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Gazpromneft Omsk Refinery ONPZ


The largest oil refinery in Russia.

Gazprom neft


+ Government of the Russian Federation
+ Rosneft of the Tax Code

Performance indicators

In 2014, Gazpromneft-ONPZ retained the championship in terms of refining volumes in Russia, processing 21.3 million tons of crude oil. Processing depth increased to 93.02% - this is the best indicator in the industry.

IT at Omsk Refinery

2020: Equipped with temperature monitoring systems

Gazprom Neft's own refineries, the Moscow Refinery and the Omsk Refinery, equip checkpoints with high-precision automated thermal control systems. This was announced on April 24, 2020 by the Moscow refinery TAdviser. More details here.


2021: 5.3% increase in gasoline production

In 2021, gasoline production at oil refineries, Moscow and Omsk was increased by 5.3% to 7.26 million tons. More details here.

2020: Increase oil refining depth to 93.9%


Reduced energy, heat and fuel consumption

On March 2, 2020, Gazprom neft"" reported that at the end of 2019, its refineries - Omsk and - Moscow reduced the consumption of electricity, heat and fuel. The economic effect of implementing energy-saving measures amounted to 0.5 billion. rubles Reducing energy consumption is an important area of ​ ​ the program for the development of oil refining assets Gazprom. More. here

Solar power plant start-up and Digital Substation project implementation

As it became known on November 19, 2019, the main projects in the energy sector of the refinery Gazprom Neft in 2018-2019 were the commissioning solar power plant of the plant Omsk in and the testing of digital technologies in power distribution networks.

Omsk refinery was chosen as the site for the pilot: in this region, on average, there are 308 sunny days a year. The partner of Gazprom Neft in this project was Hevel Group of Companies, an agreement on cooperation with which was signed in June 2019.

A photovoltaic system using high-efficiency bilateral heterostructural solar modules was erected at the Omsk refinery in less than six months. The power plant is built in four types of design: static ground, facade, roofing and using sun tracking systems - based on biaxial automated trackers, which allows you to ensure maximum electricity generation throughout the year.

The introduction of renewable energy technologies will provide the Omsk refinery with additional generation, reducing electricity costs, as well as improving the energy efficiency and environmental friendliness of the enterprise through the use of unused areas in the technological process. Taking into account the insolation of Omsk, the estimated annual production of a photovoltaic station will be 1.2 million kWh per year, which will avoid more than 6300 tons of CO2 emissions annually, "said Igor Shakhray, general director of the Hevel group of companies.

The total capacity of the first Gazprom Neft solar power plant is 1 MW, which can replace up to 1% of the total energy consumption of the Omsk refinery. The power plant operates in test operation mode, and subsequently it will provide electricity to non-production facilities of the plant: a dining room, an outdoor lighting system and administrative buildings.

Along with the generation of additional energy, own generation sources will reduce the dependence of the Omsk refinery on external energy suppliers, and the use of green technologies will increase the energy efficiency and environmental friendliness of the plant. The general contractor for the construction of Gazpromneft - Energoservice has gained valuable experience in the construction and operation of solar generation facilities, we have developed competencies that we plan to use in future projects, "said Vladimir Andreev, head of the energy department of the logistics, processing and sales unit.

A significant step towards the digitalization of Gazprom Neft energy is the implementation of the Digital Substation project. We are talking about the transfer to the number of relay protection and control systems for electric power facilities of refineries. This is a long-term project, consisting of three large stages. The first stage was the creation of an experimental landfill - the Digital Substation software and technical complex at the main lowering substation of the Omsk refinery. According to Sergei Cheprakov, head of the Digitalization of the Energy Function program, the software and technical complex combined advanced equipment from 11 Russian and foreign manufacturers. It includes intelligent electronic relay protection and automation devices, as well as communication equipment operating on a single standard data exchange protocol.

The information is transmitted to the monitor of the operational duty officer, who in real time sees everything that is happening in this section of the power system and can immediately make adjustments to its operation, preventing the occurrence of emergency situations and making timely and accurate decisions on managing the power system, "said Sergey Cheprakov.

A continuation of the project at the Omsk refinery was its scaling. By the end of 2019, another experimental technology landfill, Digital Substation, will begin work at the main downgrade substation of the Moscow Refinery.

Reduction of heat, fuel and electricity consumption

On March 18, 2019, Gazprom Neft reported that at the end of 2018, its own refineries - Omsk and Moscow - significantly reduced the consumption of heat, fuel and electricity. More details here.

2015: Reconstruction of several installations

In 2015, the plant celebrated its 60th anniversary. By this date, the company came up with significant results. The first stage of modernization of the enterprise was completed, aimed at improving the quality of products, within the framework of which the complex of deep fuel oil processing and the AT-9 primary oil processing unit were reconstructed. As a result, with an increase in production volumes by 30%, the impact on the environment decreased by more than 33%. As a result of modernization, the Omsk oil plant switched to the production of motor fuels of the fifth ecological class.

2012: Launch of three new installations

In 2012, the operation of three new plants began at once: in May, a plant for the selective hydrotreatment of catalytic cracking gasoline with a capacity of 1.2 million tons per year and a short-cycle adsorption unit for VSG began work; in November, a diesel fuel hydrotreatment plant with a capacity of 3 million tons per year was launched.

