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Channel One. Digital


Channel One



+ Government of the Russian Federation
Yuri Valentinovich Kovalchuk
+ Gazprom-Media Holding


2012: Statements for plans of start of the channel for Internet audience

The CEO of Channel One Konstantin Ernst started talking about intention to create the channel for Internet audience in 2002.

"It will be the channel for those who were born after 1980 — Ernst in an interview to the Seans magazine in 2012 explained — it will have quite mad programming, and people will be more senior to feel a certain discomfort during viewing. 'The first Digital' will speak language which created the Internet".

2014: Change of the name on "Channel One. Digital". CEO Yefimov

The subsidiary company of Channel One will be transformed by Channel One. Worldwide Network Ltd to Channel One. Digital Ltd company, reported TV channel. The company will save all functions "Channel One. Worldwide network" and also will integrate "a number of the projects aimed at a scope of classroom groups with the low level of traditional watching and activation of presence of Channel One at alternative environments, nonlinear broadcasting platforms", it is specified in the message of the channel. Among projects — creation and adaptation of content for Internet audience, its distribution in Russia and beyond its limits[1].

CEO "Channel One. Digital" will become Alexey Yefimov. Before he was already a CEO "Channel One. Worldwide network" in 2004-2008. After it headed Russian MTV and returned on First in 2011 as Ernst's adviser. Since summer of 2013 Yefimov was engaged in development of project strategy First Digital.

The representative of Channel One refused to specify when The First Digital channel is started and whether the TV channel with such name will appear. He only reported that projects with such name will include mobile applications, applications of the so-called second screen, online distribution of content, online channels, and added that large players of the Internet market will become partners of "First" in these projects. So, recently it became known that First discusses a possibility of distribution of the news videos via the websites of Rambler&Co company. The agreement between the companies is not signed yet.
