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Gazpromneft-MNPZ Moscow Refinery



Gazprom neft



+ Government of the Russian Federation
+ Rosneft of the Tax Code

IT at Moscow Refinery


Plans for the integration of the COVID-19 counteraction complex into the electronic MCDS

The Moscow refinery Gazprom Neft will expand its IT infrastructure through a set of technical solutions aimed at countering COVID-19. The range of devices that provide protection for employees during a pandemic will remain in the work of the enterprise after the restrictions are lifted and will complement the comprehensive safety system of the MNPP. The innovations were introduced within the framework of the Anti-Virus program, which ensures the creation of barriers to the spread of the virus, covers employees of continuous production facilities, oilfield services and service organizations in all regions of the company's activities. This was announced on May 22, 2020 by Gazprom Neft.

Moscow Refinery

The Moscow refinery continues to operate smoothly and produce fuel for the life support of the capital region. The company complies with the necessary security measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Access points are equipped with highly sensitive automated thermal control systems. Remote thermal imagers provide accurate measurement of body temperature. In the future, the complex will be integrated into the electronic access control system for the enterprise. Bactericidal emitters disinfecting air and dispensers with antiseptics for hand disinfection are installed in technological premises. MNPP's own medical services are additionally equipped with stationary devices for measuring blood oxygen saturation, which makes it possible to more closely monitor the state of health of workers. All implemented solutions will complement the enterprise infrastructure.

Moscow Refinery

Along with the measures taken, the Moscow Refinery fulfills the necessary instructions in accordance with the decree of the mayor of Moscow and the requirements of the supervisory authorities. Measures have been taken to comply with the mask regime and social distance, disinfect premises and transport, and bring employees over 60 years old to remote work. Preventive testing for COVID-19 continues for employees of the enterprise and contractors involved in ensuring a continuous production process. Research is carried out in laboratories certified by Rospotrebnadzor.

Equipping the pass-through with temperature monitoring systems

Own refineries Gazprom neft"" - Moscow Omsk Refinery and equip checkpoints with high-precision automated thermal control systems. This was announced on April 24, 2020 by the Moscow Refinery. TAdviser The system is implemented as part of safety measures to prevent the spread of oil in COVID-19 continuous production Gazprom facilities. The complexes are designed to work in a moving stream of people, allowing you to triple the speed of temperature control. Highly sensitive remote thermal imagers provide measurement accuracy with an error of no more than 0.3 degrees. If a person with an elevated body temperature is identified, which is one of the symptoms of COVID-19 and other diseases, information the control center employees receive.

Gazprom Neft equips its refineries with temperature control systems

The Moscow and Omsk refineries are strategically important enterprises and continue to produce products in strict compliance with the necessary sanitary requirements and preventive measures. The traffic flows of employees in the territory are delimited. To maintain social distance in common areas, special markings are applied to the floor. The high degree of automation of production allows the process to be controlled by small teams of specialists. Regular treatment of premises and service vehicles with antiseptic agents is carried out, bactericidal emitters are installed that disinfect air. For all employees over 60, a remote mode of operation is organized.

To identify employees who do not have external symptoms of the disease, large-scale testing is organized. Preventive detection of hidden forms of the disease and isolation, along with anti-epidemic measures, are effective measures to counter COVID-19 at continuous production facilities.

Start of operation of Digital Substation complex

An experimental innovative complex "Digital Substation" has begun work at the Moscow refinery "Gazprom Neft." This was announced on January 27, 2020 by Gazprom Neft. The introduction of the facility was the next stage in the formation of a digital system for managing energy facilities of the company's own Russian oil refineries. The future system will increase the efficiency, safety and reliability of the technological equipment of the Moscow refinery. Earlier, the Digital Substation software and hardware complex began work at the Omsk refinery.


The project provides for the digitization of the equipment of the main step-down substation supplying power to the enterprise. The unified information network will allow continuous diagnostics of devices online, which guarantees a stable power supply to the enterprise. The model optimizes the cabling network and reduces troubleshooting time. More than 70% of the equipment of the digital substation, including control and diagnostic systems, is Russian-made.

