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Trans-Baikal Railway, Russian Railways


Zabaykalskaya railway (branch of Russian Railways) is a railway running through the territory of the Trans-Baikal Territory and the Amur Region. The length of the road for 2009 is 3336.1 km. Road Authority in Chite City. The head of the road is Valery Konstantinovich Fomin (since May 2013).

Russian Railways (RZD)



+ Government of the Russian Federation

Main areas of activity

  • Timely and complete satisfaction of the needs of the economy and the population in the transportation of goods and passengers.

  • Management of transportation processes, management of the activities of branches, enterprises.

Indicators for 2013

Operating length - 3320.72 km

Headcount - 52,161

Average salary - 46,469 rubles

Cargo transported - 129 million 991 thousand tons

Passengers were transported: in long-distance traffic - 3 million 471 thousand people, in suburban traffic - 1 million 996 thousand people.


2014: Violation of the Labor Code in the IT service

In May 2014, the East Siberian Transport Prosecutor's Office announced the results of an audit of compliance with labor legislation conducted by the Corporate Informatization Service of the Trans-Baikal Railway, a branch of Russian Railways. According to law enforcement agencies, gross violations of the law were revealed in its course: untimely provision of vacations to employees, violation of the procedure for their withdrawal from vacations, as well as non-compliance with the procedure for familiarizing employees with shift schedules.

Trans-Baikal Railway

Thus, in violation of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Corporate Informatization Service of the Russian Railways branch revealed the provision of a number of employees later than planned, while applications from the employees themselves about the postponement of the period of granting them vacations by the employer were not required.

As for the recall of employees from vacations, according to the Labor Code, this can only happen with the consent of the employees themselves. The withdrawal from the vacation must be issued by order or order of the employer, in which, by agreement of the parties, it is indicated when the employee will be provided with the unused part of the vacation. At the choice of the employee, it must be provided to him at a time convenient for him in the current working year or attached to the vacation for the next working year.

In violation of these requirements, the Corporate Informatization Service of the Trans-Baikal Railway recorded the performance of labor functions by engineers during the next paid vacation without orders and applications from them for consent to recall from vacation.

In addition, the shift schedules of the Corporate Informatization Service for 2013 and the expired period of 2014, in violation of labor law requirements, did not contain information about when the employees of the department were familiarized with them. The prosecutor's office considered that this circumstance "does not give reason to believe that the employer is timely to inform the employees of the shift schedule for the reporting period."

According to the results of the audit, an idea was made to the head of the Trans-Baikal Railway - a branch of Russian Railways to eliminate the violations committed. Based on the results of his consideration, he issued an order to apply disciplinary action to the deputy head of the department of the Corporate Informatization Service and announced a remark to the head of the service.


Steam locomotive Ea-2057 with a freight train at Chernyshevsk-Zabaikalsky station, July 3, 1984, Zabaikalsky Territory