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Mathematical Institute named after V. A. Steklov RAS



+ Government of the Russian Federation

MIAN conducts fundamental, search and applied scientific research in the field of mathematics, mechanics, theoretical physics and computer science in the following areas: foundations of mathematics and mathematical logic, number theory, algebra, geometry, topology, algebraic geometry, real, complex and functional analysis, ordinary differential equations, including optimal control and dynamic systems, partial differential equations, mathematical physics, probability theory, mathematical statistics, discrete mathematics, including theoretical cryptography, theoretical computer science, quantum mechanics, quantum field theory, mathematical problems of particle physics, statistical physics, mathematical problems of mechanics, information and analytical systems in the field of natural sciences, popularization and promotion of mathematics. MIAN has made a fundamental contribution to these fields of mathematics, mechanics, theoretical physics and computer science.

Scientific research at the MIAN is carried out within the framework of a state assignment, projects of the Russian Science Foundation, Russian Foundation for Basic Research, competitions for state support of leading scientific schools, scientific research of young Russian scientists - candidates and doctors of sciences, scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation to young scientists and graduate students carrying out promising scientific research and development in priority areas of modernization of the Russian economy, fundamental research programs and targeted expenditures of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The research results are published in leading international and Russian scientific journals, regularly included in the list of the most important achievements of Russian scientists in the field of mathematics, reported at international and European mathematical congresses, at numerous Russian and international conferences.


2024: Participation in a study of the effectiveness of quantum computing simulations on classical computers under noise conditions

Researchers at MISIS University, the Russian Quantum Center (RCC), the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) and the Mathematical Institute named after V.A. Steklova found out how to increase the efficiency of simulating quantum computing on classical computers in noise conditions. MISIS announced this on August 2, 2024. Read more here.