The introduction of digital management models is one of the key areas of the company's refinery asset development program. Thanks to modern technologies, we increase the efficiency of enterprises, reduce the number of operations performed by personnel, and provide additional security of facilities,
noted Deputy General Director of Gazprom Neft for Logistics, Refining and Sales Anatoly Cherner



Results of implementation of environmental technologies

On May 19, 2023, the Moscow refinery shared its experience in introducing environmental technologies and spoke about the effects of environmental modernization of the delegation of the Ministry of Ecology and Nature Management of the Moscow Region. Thanks to a comprehensive development program, which has been underway since 2011, the company has reduced its environmental impact by 75%.

The delegation visited the production sites of the enterprise and got acquainted with environmental projects. The Moscow refinery demonstrated the work of the innovative Biosphere treatment facilities. The complex allows to treat water by 99.9% and over 80% of water is reused in production. Thanks to the launch of the high-tech full-cycle oil processing complex Euro +, the company has decommissioned and dismantled 5 technological units of the previous generation.

The Moscow refinery has updated the product shipment system. The construction of sealed road and railway terminals increased the efficiency and environmental friendliness of processes, increased the reliability of fuel supplies to the market of the capital region.

The delegation studied the work of an automated air monitoring system. The system covers the main process units. Monitoring sensors are installed on smoke stacks and continuously monitor air quality. Data in online mode comes to the supervisory authorities. This allows you to receive comprehensive information about the environmental situation on the territory of the enterprise.

I would like to note the systematic and thoughtful approach of the Moscow refinery in matters of environmentally friendly production. The plant does not stand still, the company uses environmental technologies and modern equipment. A system of treatment facilities has been competently built, which exclude the impact on the environment. Having visited the production site, I was personally convinced that it did not smell, everything was beautiful and clean. It's telling! Now there is a large-scale modernization program, and the industries Moscow area experience of the Moscow refinery is very relevant for many enterprises in the region, "said Tikhon Firsov, Minister of Ecology and Nature Management of the Moscow Region.

{{quote 'A comprehensive detailed approach to environmentally friendly production, environmental protection, air quality control has been formed at the Moscow refinery. This is a connection between technologies and a responsible attitude towards organizing work processes, "concluded Vitaly Zuber, General Director of the Moscow Refinery. }}

Start of tank farm upgrade

The Moscow refinery has begun updating the tank farm for storing raw materials and finished products. It is planned to improve the infrastructure of the entire storage system and replace more than 40 technological facilities. The large-scale project is being implemented as part of the comprehensive modernization of the enterprise, which has been implemented since 2011. The company announced this on February 28, 2023.

The company is completing the main stage of construction and installation work of the first tanks for storing light oil products, which will replace outdated tanks for fuel oil. By 2025, MNPZ will switch to deep processing of oil, which will maximize production efficiency, will allow it to abandon the production of fuel oil and receive additional volumes of gasoline and diesel fuel from oil residues.

The design provides for a sealed floating roof pontoon, which prevents oil vapors from entering the atmosphere. The buildings of the facilities are made of special steel with an anti-corrosion coating that is resistant to temperature drop and crack formation. The tanks will be equipped with monitoring, emergency and fire protection systems. Suppliers of materials and equipment are Russian manufacturers.

Technologies provide a full range of measures for the reliable and safe storage of produced fuel in order to supply the market with petroleum products in a timely manner and in the necessary volumes. The modernization of the tank farm is an important project of the development program of the Moscow refinery: 80% of technological installations have already been updated at the enterprise, the system for shipping fuel to road and railway transport has been modernized, - said Vitaly Zuber, General Director of the Moscow refinery.

2022: Completion of Fuel Loading Terminal to Rail Tanks

Moscow The refinery on December 28, 2022 constructions announced the completion of the terminal for the shipment of fuel to railway tanks. The project is part of the fuel shipment infrastructure modernization program, which has been implemented as part of the development of the Moscow refinery since 2011. The terminal is equipped with a device for collecting vapors, which makes it possible to prevent vapors from entering oil products the atmosphere. Accuracy in filling tanks is ensured by a digital system for weighing and metering petroleum products, which continuously monitors the entire process. Thanks to the built terminal, the Moscow Refinery will be able to decommission and dismantle the current installation of the previous generation.

