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Russian Road Research Institute (Rosdornia)




+ Government of the Russian Federation

FAA RosdorNII is an organization for the development and scientific support of federal target and regional programs of the Russian Federation, aimed at innovative development and optimization of the state of highways, implementation of fundamental, exploratory and applied R&D, development of industry regulatory and technical documents, design and diagnostics of roads and artificial structures, as well as the development of information technologies in the road economy and the introduction of advanced technologies, equipment and materials into the practice of design and construction.


2020: Smart Road Infrastructure Development Plans with National Telematics Systems

Concern "National Telematic Systems" (NTS) and the Russian Road Research Institute (FAA "ROSDORNII") signed a memorandum of cooperation in projects to create smart road infrastructure and unmanned vehicles in Russia and international markets. NTS announced this on September 4, 2020. Read more here.

2018: Plan to install dynamic road signs

In early September 2018, it became known that road signs would appear in Russia that would independently begin to change the maximum permitted speed.

As the Izvestia newspaper was told at the Russian Road Research Institute (ROSDORNII), corresponding to GOST "Highways and High-Speed ​ ​ Roads. Organization and road safety. General Requirements "has already been developed. At the same time, the adoption of a new law to use such intelligent transport systems will not be required.

Smart road signs will appear on Russian roads

New road signs are planned to be placed on highways and high-speed roads, on which the permitted speed is up to 110 kilometers and up to 90 kilometers per hour, respectively. They will display the recommended speed of movement, taking into account precipitation, visibility conditions on the road and other factors.

It is noted that the new road signs will be electronic and cost 5-10 times higher than usual. Nevertheless, this innovation, according to experts, should increase the level of safety on highways.

Emblem in 2017

Russian President Vladimir Putin has set a goal for the government to reach zero road traffic deaths  by 2030. This is stated in the decree signed by the president "On the national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2024." In 2017, according to the traffic police, about 20 thousand people died as a result of an accident in Russia.

Alexander Lytkin, an expert of the National Expert Council for Driver Training and Testing, recognizing the usefulness of electronic signs, believes that for the sake of their introduction, changes will have to be made to traffic rules, and he suggests introducing them not suddenly to fine drivers, but gradually and if necessary.[1]