2010: Start of isomerization plant of gasoline fractions "Izomalk-2"

A significant event was the launch in 2010 of the Izomalk-2 gasoline fraction isomerization plant. This unique complex is the most powerful installation of this type in Russia and Europe and is one of the three most powerful in the world (capacity - 800 thousand tons of raw materials). Isomalk-2 produces isomerizate - a high-octane component of commercial gasoline with a minimum content of sulfur, aromatic hydrocarbons, which allows you to obtain gasoline with a high octane number of the fifth ecological class.

In 2011, for the creation and wide-scale implementation of the Russian competitive isomerization technology and Izomalk industrial complexes, enterprise specialists were awarded the prize of the Government of Russia in the field of science and technology.

2008: "Sibneft-Omsk Refinery" renamed to "Gazpromneft-Omsk Refinery"

On March 28, 2008, it was announced that OAO Sibneft-Omsk Refinery was renamed OAO Gazpromneft-Omsk Refinery. The renaming of Sibneft-Omsk Refinery is part of the Gazprom Neft program to change the names of its own subsidiaries, launched in connection with the change in the name of the parent company.

At this time, Omsk Refinery is the main refinery of OAO Gazprom Neft. ONPZ is one of the largest refineries in the world, with an installed refining capacity of 19.5 million tons of oil per year. In terms of the volume of production of light petroleum products and aromatic hydrocarbons, Omsk Refinery is the absolute leader in Russia[1]

2006: ONPZ is part of Gazprom Neft

In 2006, the Omsk Oil Plant became part of Gazprom Neft.

2005: Reconstruction of catalytic reformer completed

In September 2005, the reconstruction of the catalytic reforming unit L-35-11/1000 with a hydrotreating unit was completed. The plant produces a high-octane gasoline component with an octane number of up to 102. The capacity of the unit for raw materials is 1 million tons per year.

Construction of the plant began in February 1996. From 1998 to 2000, work was suspended due to the financial crisis in Russia. Initially, it was planned to carry out only the reconstruction of the reforming unit, but it was decided to replace the hydrotreating unit as well.

1996: Joining Sibneft and reconstruction

Since May 1996, the legal status of the Omsk refinery has changed - it has become a subsidiary of Sibneft. After that, the company began implementing a long-term program of reconstruction of the enterprise, designed for the period until 2010. The program provided for the installation of new equipment that will expand the number of secondary oil refining processes. A significant part of the program was completed. Among the main achievements are the cessation of the production of leaded gasoline, the development of the production of AI-98 gasoline, the reduction of sulfur and aromatic hydrocarbons in diesel fuel. The company reduced the loss of raw materials and introduced energy-saving technologies.

At this time, the Omsk refinery is the only oil refinery in Russia that produces catalysts. In 1996, the company mastered the technology of calcining zeolite, which made it possible to create the first domestic microspherical zeolite-containing cracking catalyst.

1994: Construction of fuel oil deep processing complex completed

In 1994, the construction of a complex for the deep processing of fuel oil was completed, which produces components of gasoline, diesel and boiler fuels, tar.

1983: Aromatic Hydrocarbon Complex

In 1983, a complex of aromatic hydrocarbons was commissioned, which produced the first domestic benzene, orthoxylene and paraxylene used in petrochemistry.

1970s: The largest oil refinery in the USSR

Due to the modernization of production facilities, technical re-equipment and increased labor productivity, the company increased production volumes and expanded the range of products. In the 1970s, the plant mastered the production of coke, fuel for river and sea vessels, lithium lubricants, high-octane gasoline and lubricants suitable for operation in the Far North.

In the mid-1970s, the plant reached a capacity of 24 million tons of processed oil and became the largest oil refinery in the USSR. The record for the plant was 1978 and 1980, when the plant for the first time in domestic oil refining processed 29 million tons of raw materials.

1964: Oil from Tyumen. Processing growth up to 11.2 million tons

In 1964, the plant received the first batch of raw materials from the Ust-Balykskoye field (Tyumen region).

The development of new oil fields contributed to the dynamic development of the plant, the introduction of new technological installations. In particular, the plant built plants for the selective purification of oils, deasphalting of oils, dewaxing, as well as an electric demineralization plant ELOU-7. As a result, from 1956 to 1965, the volume of processed raw materials increased by 20 times and in 1965 amounted to 11.2 million tons, and the range of products increased by 10 times.

1958: First catalytic cracking unit

The plant constantly expanded the range of products. In 1958, the production of several grades of lubricating oils was mastered, and a year later the first catalytic cracking unit was put into operation, one of the main industrial processes of deepening oil processing to produce high-octane gasoline from kerosene-gas oil fractions and vacuum gas oils.

1955: Opening of the plant. Oil from Bashkiria

The decision to begin construction of the plant was made in 1949. The company was designed to provide fuel and lubricants to the regions of Western Siberia, the Urals, as well as other territories of the country. For almost five years, construction was carried out. More than 20 thousand workers were involved in the construction of factory installations. September 5, 1955 the official opening of the plant took place.

Oil for refining was supplied from Bashkiria by rail. The first products - diesel fuel - were shipped on September 18 of the same year. In the first year, the plant processed 280 thousand tons of oil, the product range was 4 names.

The first director of the Omsk oil refinery is Alexander Moiseevich Maluntsev. Under him, active construction and commissioning of new installations was underway, while the infrastructure of the plant was developing. Maluntsev paid special attention to the social sphere: near the plant, the town of Neftyanikov was built with housing for workers, kindergartens, schools, medical, educational and cultural institutions.

See also
