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Open Networking Technology Association




+ ANO Telecommunications Technologies (ANO TT)
+ Government of the Russian Federation

The Open Network Technologies Association is a non-profit corporate organization created to coordinate entrepreneurial activities, represent and protect the interests of its member organizations. The association will bring together leading industry associations, telecom network operators, manufacturers and developers of telecommunications equipment and software, as well as other interested organizations, including research and educational institutes.

History and Performance Indicators

2024: Association shutdown

In December 2024, the Open Network Technologies Association was closed. The liquidation procedure lasted a couple of months. According to the former president of the association, Andrei Ushatsky, the key goal was to organize interaction between telecommunications equipment manufacturers, independent software developers, telecom operators and other participants in the IT and telecommunications market. Now key players actively interact in working on Russian communication networks and without special "mediation."

2022: Testing the 5G OpenRAN solution

The Association of Organizations for the Development of Open Network Communication Networks "Open Network Technologies" (Association "Open Network Technologies") on September 7, 2022 announced the completion of the first stage of laboratory testing of a base station 5G under the control Skoltech software of an open architecture (OpenRAN) developed in. Better. here

2021: Operating Totals

The Association of Organizations for the Development of Open Network Communication Networks "Open Network Technologies" (Association "Open Network Technologies") on February 14, 2022 announced the operational results of 2021. According to the results of the reporting period, the participants were MTS, MegaFon, VimpelCom, Consortium "Telecommunications Technologies" (ANO TT), NPK "Kryptonit," Izhevsk Radio Plant (IRZ), Skolkovsky Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech), Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) and the Association of Universities ECB. The Association has formed and operates several working groups whose tasks include the implementation of joint projects of participants. During 2021, the main processes were determined in order to coordinate the activities of market players in the development and implementation of domestic telecommunications equipment based on open technologies.

Many operators in the world are implementing solutions using open technologies, mainly Open RAN, on commercial networks. This segment of the Russian market is still under formation and its successful development requires solving a wide range of tasks, both regulatory and technological. It was for this purpose that the Association of Organizations for the Development of Open Network Communication Networks "Open Network Technologies" was created a year ago, "said Andrei Ushatsky, President of the Open Network Technologies Association.

During 2021, the experts of the Association conducted an initial analysis of regulatory legal acts regulating the development of open technologies in, Russia formed a technical assignment and signed a contract for the implementation of the work "Development of a list and draft regulatory legal acts in the interests of introducing open radio access networks in." of the Russian Federation Based on the results of this project, proposals for the correction of regulatory legal acts will be submitted for consideration by relevant ministries and departments, which will ensure the use of open technologies in the Russian Federation and the implementation of new principles for building a communication network architecture with the simultaneous use of domestic telecommunications equipment.

As a result of the joint activities of the experts, unified functional and technical requirements for domestic telecommunication equipment using the principles of building open radio access networks were formed and a system was created to bring the products of domestic manufacturers in line with the functional requirements of telecom operators. Also, proposals were developed to form a market for domestic telecommunications equipment based on open technologies and a system for testing and integrating domestic equipment into existing networks of telecom operators was formed.

The Open Network Technologies Association is actively developing the direction of international cooperation and has initiated a number of projects for monitoring and transferring world experience, which should allow participants to use in the future the best international practices for applying new developments in the field of open technologies.

As part of the development of the information infrastructure of telecommunications market participants, a catalog of domestic solutions based on open technologies was created on the Association's website, which is in the filling stage and is available to all market participants. Internal information resources, accumulating the results of operating activities, as well as up-to-date analytical and technological information in the field of open technologies, began to work. Representatives of the Association took part in leading industry events.

Any Russian enterprise involved in the development, production, sale or consumption of equipment, solutions or services in the segment of open network technologies can become a partner of the Association. Depending on the goals of cooperation, there are several options for partnership.

2020: Establishment of the Association

November 30, 2020 Autonomous non-profit organization for assistance in the development of digital infrastructure "Consortium" Telecommunications Technologies " (ANO TT) reported that together with PJSC Mobile Telesystems (MTS), Kryptonit Research and Production Company JSC and Skolkovsky Institute of Science and Technology, an autonomous non-profit educational organization of higher education (Skoltech) established the Association of Organizations for the Development of Open Network Communication Networks "Open Network Technologies" (Association "Open Network Technologies") with the aim of developing promising technologies in the telecommunications industry based on open international standards.

The Association's activities will be aimed at supporting telecommunications equipment manufacturers and software developers in the development and application of open standards and technologies, which will allow new suppliers to enter the market and increase the efficiency of network development by operators. The launch of telecommunications solutions on the basis of open standards will provide favorable conditions for the development of domestic suppliers and seamless integration of equipment from various manufacturers on communication networks.

The use of open network technologies will make it possible to increase the efficiency of network development and operation in terms of reducing capital costs, reducing the time required to implement technical solutions and achieving flexibility in managing the operator's infrastructure. In the near future, we plan to invite interested players of the Russian telecommunications market to the Association and further intend to significantly expand partnership cooperation in the Russian and international markets for research and application of the best world practices in the field of open technologies. We expect that the planned events will make it possible to establish interaction between telecom equipment manufacturers, independent software developers, telecom operators and interested participants in the ICT market, said Andrei Ushatsky, President of the Open Network Technologies Association.

The use of hardware platforms with a standard open architecture and the standardization of all interfaces for network equipment is one of the most promising ways to create network equipment and software of domestic production in the field of telecommunications. The creation of the Association focused on solving these issues is a significant step towards the formation RUSSIAN FEDERATION of a full cycle of communication network equipment on the territory of the production industry based on open standards, - said the General Director of ANO TT, General Director of PJSC Micron"." Gulnara Khasyanova

The Association is faced with the task of promoting the concept of open standards and technologies on communication networks. To do this, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for the release of relevant solutions and encourage telecom operators to use them. In the coming years, this approach will be extremely relevant when deploying networks. 5G MTS has been working in this direction for a long time and actively participates in projects of open and standardized architecture. In 2019, we joined the global Telecom Infra Project and launched a project to develop telecom equipment based on Open RAN open standards, in which a 5G zone was opened in cooperation with Skoltech. We are also creating cloudy a platform with, - open source OpenStack said the vice president for technology of MTS PJSC. Victor Belov

The association will not only coordinate the interaction of market players to promote solutions based on open standards, but also contribute to increasing the scientific and personnel potential of the industry. It is also planned to carry out large-scale work on the development of the regulatory framework necessary for the introduction and operation of communication networks based on new solutions, - said Dmitry Lakontsev, head of the NTI Competence Center based on Skoltech for wireless communications and the Internet of Things.

The development of open standards is a key condition for creating 5G networks on domestic equipment, "said Vartan Khachaturov, General Director of Kryptonit NPK.