without VAT). In the ranking " TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia 2023," such an indicator allowed the company to take 66th place.


2024: Creation of a special competence center for import substitution

The Rosseti Group, together with leading vendors, has established a special competence center for import substitution of software. This was reported to Rosseti on October 22, 2024.

The objectives of the center, formed on the basis of the subsidiary of Rosseti - Rosseti Tsifa, are to increase the efficiency of introducing domestic software in the power grid complex and strengthen interaction between market participants when creating IT solutions for the industry.

The working group includes managers and experts of the IT blocks of the executive office of Rosseti, branches, subsidiaries, as well as representatives of leading domestic software manufacturers (software) and integrators, including Greenatom, VK Digital Technologies, K2 Integration, etc.

The activity of the center is based on significant experience in the operation of Russian software in the network complex of the Rosseti Group to increase the efficiency of solution implementation, ensure compatibility, improve and create digital products.

Specialists are also working to include the necessary functionality for the customer in the software development roadmaps approved by the Government of the Russian Federation within the framework of industrial competence centers and competence centers for the development of system-wide and applied software. Another task is to create and complete a unified knowledge base for use by employees of the Rosseti Group companies. All this allows you to optimize the use of resources on implementation projects.

Earlier, Rosseti Zyfra formed a resource and expert center for the implementation of digital transformation projects, launched a laboratory for assessing and testing solutions.

The Rosseti Group is conducting systematic work on import substitution in the IT sphere. As of October 2024, all new implementations are carried out on the basis of domestic solutions. The company is the developer of its own products. In particular, the RS-20 technological management platform is already used by Russian network companies for information exchange with the UES SO, and is also supplied abroad.

2022: Renaming of legal entity as JSC "Rosseti Zyfra"

According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, from May 23, 2022, the name of JSC VOLS-VL Management was changed to JSC Rosseti Tsygna.

2021: Revenue growth by 41.9% to RUB 10,710 million

At the end of 2021, the revenue of Rosseti Tsifra company amounted to 10,710 million rubles, an increase of 41.9% compared to 2020, which allowed it to take 50th place in the ranking of TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia 2022. The revenue from the financial statements for 2020-2021 is indicated. Excluding VAT

Rosseti Tsifa is a trademark of JSC VOLS-VL Management, a 100% subsidiary of PJSC Rosseti.

2020: Revenue - 7,546 million rubles

At the end of 2020, the revenue of Rosseti Tsifra company amounted to 7,546 million rubles.

2016: Competence Center "1C" under PJSC "Rosseti"

Logo in 2016

On June 17, 2016, at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, the joint-stock company VOLS-VL Management, a subsidiary of PJSC Rosseti, which is a center of competence in the field of information technology, and 1C signed a memorandum of cooperation in the field of information technology. The main goal of cooperation is to increase the efficiency of using 1C: Enterprise software products in the Russian Networks Group of Companies.

The creation of the 1C Competence Center under PJSC Rosseti will allow applying uniform approaches to automating management processes in the SDC, standardizing and unifying processes, reducing the total cost of owning information technologies, as well as reducing technological risks during the operation of information systems. When carrying out joint activities, it is planned to exchange technological and methodological information, develop an educational environment for the training and retraining of personnel of the Competence Center.

As of 2016, in the portfolio of the company "VOLS-VL Management" - agreements with the largest cellular operators for the construction of several thousand kilometers of power lines.

Russian Optical Networks and Telecommunications is a key contractor of PJSC Rosseti for projects related to the maintenance and development of corporate and technological IT infrastructure, as well as information security.

2011: Creation of the "VOLS-OL Control"

OJSC VOLS-VL Management was established in 2011 to manage fiber-optic communication lines of third-party organizations located at the electric power facilities of interregional distribution network companies - subsidiaries and affiliates of the Holding, the parent (holding) company of which is PJSC Rosseti (formerly OJSC IDGC Holding).