At the built terminal, the Moscow refinery will ship gasoline, diesel fuel and aviation kerosene. Modern technologies make it possible to simultaneously fill four railway tanks with products at once. Instead of a separate diesel locomotive, the cars are supplied by an automated traction device, which reduces resource consumption and environmental impact. The daily capacity of the terminal exceeds 100 tank cars.

"Since 2011, the company has already updated its technological equipment by 80% and reduced its environmental impact by 75%. The new terminal will increase the efficiency and environmental friendliness of the processes of shipping fuel to railway transport at the Moscow refinery, "said Vladislav Ovchinsky, head of the Moscow Investment and Industrial Policy Department, which is part of the capital's Economic Policy and Property and Land Relations Complex.

"At the Moscow refinery, production equipment, fuel storage and shipment infrastructure are being actively updated. This allows you to reliably and confidently supply the market with fuel, "said Vitaly Zuber, General Director of the Moscow Refinery.


Delivery of equipment for the construction of the deep oil processing complex

Moscow the Russian Equipment for constructions the deep processing complex arrived at the refinery. oil This became known on June 22, 2022. The large column was delivered by river from. transport St. Petersburg The column, made of high-strength chromium molybdenum vanadium steel, weighs 1200 tons. Its transportation is recorded in the Book of Records as Russia moving the heaviest cargo along the Moscow River. Construction The complex of deep oil processing is the final program project of modernization of the Moscow refinery.

The delivery of the device was carried out along the Neva, Ladoga and Onega lakes, the Volga-Baltic Canal, the Volga and the Moscow River. To accept the equipment, a pier and access road with a site for collecting self-propelled trailers was specially built in Capotna. The equipment will be delivered to the plant and will be installed as part of the deep oil processing complex. The berth will be involved in the delivery of equipment from more than 15 Russian regions for the modernization of the Moscow refinery.

The future complex will allow the Moscow refinery to increase the efficiency of oil refining to almost 100%. The column equipment arriving from St. Petersburg will provide the production of additional volumes of gasoline, diesel fuel, aviation kerosene. The column is designed to operate at a temperature inside of more than 450 ° C.

The renewal and scaling of the Moscow oil refinery contributes to the development of the entire country, contributes to the general economic growth, building the industrial potential of the capital and, as a result, the well-being of its inhabitants. The delivery of large-sized domestic equipment will bring closer the start of operation of the new complex for deep oil processing and the end of the program of large-scale modernization of the enterprise, "said Daria Stepanova, Deputy Head of the Department of Investment and Industrial Policy of the city of Moscow.

{{quote 'Russian equipment will become the basis of the complex of deep oil refining of the Moscow refinery. The company will be able to completely process the entire volume of oil for products in demand by the market: gasoline, diesel fuel, aviation kerosene. Thus, the complex will increase production efficiency to the best world standards. The Moscow refinery continues its global development project using the best domestic technologies and equipment, "said Vitaly Zuber, General Director of the Moscow Refinery. }}

5.3% increase in gasoline production

In 2021, gasoline production at oil refineries, Moscow and Omsk was increased, by 5.3% - to 7.26 million tons. The production of high-tech G-Drive gasoline with an octane rating of 100 increased by 16.5% - up to 92 thousand tons. Compared to 2020, the total volume of diesel fuel production increased by 7.9% to 9.69 million tons, while the output of winter diesel fuel, including its Arctic grades, increased by 19.7% to 2.17 million tons. The growth in the production of light petroleum products demanded by the market was the result of a program to develop its own refineries. This was reported on February 16, 2022 at Gazpromneft-MNPZ JSC.

Aviation kerosene production increased by 39.6% to 2.55 million tons. The production of commodity road and construction bitumen increased by 15.7% - up to 2.15 million tons. The company's oil refineries in Moscow and Omsk combined to process 32.24 million tons of crude oil in 2021 - 8.3% more than a year earlier.

In 2021, the Omsk Refinery produced 35.3 thousand tons of JET A-1 fuel for international flights. The Moscow refinery has begun production of environmentally friendly marine fuel with a sulfur content below 0.5%. Its production, as at the Omsk refinery, goes according to the company's own recipe. The product fully complies with the requirements of the International MARPOL-2020 Convention.

