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Northern State Medical University



+ Government of the Russian Federation

The federal state educational budgetary institution of the higher " formations Northern statemedical University" carries out Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation professional orientation, training at the pre-university, secondary professional, higher and additional professional levels. In order to carry out fundamental and applied scientific research, to introduce their results into practical health care , a small innovative enterprise was created at the university.


2023: Internship of students at Binnopharm Group enterprises

Students of Northern state medical University are interned at the situated near Moscow pharmaceutical factories "" Alium(Obolensk) and "" Binnopharm(), Zelenograd which are part of "." Binnopharm Group They study the technology of production and quality management of medicines, which will provide an opportunity to get closer acquainted pharmaceutical industry with and gain skills in working on specialized equipment. Binnopharm Group announced this on February 16, 2023.

Our company actively develops cooperation with Russian universities, providing an opportunity for promising students to practice at their enterprises in order to further employment. We are always glad to see trainees who have shown academic success and plan to pursue a career in the pharmaceutical industry. As part of internships, our enterprises hold meetings with TOP managers, career days, excursions to other production sites and at the head office of the company,
said Tatyana Fedchenko, Director of Personnel and Organizational Development of Binnopharm Group.

All practitioners have passed a serious selection - they have high average scores, experience in speaking at scientific conferences, and are well versed in foreign languages. Already in the summer of 2023, they will face a serious choice - the future place of work. It can be the quality department of Binnopharm Group, which, according to the company's experts, is a good start in a career for a young specialist with a higher chemical or pharmaceutical education.

The development of human capital is a key principle of Binnpharm Group. The number of employees of the company as of February 2023 is about 4,000 people.