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Digital Evolution Ventures







+ Digital Evolution Ventures
+ Government of the Russian Federation


2020: Investment into 13 companies

On December 15, 2020 Rosatom summed up the results of work of the venture fund Digital Evolution Ventures created in the middle of the 2018th. In total 13 companies were during this time supported. The share of the invested means made 65% of investment ̆ parts of fund.

As reported in Rosatom, 67% of the invested means went for support of technologies of sustainable development (Impact investing), 60% — in the companies implementing digital transformation of the different industries. 31% of funds are allocated in the projects connected with artificial intelligence.

In an industry section of 30% of investments 25% — in EdTech companies, 20% — in the companies of the digital industry, on 11% — in startups of spheres of Smart City and medical technologies went for support of technologies of new power.

Digital Evolution Ventures in 2020 invested venture fund of Rosatom in 13 companies

71% of the invested means are the companies of a stage And (entry of the companies into the market), 4% in sowing stages, 25% in a stage In (scalings).

To the middle of December, 2020 the fund left the capital of one company (with obtaining target profitability). In the nearest future the fund plans the second closing for increase in volume of investment means and continuation of investment activities.

The portfolio of Digital Evolution Ventures includes the following companies:

  • the platform of diagnostics and risk analysis of development of oncological diseases based on artificial intelligence technology of;
  • the leader of the Russian market in the development areas and productions of systems on the basis of high-capacity condensers Titan Power Solution;
  • the developer of technology of the highly effective fast-charged StoreDot batteries;
  • leader of the Russian market in a segment of solutions for management "smart buildings" Alfaoupen;
  • the company in the field of educational MEL Science technologies;
  • medical technology company;
  • the developer of a product on the basis of iBrain neurotechnologies.[1]
