Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2





+ Government of the Russian Federation

Task of the center: carrying out fundamental, search and applied research, developmental and technology works on creation of progressive, environmentally friendly and resource-saving technologies and the equipment in relation to new highly effective atomic power stations, thermal power units of supercritical parameters, installations with a steam-gas cycle, to metallurgical units of new generation.

Purpose of the center: The complete solution of problems of creation of new materials and progressive technology processes at production of the equipment of new generation for power, metallurgical, chemical and petrochemical production, transport, gas and the mining industry.

Founded in 1929, TSNIITMASH stood at the origins of domestic engineering industry. The materials created in TSNIITMASH (steel, alloys, sputterings, cooling liquids, etc.) technology processes of machine-building production are widely used at the plants of power, heavy, transport, petrochemical engineering and in other industries.

Specialists of TSNIITMASH borrow work in the following areas:

  • Creation of new structural materials;
  • Technologies of metallurgy;
  • Technologies of foundry production;
  • Processing by pressure;
  • Weldings;
  • Cold processing of metals;
  • Non-destructive testing;
  • Calculations on durability, a residual resource, etc.;
  • Computer simulation of technology processes;
  • Designing and production of the non-standard equipment;
  • Engineering of projects.

It allows the organization to solve in a complex complex production problems in the following areas:

  • Industry engineering on materials science (support of materials research programs), including development and a research of structural materials, the PMRO (parent materials research organization) functions, development and control of manufacturing techniques of materials and the responsible equipment.
  • Industry center of preparation and certification of the personnel of welders and controllers.
  • Technology engineering, carrying out basic and exploratory researches, including for other industries (power, heavy, transport and chemical mechanical engineering, metallurgy, etc.).

TsNIITMASh is a developer and the holder of specifications on steel and welding materials for the body of reactors, steam generators, pressure compensators, hydraulic reservoirs of SAOZ, the main circulation pumps, intra case devices from stainless steel and some other the major elements of the equipment, including the turbine and pipelines, for VVER-1000 and AES-2006.


TsNIITMASh acquired the right to certify laboratories for control of the equipment of power industry

The independent body for certification of laboratories of non-destructive testing - JSC NPO TSNIITMASH (Enters a Machine-building Division of Rosatom — Atomenergomash) spring of 2019 underwent the procedure of expansion of area of accreditation on the power industry equipment. Now the enterprise has the right to certify the laboratories testing electrical power objects by methods of the non-destructive testing (NDT) on objects, persons under surveillance to Rostekhnadzor.

Certification and accreditation is necessary for testing laboratories for confirmation of competence of work on dangerous objects and helps to ensure reliability and safety of functioning of a utilities equipment. Earlier TSNIITMASH could certify laboratories for objects of boiler control, the systems of gas supply (gas distribution), lifting constructions, the ore mining, metallurgical, oil and gas industry, fire and explosion hazardous and chemically dangerous productions, railway transport, buildings and constructions (construction objects). In 2019 certification and accreditation of laboratories for control of the equipment of power industry ultrasonic, magnetic, capillary, thermal, visual and measuring by methods was added to this list. It will help TSNIITMASH to expand a field of activity and a range of customers and also to increase chances of a victory in industry tenders for services in the field of conformity assessment. For participation in such tenders often matters, the area of accreditation and what competences the staff of institute has is how wide.


According to the order of the Government of Moscow for the territory of the State scientific center of the Russian Federation JSC NPO TSNIITMASH with the property complex located on it prolongs the status of city technopark. Need to confirm the status of capital technopark rises before the organizations which received it every year. TSNIITMASH underwent this procedure for the first time.

"The fundamentals of policy of formation of the list of residents of technopark are connected with a possibility of cooperation of relatives each other of the companies, the organizations of mutually useful cooperation. Today practically all areas are leased and are effectively used as in TSNIITMASH good infrastructure for effective cross-industry cooperation is created", - the chief executive of TSNIITMASH Denis Berezin noted


The status of technopark was given to GNTs TSNIITMASH by the order of the Government of Moscow of June 7, 2017. 34 residents work at its territory (total number of employees – 1.5 thousand people), there are 18 objects of capital construction with a total area more than 56 thousand sq.m. The technopark has the developed infrastructure, in it the centers of collective use are created: multi-profile certification center, scientific and technical library, laboratories of chemical and spectrum analysis, center of youth creativity, spacious conference rooms and negotiation.


TsNIITMASh was for the first time accredited as independent body for certification of laboratories of non-destructive testing in 2000 for the purpose of confirmation of competence of the Single system of conformity assessment in industrial, environmental safety, security in power and construction. It is necessary to confirm accreditation every three years. In 2000 the institute was accredited and as the territorial authorized body rendering services in voluntary conformity assessment of testing laboratories (the laboratories of non-destructive testing destroying and other types of tests) to requirements of the Single system of conformity assessment in the field of industrial, environmental safety, security in power and construction. 1023 laboratories of non-destructive testing and 23 laboratories of the destroying and other types of tests are at the moment certified.