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GKB named after V.V. Veresaev GBUZ DZM




+ Government of the Russian Federation


2023: Opening of a fast-moving complex in Moscow

At the end of December 2022, the first fast-moving complex was opened in Moscow. He earned on the basis of the city clinical hospital (GKB) named after V.V. Veresaev.

The first fast-moving complex has opened in Moscow, and, in fact, from that day on, a new standard for the provision of hospital emergency care is being introduced in the city. We are talking about a new standard in the creation of the buildings themselves, in design, equipment that includes the most modern diagnostic and surgical equipment, moreover, hybrid operating rooms are created in which doctors can perform operations on several nosologies at the same time, - said the mayor of the capital Sergei Sobyanin at the opening of the facility.

A fast-moving inpatient complex on the basis of the city clinical hospital named after V.V. Veresaev

The new standard of emergency assistance also includes the creation of medical teams that work according to special protocols, as well as the application of the principle of "doctor - to the patient" at all stages of medical care. According to the Mayor of Moscow, all this creates a completely different atmosphere, increases the speed and quality of medical decisions, and therefore all medical care.

The construction of a four-story fast-moving stationary complex with an area of ​ ​ 15.4 thousand square meters began in December 2019 and was completed in December 2022. He will take the first patients in January 2023.

The chief physician of the city clinical hospital named after V.V. Veresaeva Igor Parfenov said that while construction work was underway, the clinic formed a team of specialists who can provide assistance at the highest world level. This was largely due to the Personnel Center of the Moscow Department of Health.

The building is designed to receive up to 200 emergency patients per day. Here they can receive a full range of necessary assistance (diagnosis - surgery - intensive therapy) during the first day. Then - depending on the condition - they will either be discharged home or transferred to other departments of the hospital to continue treatment.[1]
