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Evotor OFD


Operator Evotor OFD (provides services under the Platform OFD brand) is a manufacturer and developer of small business automation solutions. Provides services for the processing and transmission of fiscal data in accordance with the procedure for the use of cash registers (CCP).



+ Romanenko Andrey Nikolaevich
+ Government of the Russian Federation


2024: Appointment of Dmitry Batyushenkov as the new head of Platform OFD

On September 17, 2024, the OFD Platform company announced the appointment of Dmitry Batyushenkov as the new head. Alexey Barov, who headed the OFD Platform for almost eight years, remains in the field of digitalization and services for trade, services, but is moving into a new business, the company said in a press release. Read more here.


Agreement with Segmento to develop targeted advertising using fiscal data

On October 21, 2019, it became known that the Segmento advertising platform and the IT company, the fiscal data operator Platform OFD, agreed to develop targeted advertising using aggregated impersonal cash check data. Read more here.

"OFD Platform" began to earn millions on Big Data

According to the fiscal data operator Platform OFD, in August 2019, revenue from analytical services based on Big Data technologies amounted to about 10% of the company's total turnover. According to Alexei Barov, general director of Platform OFD, this indicator was achieved for the first time, according to the results of 2018, revenue from services based on Big Data was meager.

Alexey Barov announced the TAdviser forecast that by the end of 2019, the share of services based on Big Data in the total revenue of the company could be up to 20%. At the same time, he chose not to give a forecast for the dynamics of all revenue. In 2018, the company's turnover reached 2.78 billion rubles, an increase of 411% compared to 2017.

Barov says there are still prospects for turnover growth in 2019. Thus, based on the forecast, at the end of 2019, income from analytical services of the OFD Platform may amount to hundreds of millions of rubles.

General Director of Platform OFD Alexei Barov (pictured on the right) and Vice President, Head of the Ecosystem Directorate of Legal Entities of Sberbank Alexander Belokopytov "(photo - TAdviser)"

The company began providing analytics based on big data obtained from numerous checks about purchases made in 2017. It uses anonymized aggregated data, on the basis of which the business can make decisions. The main users of such services are large stores. Data on the market, on individual products are used, for example, to evaluate the promotions held. Data-based analytics are also used by manufacturers of goods: for example, they can see on a national or regional scale how their products are presented - at which points, sales volumes, etc.

Some types of analytical reports, for which there has been a repeated demand, are moving into the category of industrial solutions, says the general director of the OFD Platform.

Alexey Barov told TAdviser that one of the most popular analytical services based on big data is the analysis of sales by individual brands or product names compared to the entire market. Another most popular service is the measurement of distribution in dynamics - the quantitative and qualitative presence of goods in retail. Geoanalyst is also in demand for retailers to choose a rental place in shopping centers. Analytics for banks in terms of the ratio of customer payments to assess their creditworthiness is also gaining popularity.

The company plans to expand the analytics-based offering and reach the business categories for which it is intended. Thus, one of the new services that the OFD Platform plans to offer customers in the fall of 2019 is analytics, which makes it possible to compare itself with the market, small and medium-sized businesses. For example, a point selling colors can use it.

According to the OFD Platform, as of mid-2019, 450 thousand entrepreneurs throughout the country are its clients, about 900 thousand cash desks are connected to the company, which is about a third of the total number of connected cash desks in Russia. Every day, the OFD Platform processes more than 40 million cash checks.

The bulk of the company's revenue comes from paying customers for services for processing and transmitting fiscal data from online cash desks established by them, but income comes from additional services. In addition to analytics, they also include accounting services for preparing reports, integration with commodity accounting programs and other IT systems. The company also supplies solutions for working with the Fair Sign marking system.

Before the start of the transition to online transmission of fiscal data in real time in 2016, the Federal Tax Service estimated the total number of cash desks in Russia at about 1.2-1.5 million units. But subsequently, more than 3 million devices were connected to the online cash desk service, and the number of connected cash desks continues to increase.


Readiness for mandatory shoe labeling

Starting from July 2019, labeling of shoe products will become mandatory. ATOL, CRPT and OFD Platform tested their systems for receiving, processing and transmitting two-dimensional barcodes in a cash check. The experiment showed the full readiness of companies to work with the next generation identification codes, ATOL reported on December 25, 2018. Read more here.

Trusted EMO operator

On December 10, 2018, the OFD Platform fiscal data operator announced that it had joined the network of trusted electronic document management operators: a passport confirming its official status was issued by the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.

Thanks to the EDO infrastructure, the company's customers will have access to legally significant document management in electronic form. In particular, this will ensure the prompt exchange of closing documents and competent work with the system of mandatory labeling of goods: the transfer of the necessary data and reports within the framework of the "manufacturer - distributor - retailer - consumer" chain.

The integration of EDM and OFD tools becomes a mandatory element for the entire retail sales system. This allows you to automate the transfer of documents to the operator of the labeling system (CRPT) when goods are received by the retailer and products are withdrawn from circulation (sale to the end user through the cash register). Thus, the seller of marked goods properly provides data to the CRPT and the Federal Tax Service, and also gets the opportunity to use the information for reconciliation, inventory and other purposes.

The EDO system from Platform OFD is especially relevant for stores selling tobacco products and other categories that are subject to mandatory labeling in 2019. It is assumed that by 2024 the traceability system will cover most groups of Russian retail goods.

Obtaining the status of an EDO operator once again confirms our active position in providing customers with high-quality service in the framework of document management, reconciliation and reporting, sales management and other business needs. Including, now we have modernized the infrastructure for working with labeling of goods, and will continue to invest in its development, - said Alexey Barov, General Director of the OFD Platform.


