Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Gokhran of Russia


Federal State Institution

Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation


+ Government of the Russian Federation
Gokhran of Russia

GOHRAN (State Repository of Values), state institution in Russia and the USSR. Located in Moscow. It was formed on the initiative of V.I. Lenin by resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR of 3.2.1920 as part of the People's Commissariat of Finance. Repeatedly changed the name and departments. belonging:

  • State. value storage under the USSR State Bank (1927-39; since 1936 as part of the People's Commissariat of Finance of the USSR);

  • special department in the NKVD-MVD-MGB systems of the USSR (1939-60);

  • 3rd Special Department (1960-79),

  • 3rd Ch. Management (1979-87), State. value storage (1987-91) under the USSR Ministry of Finance;

  • Committee of Precious Metals and Precious Stones under the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Russian Federation (1991-92);

  • Committee of the Russian Federation on Precious Metals and Precious Stones (as min-wa, 1992-96);

  • State. establishment of the State Fund for Precious Metals and Precious Stones of the Russian Federation, storage, tempering and use of precious metals and precious stones under the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation (since 1996).

State fund

The State Fund is part of the gold and foreign exchange reserves of the Russian Federation, includes the values ​ ​ of the Diamond Fund of Russia (a collection of unique precious stones, jewelry, nuggets of precious metals), part of the gold reserve of Russia (gold in ingots), precious metals, natural diamonds, emeralds, rubies, sapphires, alexandrites, pearls, unique amber formations and products from them.

Gokhran replenishes the State Fund by purchasing precious metals and precious stones at the expense of the federal budget from mining and refining organizations, individuals, etc.; through Gokhran, the State Fund also receives valuables from treasures and forcibly seized in accordance with the law.

The most important functions of Gokhran are to ensure the accounting and safety of values, their sorting, processing, assessment, examination, analytical certification, restoration of unique products, issue of values ​ ​ in accordance with decrees and decisions of the President and the Government of the Russian Federation for implementation in the domestic and foreign market.

2022: Ministry of Finance proposed to form reserves of precious metals and stones in the State Fund of Russia for mobilization needs

In June 2022, against the background of Russia's special operation in Ukraine, the Ministry of Finance proposed to form reserves of precious metals and stones in the State Fund of Russia for mobilization needs. Such reserves, in particular, can be used to prepare the country for a possible transition to martial law. The decision on their use will be made by the president.

1941: Evacuation of valuables to the Urals and Siberia

In 1941 the state stock of valuables was evacuated to Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg) and Novosibirsk, where temporary storage facilities were created (at the end of 1944 and in 1949 the valuables were returned to Moscow).


During the formation of Gokhran, the largest amount of income was valuables confiscated from individuals, banks and other institutions, as well as previously owned grew. to the crown. The most valuable icons and objects of a liturgical nature seized from the Church also arrived here. In Gokhran, they were assessed and depersonalized (destroyed evidence of ownership by specific owners). Many items by decision of the Council of People's Commissars in the 1920s and 1930s. sold at foreign auctions, including most of the items from the Diamond Room of the Winter Palace.

Diamond Fund

Since 1968, Gokhran has been the permanent exhibition "Diamond Fund."

Objects of historical, scientific and artistic significance in Gokhran are formed in the collection (numismatic, medallier art and phaleristics, decorative and applied products, samples of mineralogy). They are periodically exhibited abroad and in Russia, for example, in Beijing (1997) and in Moscow (Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, 2000; Museum of Archeology of Moscow, 2005).