Start of construction of the deep oil processing complex

The Moscow refinery on September 1, 2021 announced that it had begun the active phase of the constructions deep processing complex. oil At the construction site of the future hydrogen production unit, the first pile is driven. Thanks to the implementation of the project Moscow , the refinery will increase the depth of oil refining to almost 100%, will be able to abandon the production of fuel oil and will switch to waste-free production. Modern technologies will provide the capital region with additional volumes of gasoline, diesel fuel and aviation kerosene. Pure eco-friendly and hydrogen produced by the complex can be used, among other things, as motor fuel.

The complex is a key project of the third stage of modernization of the Omsk and Moscow refineries with a total investment of 700 billion rubles. The project is planned to be completed by 2025. In the creation of a complex of deep oil refining, world experience is used. The project is being implemented with the participation of companies from Italy, Spain, South Korea, while in construction, first of all, they use equipment from Russian manufacturers.

"Deep oil refining processes are the best technologies and maximum efficiency available for 2021, which are used in the modernization of the Moscow refinery. The most important direction of development remains the implementation of environmental projects, which provide for both the renewal of production using environmental technologies and the expansion of the production of environmentally friendly products, "said Vitaly Zuber, General Director of the Moscow Refinery.

2020: Increasing oil refining depth to 84.1%

In 2020, Gazprom Neft increased gasoline production at its own refineries - Moscow and Omsk - by 5.8% (to 8.28 million tons). Diesel output increased by 4.92% to 8.98 million tons. The refining depth at the Moscow and Omsk refineries increased by 1.9 pp and 4.3 pp, reaching 84.1% and 93.9%, respectively. Thanks to Gazprom Neft's digital monitoring and planning tools, enterprises have provided a flexible approach to the production of demanded petroleum products amid high market volatility, Gazprom Neft reported on February 17, 2021.

Gazprom Neft at the end of 2020 increased gasoline production by more than 5%

Compared to 2019, Gazprom Neft refineries also increased the production of commodity road and construction bitumen by 11.1% (to 1.86 million tons), at the Moscow refinery the production of innovative polymer-bitumen binders was increased by 16% (to 24.4 thousand tons). At the Omsk refinery, 13.4% (up to 68.7 thousand tons) increased the production of high-tech gasoline with an octane rating of 100 - G-Drive 100 and 100 times (up to 888.3 thousand tons) low-sulfur environmentally friendly marine fuel. The trend towards a reduction in fuel oil output continued - 31% less than in 2019. During the reporting period, the company's refineries in Moscow and Omsk combined to process 29.79 million tons of crude oil.

One of the key measures in 2020 was the launch of the Euro + combined oil refining complex at the Moscow refinery; The Omsk refinery has completed the creation of infrastructure for new complexes, the launch of which will take place in 2021. The projects were implemented within the framework of the refinery development program, which Gazprom Neft has been continuing since 2008. The company's processing enterprises consistently increase the level of environmental friendliness and production efficiency.

The Moscow and Omsk refineries Gazprom Neft are continuous production enterprises; throughout 2020, a set of measures was provided at the enterprises in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19.


Reduced power, heat and fuel consumption

On March 2, 2020, Gazprom Neft announced that at the end of 2019, its refineries - Omsky and Moskovsky - reduced their consumption of electricity, heat and fuel. The economic effect of energy-saving measures amounted to 0.5 billion rubles. Reducing energy consumption is an important area of ​ ​ Gazprom Neft's oil refining asset development program.

Gazprom neft

In total, in 2019, Omsk and Moscow oil refineries Gazprom Neft implemented 50 energy-saving projects. A pilot solar power plant was put into operation at the Omsk refinery, which became the first renewable power facility in the region. A complex of administrative buildings of the ONPZ is connected to the power plant, work continues on the development of the direction. At the Moscow refinery, steam supply systems have been modernized and the operation of steam generators has been further optimized. Both enterprises continue to work on the introduction of modern digital energy management systems.