Processing more than 5 billion cash checks

Logo "OFD Platforms" as of 2017

Since the beginning of 2017, more than 5 billion cash checks have already been accepted and processed in the OFD Platform system. This was announced in the fiscal data operator at the end of November 2017.

The OFD Platform receives and transfers FTS Russia about 30 million fiscal documents daily. As of November 28, 2017, more than 370 thousand cash registers throughout the country are connected to the company.

Recently, the OFD Platform issued a tariff "For three years." Its cost is 6700 rubles (savings in comparison with the usual annual tariff in the amount of 2,300 rubles for 3 years). Together with the tariff, customers can also purchase fiscal drives (PVs), which are available in the company's wide partner network throughout Russia.

Registration of the 300,000th cash register

On August 10, the fiscal data operator Platform OFD announced the registration of the 300,000th cash register in its system.

KKT belongs to the retail network of the Petrovsky holding, operating in the North-Western District of Russia. The holding includes more than 80 stores located in St. Petersburg, Arkhangelsk and in a number of other cities; own agricultural complex, hypermarket "Petromost" Arkhangelsk and the eponymous online store.

The company has already connected over 300 terminals to the OFD Platform. At the same time, the "anniversary" registration took place with the cash desk of the ATOL 77F model, for which the OFD service is activated for a period of one year. CCT has already issued several dozen checks to customers.

According to the data, within the FTS Russia framework of the first stage of the cash reform, it is planned to transfer about 1.2 million CCTs to a new order of work (currently more than 1.1 million cash registers have been registered - read more about this). here Thus, as of August 10, 2017, every fourth online cash desk is connected to the OFD Platform system.

Plans to make money on analytical services

The operator of fiscal data of cash registers (CCT) "ODF Platform" plans to launch a service based on Big Data (big data), said in February 2017 the general director of the company Anton Rumyantsev. The company will collect data on purchases that pass through the cash registers it serves, analyze them and sell aggregated analytics to customers in various sections.

Consumers of this data in the company see store owners - both those whose cash desks are served by the OFD Platform itself and third-party ones. Retailers will be able to receive analytics on purchases separately in their stores, as well as aggregated data by region. For example, a client will be able to see how many goods were sold in his stores for a certain period of time, what is the average price for a particular product in the region, which goods are in greatest demand at different times for and much more, explains Rumyantsev.

Using this data, the retailer will be able to understand why some product is not sold well, for which product it makes sense to reduce or, conversely, increase, make special promotions for customers.

Analytics can also be used to provide personalized offers to the buyer. If he paid for the goods with a bank card, the data on the card and its owner are not received by the operator - he receives impersonal information about purchases. However, you can identify the buyer using a loyalty card. By comparing the time of presenting a loyalty card at the checkout and the goods that were bought at exactly the same time at this checkout, you can determine who exactly bought it. By analyzing the purchases that this person makes, you can personally form interesting offers for him.

Anton Rumyantsev sees great business prospects for Big Data for fiscal data operators

From July 1, 2017, organizations and most individual entrepreneurs must use only new generation cash registers - online CCT. As of the beginning of 2017, the OFD Platform has won several tenders for servicing a total of more than 100 thousand CCT units. The largest volume of connections comes from large and medium-sized retail. At the beginning of the year, more than 100 networks of this level operate with the OFD Platform. Among them are Mascotte, Teremok, Ingosstrakh, Know-How, Thomas Muenz, Zenden and others.

By July 1, the company expects to receive about 400 thousand KCT units for service, Anton Rumyantsev told TAdviser. He noted in a conversation with TAdviser that his company first needs to ensure the connection of customers within this stage, after which the OFD Platform plans to launch analytical services.

Only large retail chains can afford to create and maintain their own analytical systems due to the high cost of such solutions, the ODF Platform notes. It is easier for smaller networks to buy analytics as a service.

In addition to services for retailers, on the basis of Big Data, the OFD Platform plans to launch services for store buyers themselves. For example, you can create an application for accounting and monitoring personal expenses based on the analysis of information from their checks, says Rumyantsev.

Rumyantsev also told TAdviser that his company developed an analytical system for providing a service based on Big Data from scratch and is itself engaged in its development. A finished commercial product is too expensive, he says. In addition, it is difficult to provide the same flexibility of configuration as in a self-written solution, which is originally written for the needs of a particular company, according to the "OFD Platform." The system is located on the own computing power of the "OFD Platform," located on the leased site in the data center.

How much the "OFD Platform" plans to earn on Big Data, Rumyantsev chose not to call TAdviser. The company admits that after some time they will earn even more on analytical services than on the services of their main profile.

According to OFD Platform estimates, the entire market for services of fiscal data operators in 2017 will amount to about 3.6 billion rubles, and in 2018 it may already amount to about 6 billion rubles. The company estimates its share in this market at about 30%. In addition to the OFD Platform, as of the beginning of 2017, four more fiscal data operators are operating. According to Rumyantsev, there are 6 more operators on the way.

Agreement with SKB Kontur

In early 2017, Platform OFD and SKB Kontur entered into a partnership agreement to provide services to the fiscal data operator. The partnership resulted in the integrated service "Kontur.OFD," which combined the technical solution of the licensed operator of fiscal data "Platform OFD" and the development of "SKB Kontur" - "Personal account of the CCT owner" for monitoring the transmitted fiscal data, the formation of analytical reports based on them, as well as online registration of cash registers.


Inclusion in the register of the Federal Tax Service

The OFD system in Russia officially launched in September 2016. According to the order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia of August 31, 2016 No. ED-7-20/468 @, the first four operators were included in the official register, and then in September received permits to process fiscal data. For example, the OFD Platform (in the register of Evotor OFD LLC) received such permission on September 1, 2016.