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Баннер в шапке 2

Kassa 24


Promsvyazbank - 51%


+ Government of the Russian Federation

The company develops the bill present systems technology allowing consumers to pay bills for housing and communal services (housing and public utilities) on the basis of the electronic receipt without data entry, and to service providers – to control process of collecting of payments online.

The system of collecting of payments for housing and public utilities created by Kassa 24 consists of own terminals on acceptance of the cash set in apartment houses, the server hardware and the software. Kassa 24 allows to create single databases of payers on houses, areas and the cities with individual personal accounts for each resident and a possibility of data exchange with passport offices, to introduce the systems of advance payments, to perform monitoring of payments in online mode and to carry out informing consumers on debts. Developed by software company it is possible to integrate with products of 1C.

Products Kassa 24 are of interest to the condominiums (C), management companies apartment houses and uniform settlement centers.


Clients of the company are the administration of the city of Klin situated near Moscow and Pik-komfort management companies (belongs to construction holding "Pik"), "Condominium Capital" (enters Capital Group), "Kontinental-service" (construction holding "Konti"), "Gorky-H housing and public utilities" (manages the real estate on Rublevo-Uspenskoe highway), "REP the Old town" and "Ladonezh".


In March, 2011 Promsvyazbank announced acquisition of 51% of stocks of Kassa 24 company, transaction amount is not reported. The bank intends to develop the bill present systems technology developed by the company allowing consumers to pay bills for housing and communal services (housing and public utilities) on the basis of the electronic receipt without data entry, and to service providers – to control process of collecting of payments online.

"On the market rumors about intention of Promsvyazbank to seriously develop retail products went long ago. Now the bank itself gave confirmation to it, - the development director of BCC Revaz Bukhradze reminds. - Retail products provide good diversification of business due to receiving commission income which looks especially stable in the conditions of crisis".

Kassa 24 is the small company, - the president of the Qiwi group Andrey Romanenko notes. - Most likely, Promsvyazbank purchased it for the sake of the technology developed by it not to buy software products of third-party producers". Software cost from Kassa 24 can reach $2 million, Romanenko considers. The analyst of Finam Tatyana Menkova also estimates the company at $1-2 million.