Reducing energy consumption also reduces the environmental impact of production. A consistent increase in the energy efficiency of our refining assets is an important goal of the Gazprom Neft refinery development program. By building the plants, upgrading the existing facilities and communication networks, introducing modern control and control systems, the company evaluates the projects and in terms of their impact on the overall energy efficiency of assets,
noted Anatoly Cherner, Deputy General Director for Logistics, Refining and Sales of Gazprom Neft PJSC

Start of Mobile Electrical Laboratory Operation for Network Health Assessment

The electrical equipment control system of the Moscow Refinery is strengthened by a mobile electrical laboratory. This was reported on November 22, 2019 at the Moscow Refinery. The complex is equipped with modern digital equipment for assessing the state of networks and troubleshooting, it allows you to reduce the time of work and further increase their safety by an order of magnitude. The introduction of technologies aimed at improving the reliability of equipment is part of the comprehensive development program of the Moscow refinery, which has been continued by Gazprom Neft since 2011.

Mobile Electrical Laboratory

The laboratory has a high-voltage installation for automated tests with a voltage of up to 150 kilovolts. It allows you to measure the parameters of any power electrical equipment of the Moscow refinery from low-voltage cable networks to power transformers.

The laboratory allows you to measure the parameters of any power electrical equipment

Unlike the previous control method, the complex does not require the installation of dimensional diagnostic equipment at the facilities by personnel. The digital control model conducts a comprehensive analysis and allows you to accurately determine the location of damage in electrical lines. The automatic grounding and emergency shutdown system of the laboratory guarantees the safety of the work. The time to search for damage in cable lines has been reduced from 3-5 days to several hours.

Thanks to the use of satellite GPS the system, the laboratory has the function of combining a terrain map with electric route routes. All information about the line study, including stress class and measurement results, is automatically saved. The program makes up to 100,000 measurements per working session. The results of complex diagnostics in online mode are processed at the measurement site. All instruments are state certified.

The use of a mobile laboratory will significantly increase the reliability of the entire power supply system of the Moscow refinery. This complex provides an additional guarantee of uninterrupted operation of the plants and accurate implementation of the production plan for the sustainable supply of fuel to the market, - said Vitaly Zuber, General Director of the Moscow Refinery.

Construction of a car park for employees in Capotna

On August 29, 2019, Gazprom Neft announced that the Moscow Refinery had begun creating a parking lot for employees. Along with the implementation of city traffic management programs, the construction of the site will reduce car traffic during peak hours and further reduce the burden on the district's infrastructure. The progress of the project within the framework of the meeting was discussed by the Director General of the Moscow Refinery Vitaly Zuber and Moscow City Duma deputy Inna Svyatenko.

Construction of a car park for employees in Capotna

The parking project has been developed and is moving into the implementation stage. At the first stage, 440 seats will be built, and by the end of 2021 the number of seats will increase to 815. The parking lot will be located on the site of the plant's economic facility, which will be decommissioned as part of the enterprise's development program.

During the comprehensive modernization, the Moscow Refinery is systematically updating technological equipment, administrative and household facilities. The key project of the second stage of modernization - the compact oil refining complex "Euro +" will replace 5 units of the previous generation, while the production of automobile and aviation fuel will be increased. The vacated areas of the MNPZ use, among other things, for socially significant projects.

In Kapotna, a large-scale improvement is being completed, as a result of which convenient pedestrian zones, bike paths appear, courtyards are being transformed. But to improve the transport infrastructure of the district, a set of measures is needed: this is the observance by all motorists of traffic rules and strict parking control by city services. It is important that the Moscow Oil Refinery also integrates its projects into city programs and helps in solving comfort issues for residents. Parking will certainly reduce the burden on Capotney's trucking infrastructure,

[[:Шаблон:Quote 'author = noted Director General of the Moscow Refinery Vitaly Zuber]]

The total economic effect of the measures taken to improve production efficiency - 16.8 billion rubles

Specialists of the Moscow refinery Gazprom Neft in the first half of 2019 completed 18 measures aimed at increasing production efficiency. The total economic effect of the work performed amounted to 350 million rubles, according to the Moscow refinery on July 10, 2019. The activities at the MNPP are held within the framework of a single program to improve the production efficiency of Gazprom Neft's oil refining assets.

The measures provided for by the plan for 2019 were held at 13 technological facilities of the Moscow Oil Refinery. The greatest economic effect is obtained by optimizing the operation of diesel fuel production units. Additional optimization of interconnection communications and the direction of raw materials flows made it possible to increase the efficiency of the plants.

