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+ Government of the Russian Federation

The InnoGeoTech company was created in 2017 Innopolis University together RVC with for the development and pilot launch on the territory of the Republic Tatarstan of the Cloud 4D- (geoinformation platform OGIP) as part of the roadmap plan "." Aeronet National Technology Initiative InnoGeoTech works to commercialize the results of the project and provides services to bodies, state power commercial companies and individuals.



One of the company's priority areas for July 2021 is monitoring and assessing the forest fund using data obtained from space satellites and aircraft (manned and unmanned). The forest fund monitoring service has been tested in various forest growing conditions in more than 10 regions of Russia on an area of ​ ​ 84 million hectares.


For 3 years (from 2017 to 2020), work was carried out on the analysis of Earth remote sensing data, data processing algorithms were developed, convenient geo-information services were created for the needs of state authorities, business and the general public. The company's services and solutions are developed on the basis of its own GeoCode information platform, created in conjunction with employees of Innopolis University.