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Rostelecom Innovation Center


In Rostelecom company in March, 2011 within formation of a single system of management of the innovation and research activity the Center of the innovative development (The innovation center) which part were department of research and development, department of implementation of innovations and also department of innovation management is created. The management of the Center is assigned to the vice president of Rostelecom for the innovative development Alexey Nashchekin.



+ Government of the Russian Federation

Tasks of the Center: the organization of all types of activity, the company aimed at the innovative development, including the analysis of the latest global technology trends in the field of telecommunications; examination of the perspective ideas and projects; carrying out research and pilot design works on the main directions of development of the company; output to the market of new products and services; creation of pilot zones and model networks for testing of new technologies and samples of the equipment.

It is planned that the leading Russian research organizations and higher educational institutions, the largest world telecommunication companies, domestic and foreign equipment suppliers, small and medium innovative companies, technoparks and venture funds will be partners of Rostelecom in these types of activity.