The Moscow refinery is consistently working to increase plant productivity, increase operational readiness and energy efficiency, and reduce irretrievable losses. In total, from 2011 to 2019, more than 300 measures were carried out at the Moscow refinery as part of the production efficiency improvement program. The total economic effect of the measures taken, according to company representatives, amounted to 16.8 billion rubles.

Modernization of the gas distribution station for 1.2 billion rubles

On March 15, 2019, the company Gazprom neft"" announced that Moscow the refinery had completed work on the modernization of the gas distribution station. The complex allows you to produce and ship automobile transport liquefied hydrocarbon gases demanded by the market - propane and butane, as well as produce a mixture of gases. The project was implemented as part of the program of large-scale modernization of the Moscow refinery, which has been carried out by Gazprom Neft since 2011. The volume of investments is 1.2 billion. rubles

Moscow Refinery

The project also modernized the tank farm of liquefied petroleum gases, increased the number and total volume of tanks to 3200 cubic meters. m. The capacity of the updated gas distribution station for reception and shipment is 256 thousand tons per year.

The gas distribution station provides a modern technology that guarantees the complete tightness of the shipping process and prevents gases from entering the atmosphere thanks to the vapor collection and return system. Installed equipment and a high level of automation increased shipping speed by 2 times. The level of industrial safety of the facility is additionally increased. Each unit is equipped with its own emergency protection system, and the entire station is equipped with modern automated safety and fire extinguishing systems.

Modernization of the gas distribution station makes it possible to quickly and environmentally efficiently ship products. Thanks to the installed equipment, the enterprise will be able to supply various types of gases to the market: propane, butane, isobutane, propane-butane mixture. It is important to note that all parameters of the gas distribution station are calculated taking into account the prospects for the development of the plant. Future modernization projects at the Moscow refinery will increase the shipment of gases used for communal needs. We are ready for this.


Reducing heat, fuel and electricity consumption

On March 18, 2019, Gazprom Neft reported that at the end of 2018, its own refineries - Omsky and Moskovsky - significantly reduced their consumption of heat, fuel and electricity. The economic effect of energy-saving measures amounted to 447.4 million rubles, exceeding the planned figure by 49.7%. The reduction of energy consumption at the refinery continues due to the implementation of the program to improve the energy efficiency of Gazprom Neft's oil refining assets.

Gazprom Neft Refinery

As part of the program, the Omsk Refinery carried out work on processing a number of plants with innovative heat-saving coating, optimizing the modes of process furnaces and reconstructing main steam pipelines. At the Moscow refinery, the fleet of thermal and steam condensate equipment was modernized, and the efficiency of pumping equipment was increased. In 2018, 25 energy-saving projects were implemented at the Omsk and Moscow oil refineries of Gazprom Neft.

author '= Anatoly Cherner, Deputy General Director for Logistics, Refining and Sales, PJSC Gazprom Neft
Since 2008, the company has been implementing a program of modernization of oil refining assets, one of the goals of which is a consistent increase in energy efficiency. As part of this program, modern plants are being built at refineries, automated control and control systems are being introduced, and technological facilities of the previous generation are being disposed of. Reducing energy consumption, together with increasing the efficiency of refiners, makes it possible to further reduce the environmental impact of production.

Total bitumen output increased by a quarter

On February 15, 2019, Gazprom Neft announced that the Moscow Refinery had completed planned work on a bitumen production plant. The company's specialists have further increased the reliability and efficiency of the installation in preparation for the summer period of road construction work. The bitumen plant of the Moscow refinery is one of the most high-tech and largest in Europe in terms of output.

Installation of bitumen production at the Moscow Refinery

During the work, more than 1.2 thousand meters of pipelines, tanks and columns were prepared, the reliability of the technological process and the efficiency of the plant were additionally increased. All production processes are fully automated. The plant is equipped with a sealed loading system, which allows shipping in accordance with the most stringent environmental requirements. The technologies of the Moscow refinery provide for the possibility of simultaneous production and shipment of several brands of bitumen, including improved quality.

