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Баннер в шапке 2

Izhevsk Radio Plant




Number of employees
2022 year


+ IRZ (Izhevsk Radio Plant)

Izhevsk Radio Plant (IRZ JSC) is one of the leading instrument-making enterprises in Russia, implementing national and international projects in the field of space, fuel and energy complex, railway transport, navigation and telecommunications for 2022.

Izhevsk Radio Plant

Areas of activity

 As of September 2022, the company has more than  5,000 people.

Izhevsk Radio Plant is actively developing commodity areas:

  • Onboard telemetry and radio engineering complexes  of long-space projects and ground equipment.
  •  Production equipment oil and. gas
  • Safety and automation systems for railway transport.
  • Telecommunication equipment: digital/analog radio communication,  long-distance communication equipment, antenna equipment, radar equipment.
  • Robotics.
  • Test equipment.
  • Navigation equipment.


2023: TAdviser interview with Chief information officer Ruslan Gilyazov

Ruslan Gilyazov, Chief information officer of IRZ JSC, answered TAdviser's questions on the results of the project for the implementation of 1C solutions. Read more here.


The group of enterprises of OJSC Izhevsk Radio Plant is one of the leading holdings in. Udmurtia Its activities are based on rich traditions, the experience of older factory workers and the high intellectual potential of young employees. As of July 2014, the enterprises that are part of OJSC Izhevsk Radio Plant operate and dynamically develop six main areas: on-board and ground radio engineering complexes, navigation systems/, GLONASSGPS robotic complexes, telecommunication systems, systems communications and automation on the railway, equipment for and. ENERGY INDUSTRY HOUSING AND PUBLIC UTILITIES