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Баннер в шапке 2





+ Government of the Russian Federation


2022: Establishing a Company

At the end of August 2022, Rosenergoatom announced the creation of a new company that will provide IT integration services. The structure was called "Atomdata-Integration," it became part of the Atomdata group.

The established company was headed by Nikolai Mukhin, who moved to a new position from Rosenergoatom's subsidiary, Consyst-OC, and before joining Rosatom's structures, he was engaged in the development of his own IT businesses, in 2003-2010 he served as First Deputy Director of the Voskhod Research Institute.

Rosenergoatom created an IT integrator

Atomdata-Integration is a market integrator of complex IT products and solutions in the field of SIS (state information systems), import-independent AWS, geoinformation systems, a digital template for the operation of complex industrial facilities and other IT and infrastructure solutions.

Atomdata-Integration was created in the form of a joint venture with private investors, in which Rosenergoatom owns 51% of the shares.

According to the press service of Rosenergoatom, the first company of the technological core of the new partnership was PRIME GROUP, a system integrator and developer of specialized IT solutions of various scales and levels of complexity for state institutions, fuel and energy complex, financial and industrial sectors. The acquisition of a 49% stake in PRIME GROUP was completed in August 2022.

The synergy of the technological and digital expertise of Rosenergoatom in the operation of complex industrial facilities, the Atomdat and PRIME GROUP groups form a unique complex competence, financial and infrastructure opportunities for creating advanced market IT solutions, primarily for the public sector and the largest companies, whose main priority is technological independence, fault tolerance, reliability and data security, - said Nikolai Mukhin.[1]
