Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Sberbank of the Russian Federation (China)


Financial services, investments and audit
Lufthansa center, office C305/306A

Representative office of Sberbank of Russia to Beijing, the People's Republic of China

Sberbank of the Russian Federation - 100%


+ Government of the Russian Federation


Deputy manager of Representation: Feoktistov Yury Sergeyevich


In June, 2010 JSC Sberbank of the Russian Federation got permission of the Chinese banking regulatory fee to opening of representation in Beijing (People's Republic of China).

In September, 2010 registration of representation was complete. The main objective of an entry of JSC Sberbank of Russia into the market of the People's Republic of China – expansion of the opportunities for customer service of Bank having business interests to the People's Republic of China, representation and protection of interests of Bank to the People's Republic of China, including deepening of mutually beneficial cooperation with financial institutions of the People's Republic of China, rendering consulting services to both clients of Bank, and the Chinese banks – to partners of JSC Sberbank of Russia.