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Баннер в шапке 2



RusHydro - 100%


+ Government of the Russian Federation

The design and survey institute of JSC Lengidroproyekt occupies one of the leading positions in the field of design of hydropower and water management objects and executes a full range of services in design and designer's service of construction of hydraulic engineering constructions in territories with particularly complex geological climatic conditions.

For all the time of a project work of institute more than 90 hydroelectric power stations in Russia and the neighboring countries with a total power of 24500 MW are constructed, recovered and reconstructed. The largest – Sayano-Shushenskaya (6400 MW with an arch and gravitational dam 242 m high), Chirkeyskaya (1000 MW with an arch dam 232 m high), Zeyskaya (1290 MW with a massive and buttress dam 115 m high), Krasnoyarsk (6000 MW with a dam of gravitational type 124 m high), Kolyma (900 MW with the soil dam 130 m high built in the conditions of permafrost).

HEPS in Africa, Asia, Latin America are constructed and are successfully exploited: Shikap's (Angola) hydroelectric power station, Dadinkov's (Nigeria) HEPS, Balimel's (India) HEPS, Bkhakr's (India) HEPS, HEPS of the Somersault to Granda (Argentina), Pyedradelyagil's (Argentina) HEPS and others.

Standard projects therefore characteristic of the hydroelectric power stations designed and put into operation is application and development of new technical solutions are not applicable to objects of hydrotechnical construction. For the purpose of creation of the most economic and least capital-intensive solutions for each object the dam type, use of the heavy-duty equipment, high pressures and other is developed and proved. During the period since 1964 till present Lengidroproyekt received more than 750 copyright certificates, patents for the inventions and useful models developed at institute and which are successfully implemented in practice. Today many provisions of the scientific and settlement research which is the cornerstone of project solutions are included into the main existing Construction Norms and Regulations on design of objects.

Lengidroproyekt as the General designer of a large number of hydrotechnical objects, continues to conduct works on their maintenance. The numerous project documentation is stored in archives of institute that allows to solve effectively arising in use a task object. Specialists of JSC Lengidroproyekt participate in the commissions on inspection of a condition of equipment and constructions, develop projects of reliability augmentation of constructions. Declarations of security on the existing objects are executed. Also software developments to sections of environmental protection, environmental impact assessment of reconstruction of hydraulic engineering constructions and the equipment, rules of use of water resources of water reservoirs and many other things are conducted.

For ensuring quality of products in Lengidroproyekt it is created, implemented and the integrated system of management conforming to requirements of ISO standards 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 which promotes increase in level of environmental safety of subjects to design, complex approach to use of natural and energy resources, minimization of environmental risks functions.

Now on projects of institute are under construction Ust-Srednekansky, Lower Bureya, Gotsatlinsky hydroelectric power station. For the last five years specialists of institute prepared the project documentation on a number of perspective projects, among them Lower Kureysky hydroelectric power station.

Development of the project and work documentation of complex upgrade of the acting hydroelectric power stations which general designer is Lengidroproyekt — Zeysky, Votkinsk, Novosibirsk, etc. is conducted.

Except numerous hydroelectric power stations, dams and spillways on the account of institute implementation of unique engineering objects. Lengidroproyekt made a special contribution to creation of the Complex of protective constructions of the city of St. Petersburg from floods. Since 1967 the institute is a general designer of this strategically important object put into operation in 2011. Implementation of the complex project of reconstruction of the existing constructions and construction of new objects of the Volga-Baltic waterway is at the moment begun.