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+ Government of the Russian Federation

Service is provided by mobile application, the platform —, the chat-bot which reminds of time of consultation with the doctor, the termination of medicine and need of purchase of new. Patients download the Qapsula application through the QR code put on medicine packaging, with its help clients consult with professional doctors on the purchased medicine, the medical device or a disease. To the treating doctors service allows in a convenient format remotely to keep track of the state of health of patients and to interact fully with them. Provides to the pharmaceutical companies the marketing solution.

Service and the portal are created by Dmitry Maznitsey and Roman Tushin based on faculty of fundamental medicine Lomonosov Moscow State University in September, 2015. The command passed the Accelerator of IIDF in 2017.

2018: Investments of IIDF

The Qapsula company, the graduate 9 Accelerators of IIDF, attracted 15 million rubles from IIDF. The share of Fund after the transaction will increase to 25%. The investments involved from IIDF, a command of a startup will direct to increase in functionality of service and marketing.

"Since January, 2018 telemedicine services were included into the legal framework. The fund took active part in development of the industry bill which stimulates development of IT solutions in this market. The command of a startup is brightly selected from among competitors with an original business model, closely interacts with pharmaceutical companies. At a command the pushing founder and high quality examination which helps it grow quickly", – the investment manager of IIDF Alexey Grinenko noted.