The exact implementation of all measures to modernize the production of the Moscow refinery ensured an increase in the efficiency of all production chains, of which the bitumen production plant is also a part. In 2018, this yielded record figures: the total output of bitumen materials increased by a quarter, compared with the results of 2017. Thanks to environmentally friendly technologies, in the future, the company will increase the production of high-quality fuel and oil products.

Reduction of river water consumption by more than 70%

On February 8, 2019, the Moscow refinery Gazprom Neft announced that it had achieved a high result in preserving water resources in the first year of operation of Biosphere biological treatment facilities. The complex reached its design capacity and provides an almost closed cycle of water consumption. Thanks to Biosphere, in 2018, the Moscow refinery reduced river water consumption by more than 70%, and also significantly reduced the load on city treatment facilities.

Biosphere of the Moscow Refinery

Biosphere was developed by a Russian company and provides for a special comprehensive wastewater treatment technology for domestic oil refining up to 99.9%. Modern methods guarantee the complete removal of all pollutants. All the reservoirs of the Biosphere complex are absolutely sealed, the exhaust gases undergo special treatment using an effective plasma-catalytic technology. Before exit, the air is additionally purified on filters and disinfected with ultraviolet light. As of February 2019, the Biosphere complex processes about 17 thousand m3 of water per day and, having a double capacity reserve, is ready for the commissioning of additional facilities under the MNPZ modernization program.

author '= Vitaly Zuber, CEO of Moscow Refinery '
Projects like Biosphere allow the Moscow Refinery to maintain a leading position in the modernization of the industrial sector of the capital. The complex has become a reliable part of the urban infrastructure and has made it possible to reduce the load on the capital's treatment facilities at times.

Vitaly Zuber appointed CEO

In February 2018, the Moscow Oil Refinery announced the appointment of Vitaly Zuber as CEO, who replaced Arkady Yegizaryan, who had headed the company since 2010, in this post. Read more here.

Arkady Egizaryan moved to the Gazprom Neft corporate center, where he leads the implementation of key projects for the digital transformation of the logistics, processing and sales unit.


A vacuum distillation column was delivered along the river from Volgodonsk

On June 17, 2017, a cargo barge on the river delivered Russian large-sized equipment for the construction of the Euro + combined plant of the Moscow Refinery. The vacuum distillation column manufactured in Volgodonsk by AEM-Technology (part of Atomenergomash - the engineering division of Rosatom State Corporation) will become part of the crude oil processing unit. In the vacuum column, the fuel oil remaining after atmospheric distillation is separated. Vacuum inside the apparatus allows heating fuel oil to the required temperature and ensuring its clear separation into components - raw materials for further production of fuel and bitumen. The new device will provide the production of high-ecological fuel components Euro-5 and modern bitumen.

Unique in weight and size characteristics, the column was delivered through the Volga-Don Canal. In total, equipment weighing more than 500 tons traveled 2,500 kilometers by river. To optimize transportation, the column is delivered in disassembled form, enlarged assemblies in the number of seven modules. The delivered modules were placed on a special berth in Besedovy near Moscow, from where they will be transported to the Euro + construction site by cargo tractors.

The Euro + plant is designed for primary processing of oil and production of Euro-5 high-grade fuel components. The construction of the new complex will allow MNPZ to decommission several units of the previous generation and increase the overhaul mileage from two to four years, which will provide additional stability of the fuel market in the capital region.

Launch of the Center for Monitoring and Diagnostics of Production Control Automation Systems

In June 2017, the Center for Monitoring and Diagnostics of Production Control Automation Systems (CMD) began working at the Moscow Gazprom Neft Refinery. With the help of a modern software and hardware complex, the new center monitors the condition and operation of all elements of the plant control systems around the clock. The information collected allows you to predict and identify at an early stage factors that can potentially lead to equipment malfunction, and prevent deviations.

The creation of the center was the next stage in Gazprom Neft's comprehensive processing and sales automation program. The company opened the first monitoring and diagnostics center at the Omsk refinery in 2015. The Gazprom Neft project has no analogues in Russia and is a unique comprehensive solution for round-the-clock and continuous monitoring and diagnostics of the state of the technological equipment of the company's oil refining assets.

