Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Northern bank of Sberbank of Russia


It is one of 17 territorial banks of Sberbank of Russia which conducts activity in the territory of the Yaroslavl, Arkhangelsk, Ivanovo, Kostroma, Vologda regions and the Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

Sberbank of the Russian Federation


+ Government of the Russian Federation

Today the Northern bank is the universal commercial bank providing the most complete list of services both to the population, and the enterprises and the organizations. The branch network contains 773 divisions, including in the Arkhangelsk region (with the Nenets Autonomous Okrug) - 157, the Vologda region - 215, the Ivanovo region - 124, the Kostroma region - 99, the Yaroslavl region - 178 divisions. The additional office providing services to the population is available even in the most northern point of Russia – on the New earth, perhaps, it is the most northern bank office in the world. The northern bank of Sberbank of Russia is an undisputed leader on the main banking services in all regions of the activity. The staff of bank makes over 9 thousand employees.

The northern bank services over 85 thousand accounts of corporate clients (legal entities and individual entrepreneurs) among which as the largest city-forming enterprises, public institutions, and the enterprises of small and medium business. A third of the bank loans issued to the enterprises and the organizations in the territory of five areas are the share of Northern bank. In general the loan portfolio to legal entities and the population surely stepped over a mark of 136 billion rubles. In absolute expression the volume of the loan portfolio of legal entities reached 92.3 billion rubles, to the population – 44.2 billion rubles,