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+ Government of the Russian Federation
+ Concern Telematics (formerly National Telematics Systems)


2024: Liquidation of the company

In mid-May 2024, it became known about the liquidation of Rostelecomatika LLC, a joint venture between Rostelecom and the Telematics concern, which claimed to develop an automated weight and size control system (ASVGK) on federal roads as part of a concession for 150 billion rubles.

According to Interfax, citing data from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRUL), Rostelecomatika LLC has been in the process of liquidation since May 7, 2024. It is specified that the company is closed by decision of the owners.

It became known about the liquidation of Rostelematica LLC

According to the news agency, Rostelecomatika sent to the government a draft order on a concession for the creation of ASVGK. However, as specified in the publication in the press service of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, the decision to create ASVGK within the framework of the concession was never made. The Telematics concern reported that "the project did not take place." Rostelecom said that the initiator of the liquidation of Rostelecomatics was precisely the Telematics concern, which owned 51% of the joint venture. In "Rostelecom" did not object to the decision of the main owner.

For Rostelecom, the implementation of projects to create intelligent transport systems, digital complexes for photo and video recording of traffic violations and weight and size control remains one of the priority areas of activity (within the Digital Region cluster). The company will continue to actively implement these projects in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, Rostelecom said.

Interfax, citing a source familiar with the discussion of the ASVGK project, reported in mid-May 2024 that Rostelecomatics had not carried out substantive work on the project for more than a year. It was slowed down due to several significant contradictions, as well as, in general, due to the changed political situation, the agency's interlocutor added.[1]

2022: Identification of the most popular elements of ITS in Russia

Within the framework of the national project "Safe High-Quality Roads," 42 constituent entities of the Russian Federation have been identified that are introducing intelligent transport systems (ITS) to create an optimal environment for drivers and residents of agglomerations. Of these, Rostelecomatika (part of the Telematics concern) implements projects in 21 regions of Russia and, based on the accumulated data, analyzed the most popular elements of ITS. This was announced on November 29, 2022 by the Telematics company. Read more here.

2020: Building a company

On May 28, 2020, Rostelecom and National Telematic Systems (NTS) announced the creation of a joint venture (JV), within the framework of which they agreed to develop intelligent transport solutions. The new company under the Rostelecomatics brand will develop and promote complex products for the state, regions and municipalities as part of the implementation of national and departmental projects Digital Economy, Digital Region, Smart City, Safe and High-Quality Roads.

Rostelecom and NTS have listed the main systems that partners will create together:

  • automatic complexes of photo and video recording of traffic violations;
  • paid parking spaces;
  • automatic weight and dimensional control systems;
  • traffic management, dynamic alert, weather monitoring and road monitoring systems;
  • comprehensive solutions for managing public transport and smart stops.

Rostelecom and National Telematic Systems have created a joint venture to develop smart transport solutions

The press release notes that the joint venture will focus on the use of Russian software and equipment in its work.

According to Igor Zimin, vice president for applied projects at Rostelecom, cooperation with NTS will speed up the introduction of new digital solutions, and Rostelecom's wide presence in the regions will contribute to the operational and professional implementation of projects in any city.

A single digital platform that includes functional modules ensures process transparency and enables effective management decisions. This will make it possible not only to optimize traffic flows, control the safety of the road surface, but also literally save lives and health of people, as well as reduce travel time, influence the improvement of the environmental situation, he said.

See also on the topic of ITS