Monitoring operates at all levels of automation of the Moscow Refinery: both field instrumentation and software systems of control systems and virtual analyzers of advanced oil refining process control systems are connected to the Center. Continuous remote monitoring allows you to identify suboptimal operating modes of equipment and adjust them. In addition, round-the-clock and continuous monitoring provides an opportunity to form a maintenance schedule for technological facilities based on their actual condition, and also helps to reduce the number and duration of regular technical inspections.

At the first stage of implementation, the management systems of key MHPP recycling plants have already been included in the perimeter of the Center. Data from the Moscow Refinery is available in real time to specialists from the Gazprom Neft Processing and Sales Efficiency Management Center located in St. Petersburg. At this time, MNPZ CMD monitors the operation of 25 PCS systems and more than 1.2 thousand instrumentation. By the end of 2018, all technological facilities of the Moscow Oil Refinery should be connected to the Center.

"The new center is part of Gazprom Neft's global project to create a unified technological platform for managing refining and sales efficiency. We are consistently implementing a comprehensive program of automation of oil refining aimed at introducing and developing high-tech solutions that will improve the efficiency and operational reliability of the Gazprom Neft refinery, as well as the level of production safety of processing assets, "said Anatoly Cherner, Deputy General Director of Gazprom Neft for Logistics, Refining and Sales.

Automatic Security Testing

In May 2017, commissioning work continued at the Moscow Refinery after the completion of planned measures to modernize catalytic cracking and primary oil processing plants, as well as standard repairs of large process ring plants. On May 14, at 9:30 am, the sulfur production unit of the Moscow refinery was stopped during testing of the automatic security system. The system worked normally, there were no emergency situations. The plant will be started in accordance with the process regulations.

The configuration of the plant process units currently in use ensures that the approved production program for the production of marketable products is fulfilled.

Objective data from the integrated environmental monitoring system of MNPP indicate that there is no excess of pollutant emissions at the plant facilities.

Work is underway at the Moscow Refinery site as part of the enterprise modernization program. As a result of the completed work, the capacity of the catalytic cracking unit (G-43-107), designed for the production of components of high-octane gasoline of the Euro-5 environmental standard, will increase by 20 percent. The efficiency of the key facility of the plant - the primary oil processing plant (ELOU-AVT-6), which ensures the preparation of raw materials for the further production of marketable petroleum products, will increase by 16 percentage points. The energy efficiency of the Moscow oil refinery will be further increased and the environmental impact will be reduced.

Installation of the reformer for the Euro + Crude Oil Processing Unit

At the Moscow refinery, the installation of a key element of the catalytic reforming unit of the Euro + combined oil processing unit has been completed. The installed reforming column - the process of oil recycling, which ensures the production of components for high-octane gasoline - weighs 150 tons, its height is 60 meters.

The new column consists of four stacked reactors, which will receive gasoline fraction from the crude oil processing units to interact with the catalyst. Thanks to the modern technology of continuous regeneration, the catalyst activity reduction process will take place without stopping the equipment. This will further increase the efficiency of production. The capacity of the catalytic reforming unit for raw materials will be 1 million tons per year.

The technology of continuous catalyst regeneration ensures its circulation between the reforming column and the regeneration unit to restore properties without stopping production. The catalyst - porous granules with a diameter of 1-2 mm - is loaded into the top of the column and passes through it, constantly interacting with the raw material. From the bottom of the column, the spent catalyst is sent to the regeneration unit, where it restores its properties and again enters the top of the reforming column.

The construction of the Euro + plant began in 2016, as of May 2017, 20% of the work was completed. 11.6 thousand piles were immersed in the ground. 24 thousand cubic meters of concrete were poured - 75% of the total volume. 9 thousand tons of metal structures were delivered to the plant. 22 of 31 large equipment units were installed. The general contractor for the construction of Euro + is NIPIGAZ, the leading Russian center for design, supply and construction management.

The construction of the modern Euro + combined oil processing plant is one of the main projects of the second stage of the comprehensive modernization of the MNPZ, which has been led by Gazprom Neft since 2011. The commissioning of Euro + will allow the Moscow Refinery to increase the yield of light oil products, switch to an increased four-year overhaul mileage, improve energy efficiency and further reduce the environmental impact of production.

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