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Баннер в шапке 2

Department "K" BSTM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia



+ Government of the Russian Federation

It is a member of the Bureau of Special Technical Events, MINISTRY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS Russia specializes in combating crimes in the field of IT, as well as with the illegal circulation of electronic means and special technical means.

About Management

Office "K" is part of the Bureau of Special Technical Activities (BSTM) MINISTRY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS Russia and includes regional departments. The main areas of management activities are:

  • Combating crimes in the field of computer information: identification and suppression of facts of illegal access to computer information; combating the manufacture, distribution and use of malware for computers; countering fraudulent actions using the capabilities of electronic payment systems; combating the spread of pornography on the Internet with the participation of minors.

  • Suppression of illegal actions in information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet: detection and suppression of crimes related to the illegal use of resources of cellular and wired networks; countering fraudulent actions committed using information and telecommunication networks; countering and curbing attempts to improperly access commercial satellite and cable television channels.

  • Combating illegal trafficking in electronic and special technical means.

  • Identification and suppression of copyright and related rights infringement in the IT sphere.

  • Fighting international IT crime:

  • International cooperation in the fight against crimes committed using IT. The BSTM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia actively interacts with law enforcement agencies of foreign states both bilaterally and multilaterally (UN, G8, CIS, CE, EU, SCO, APR, etc.).


2024: Ex-deputy head of the "K" FSB department sentenced to 6 years for bribes in the amount of 87 million rubles and released from punishment

On June 4, 2024, the Moscow Garrison Military Court sentenced Dmitry Frolov, the former deputy head of the K department of the FSB economic security service, to six years in prison in a bribery case. At the same time, the accused was released from punishment due to the expiration of the statute of limitations for criminal prosecution. Read more here.

2013: Head of the "K" department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs caught on a bribe

At the end of July 2013, the Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee for the Stavropol Territory announced the initiation of a criminal case against the head of the local department "K" of the BSTM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - police lieutenant colonel. He is suspected of committing a crime under paragraph "a" of Part 5 of Art. 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (taking a bribe by a group of persons).

As established by the investigation, the suspect developed and implemented a plan to receive monetary remuneration from entrepreneurs of the Stavropol Territory in exchange for general patronage of their illegal actions.

As part of this plan, in particular, his subordinate - a senior operative - together with his friend extorted a bribe from the director of the Profession training center, which revealed the use of pirated software. For an amount of 100 thousand rubles. employees of the "K" department in the Stavropol Territory promised not to bring the director of this institution to administrative responsibility and exercise his "further patronage."

The director of the training center paid the employees of the "K" department half of the required amount, after which he turned to the police. Upon receipt of the second part of the amount in the amount of 50 thousand rubles. the attackers were detained red-handed.

At the request of the investigation, the court chose the head of the "K" department of the bureau of special technical measures of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Stavropol Territory as a preventive measure in the form of detention.

The issue of combining this criminal case with a previously initiated case against a subordinate of this boss and his acquaintance, who are charged with committing a crime under paragraphs "a," "b," part 5 of Art. 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (taking a bribe by a group of persons by extortion).