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Pokrovsky (agricultural holding)


VTB Bank



+ Government of the Russian Federation


2025: Nationalization

In December 2024, the Federal Property Management Agency transferred 89 companies of the Pokrovsky concern to the structure of VTB Bank. Information about the change of ownership became known in January 2025, after making changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

According to AK&M, the assets were transferred to Megatek LLC, which is 99% owned by BF Direct Investments. Until March 2022, this company was owned by a subsidiary of VTB Bank - Business Finance LLC.

Agricultural holding "Pokrovsky" nationalized

The transferred enterprises are located mainly in the Krasnodar Territory, 12 companies operate in the Rostov Region and one in the Stavropol Territory. The total number of employees exceeds 7 thousand people.

The largest enterprises in the holding are the Pokrovsky agricultural trading concern, the Sigma trading house, the Soi Grain company, and the Kanevskaya meat and processing plant.

According to the publication, the Pokrovsky concern specializes in crop production, dairy and meat animal husbandry, sugar production and meat processing. The holding manages more than two hundred and forty-two thousand hectares of agricultural land in the Southern Federal District.

The holding came under the control of the Federal Property Management Agency by decision of the Labinsky City Court of the Krasnodar Territory in October 2023. The basis for nationalization was the results of an audit of the concern's activities by regulatory authorities.

Megatek LLC, which became the new owner of the agricultural holding, was registered in 2021 and has one employee on its staff. The company is not represented in the media space and does not have its own website.

All companies transferred belong to agro-industrial production. In 2022, most of the holding's enterprises showed profit, but in 2023 they showed negative financial results.[1]
