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SBT Venture Fund I


Management company of Fund — MoneyTime Ventures.

MoneyTime Ventures
Sberbank of Russia



+ Government of the Russian Federation


2019: The IPO of Tufin portfolio company in New York

The Tufin Software Technologies company, software supplier in the field of cyber security, carried out initial public offering (IPO) at the New York Stock Exchange, reported TAdviser in Sberbank on April 15, 2019. According to the statement of representatives of Fort Ross Ventures (enters an ecosystem of Sberbank), the IPO of Tufin company became the first important event of liquidity of portfolio company of SBT Venture Fund I L.P venture fund. The venture fund under control of Fort Ross Ventures acted as one of early investors of Tufin. Read more here.


For July, 2016 the total amount of funds under control of fund makes 100 million dollars USA. The company manages fund MoneyTime Ventures. The fund invests in the high-tech companies with focus on the technologies and business models giving advantages to group worldwide Sberbank.


The SBT Venture Fund I fund was created with the assistance of Sberbank in 2013.